New Location

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Nina's POV:

Me and Fabian got bored just sitting around the wear house so we started playing games like would your rather or what am I thinking of. We looked in some of the old boxes and found a few old bored games so we started playing those. When we got bored or playing games we would just sit and talk about random things, we held hands and looked out the small bared up window. if we got really bored we would try and guess what the temperature outside was. We tried to keep our minds active since we couldn't be in school. Sometimes I was ok with just being stuck in here with Fabian it was nice.

Patricia's POV:

I sat in history class next to joy who kept babbling on about something. I wast really listening I just kept on thinking about Eddie and what he said. I tried to take my mind off of Eddie I had more important things to worry about like how to get Fabian and Nina back. Also I had to make a plan on how to get them out of the wear house. In History the was a new teacher, His name was Mr. Morris. He was tall and had dark hair. he looked like the man I saw at the wear house last night.

After history I went back to the house. As I started leaving the school Eddie came up behind me. " You ditching school too" he said " Your ditching school I said in unbelief. " Yeah, I never go to school the full day." He replied. he walked back to the house with me but before we got there I turned and walked into the woods. I had made up mind I was going to get Nina and Fabian alone.

Fabian's POV:

I tried to get the door oped with a pice of metal I found behind some old boxes. I heard someone approaching the door so I backed up and sat with Nina. If it was the man I didn't want him to know I was trying to brake free.

The door swung open, but it wasn't the man it was Patricia! Nina and I both ran up to her and have her a giant hug. " what are doing here" I asked her "Uh saving you what did you think I was doing." We both grabbed are stuff and went out the door just as the kidnapper pulled up. " What! What do you think your doing young lady! All of you get in the wear house! GO!" The man was extremely angry and we started going back into the wear house when Nina started to speak. "wait." She said " Ugh, what do want!" He snapped " Let my friends go. Let them go and just take me." Patricia grew wide eyes and I just stood there shocked at she had said. " You only need me for the ceremony and having two more people to take care of will just hold you back. So take me and let them go." She said. "Fine but if any of you talk about this to anyone or tell the teachers then I will come after you." he had a harsh look in his eye and I didn't want to leave Nina with him but she said I had to. She told me that I had to go lead Sibuna and find out more about the ceremony. Before I left I slid her my cell and told her to call me when she got to were he was keeping her next. I kissed her quickly and she was gone.

House of Anubis: Finding NinaWhere stories live. Discover now