The book in the house & Who!

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Nina's POV:

It been a week since Eddie has been here with me. A week since I broke up with Fabian and a week full of questions and confusion.

The kidnapper hasn't shown up at all since he took Eddie. He'll open the door and put down a tray of food but that's normally when we're sleeping.

"Eddie?" I said quietly

"Yeah Nina?" He said looking at me

"Do you have any idea about why your were taken? About what you have to do with this ceremony thing." I asked

"No, all I know is one minute I'm taking a walk and the next I wake up hear." he said

"Oh, are you sure he didn't say anything to you, anything at all. maybe you didn't even know he was talking and you just over heard him say something." I wondered

"Actually yeah, now that I think about it when we were driving here, I was in the back seat with my hands tied and I had a sack thing over my head. I had started to wake up but I was still kinda out of it. I though I heard him talking to someone on the phone."

"Eddie, I need you to tell me everything you can remember!" I said a little louder then I should have.

"Okay, so when I starts to wake up I was till a little out of it since I was drugged anyway I was trying to move my hands around and get out of the zipper tie. I could hear a man talking though. he said "It's done Uncle I got the Osiran. We almost have everything to complete the ceremony." then there was some talking on the other line " I'll be there in 5 minutes, to throw him in with the chosen one." More talking on the other line "Don't worry Uncle Rufus those little brats don't expect your still around. I'll see you in 5." and that's all I can remember I blacked out again."

"Did you say you heard him call you the Osiran?"

"Yeah?" He said confused

"And he was talking to a man named Rufus?"

"Yeah?" He said

"Oh, No!"

Patricia's POV:

It's been a week since Eddie went missing! Fabians still torn apart about Nina and everyone else is kinda just freaking out. Luckily Piper went home, no one really found out she was hanging around. I've been out looking around the woods and stuff. yesterday I found this old looking house about 25 to 30 minutes away from the clearing.

I'm currently scoping out the place. I know I shouldn't be here without the others but I can handle myself. I slowly walked up to front gates. They were rusty and creaked when you touched them. I walked along the gate and found a small hole. I squeezed through and quickly made my way to side of the building.

I peeked inside one of the windows and saw an old looking room with furniture covered in dusty gross cloth's. I snuck around to the next room were it looked somewhat similar except it looked disturbed. There was a a zipper tie and a sack on the table with a small handkerchief next to it. Their was some type of weird book too. The cover was covered in hieroglyphics. I walked around till I found a door.

I looked around before slowly and quietly opening the door. I snuck in and closed it making my way through the house the floorboard creaking under my feet with every move I made. I walked through what seamed to be the kitchen. There was dirty napkin on the floor and a half eaten sandwich on the table. I finally made it to the room that I saw. just as I entered the room I heard A car pull up. I quickly grabbed the book and ran. I made it to the kitchen when I heard the front door open in the room next to me.

I quickly dove under the table stuffing the book I'm my book bag. I heard voiced approaching. I faintly recognized the first voice. Mr. Morris. There was no doubt in my mind it was him. But when I heard the second man I froze.

'No! It can't be! But it all makes since now! oh no, this is not good!' I thought


Once I heard there footsteps leave the room I jumped up and ran out the door. but that did not happen unnoticed.

"Hey!" Mr.Morris yelled running after me. He tried to grab me but I was to fast. I slid through the hole in the gate and ran back to the house.

I ran into ambers room where luckily Fabian and Alfie were already in there."

"Wow trixie what happened to you?" Alfie asked

"Never mind that!" I snapped "I found out who took Nina and Fabian. and where they are!"

"Who? What? Where?" Fabian perked up immediately.

"I found an old house about 20 minutes away from the clearing, I enter and checked it out today, I found this book." I said pulling it out of my bag " and then they came back and you'll never guess who was working with Mr.Morris" I said

"Who?!" They all shouted


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