What's going on!

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Joy's POV:

Everyone's been acting weird latly. Even Piper has been acting weirdly. I asked her about it and she said it was nothing. I don't belive her. Nina's been 'Visiting her gran' almost all year so far. All though the way everyone has been acting well shes gone leads me to belive thats not what shes doing. I think Sibuna's back. I'm not positive though. Even if it was why would piper be acting like she is now. With all this going threw my head I can barely focus on my home work. Whatever, I'll do it later.

Putting down my pencil I got up and walked down stairs to find Alfie and Jerome wrestling on the floor. Those two never seem to change. I walked over to Eddie and Patricia who were watching in amusment.

"So what are they fighting over now?" I asked

"Jerome stole my cookie!" Alfie yelled. Eddie just laughed, I rolled my eyes.

" I should've known."

I walked over to the table and sat next to Fabian who was studying. Of course.

"Hey fabs!" I said

"Hey Joy!" He replied looking up at me.

"so i 'm having some truble understanding the homework for chemesrty class, do you thInk you could help me with it?" I asked trying trying to sound as sweet as possible.

"Yeah sure" he said.

I mentally high fived myself. As long as Nina's not here I might as well move in on fabian.

Nina's POV:

It's dark, It's cold, and I have no idea where I am. it's been a little over a week sence I was kidnapped again. Whats weird is that it wasn't Mr. Moris that took me, But some one much worse. I miss everyone at the Anubis house. I want to know whats going on there but I have no way to contact anyone. Obviously. If I did I would have been out of here by now. Not to mention I'm starving. I want to know whats so important about this ritual they need me for.

I herd somthing out side the door. Foot steps.

'Hello!" I called out "Whats so important about this ritual you need me for anyway?"

The door then swung open letting light fill the room. I had to close my eyes and turn away becasue it was so bright. when my eyes had ajusted to the brightness of the light I turned back and saw a dark figure in the door way. The figure put a tray of food down and slid it towreds me along with a book. The title read ' Egyption Ritual's ' a page was book marked on seth, the egyption god of choas.

"if you want to know why your so important read that" snapped an all to farmiliar voice. he placed a lanterne by the door before slaming it shut once more.

Just by looking at the book I could tell that nothing good could come out of this ritual.

Author's Note

Hello people that live on earth. I kbnow this chaptes short and kinda sucks but its all i can manage at the moment. Trust me i'm not that proud of it but My i pod had to be shiped out to get the screen fixed and my computer sucks. half way through writing this chapter i almost threw it out the window.  Any way Hopefully i'll get my i pod back soon and write a longer, better chapter. until my next update

- Bridget

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