the Ceremony book

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Eddie's POV:

Me and Patricia were finally together. We were sitting together on the couch when Victor started up his whole it's Ten O' clock think. I hate it when he dose that. As I I got ready for bed I saw Fabian and Alfie sneaking up stairs. What are they doing I thought. I followed them up stairs and stood out side Nina's room with my ear pressed against the door. Teckneckly I wasn't easdropping I was investigating. I heard Patricia talking. Why was she in there? I heard them get up so I ran into the bathroom and shut the door. When they had left the corridor I left the bathroom. All the sudden I heard a door slam and Victor got up and ran down stairs. Amber Nina and Patricia ran into Victors Office. They started looking around and grabbed some weird book called 'The Chosen Ceremony.' When victor started up the stairs Patricia and all them ran back in to the corridor so I hid in the bathroom again. When the boys went back into Nina and Ambers room I left and went back down stairs.

Nina's POV:

(Before they snuck into Victors office)

We were all in mine and ambers room going over our plan. Fabian and Alfie would go down stairs and slam the door making victor leave his office. then amber, Patricia, and I would sneak into victors office an grab the book he was reading earlier. After we went over the plan we set it into action. The boys went down stairs and slammed the door. When victor went down stairs Patricia amber and I ran into victors office and grabbed the book. Then we ran back into mine and amber's room. The boys came up soon after that. We opened the book and started reading.

Authors Note:

Hey guys I have writers block right know so I might not be updating for a while. I'll try and update soon I know it's been a while since I last updated but I've been busy with school and after school stuff. Now I have weights block and I can't think of anything to write into the story. If you have any ideas on how to make the story better please comment. thanks you guys rock.

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