So this is how it ends...

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Nina's POV:

I was shaking. Shaking with fear from the thought about what was about to happen. If I was to guess I would say it's about 11:45 right now seeing as the ceremony was supposed to start at 12 and Rufus kept checking his watch.

My hands shook and I kept my eyes focused on the ground trying to ignore the feeling of Fabians eyes burning into the side of my head. I could see the worried looks of my friends from the corners of my eyes. Eddie was confused and kept staring at Patricia.

"Eddie." I said in barely a whisper. He looked at me.

"If they try and make you say or do anything. Anything at all. Don't do it. you have to refuse for as long as you can. Okay?" I said

"I don't understand. What's going on!" He whispered back slightly agitated.

"Those men. Rufus, who is Power mad. and Mr.Morris who's crazy. There trying to end the world. they're going to summon Seth and start a never ending darkness. Killing me in. The process. But I'm going to guess its not going to be all rainbows and butterflies for you either." I explained quickly. Knowing that at any moment The duo of psychopaths could see us talking and get angry.

"Why me!" He exclaimed

"Your the Osiran." I said


"Yes. It's based of the Egyptian God Osiris. Your the Protecter of The Chosen One. Thats me."

"So that's why I was taken?" He asked. I simply gave him a 'what do you think look.' "That makes since, sort of, well not really." he mumbled.

"Just don't do anything they say, okay?" I said. He nodded. Just then Rufus walked toward us. It's time.

"Alright. now if anyone try's to screw anything up my nephew here if not afraid to torture you until you are close to death." he said. "If you do as I say no harm will come to any of you."

"That's bull!" Patricia yelled.

"Shut up you stupid girl!" Rufus shouted at him. "Now, let's get on with the summoning of Seth"

With that he took out some weird gold crown and placed it on my head. I shook it off and it fell to the ground, I tried to stomp on it and break it but my feet were tied up to tight.

"You stupid girl." He said preform slapping me across the face. I let out a small whimper. "Now stay still and don't do that again!" He snapped.

I slumped down a littler trying to make myself smaller which is very hard when your tied to a chair. I glanced over at Fabian. He looked pissed of and was glaring dangers at Rufus. Suddenly he turned his head and our eyes locked. I felt my heart drop in my chest as I saw the sadness in his eyes.

'I'm sorry' I mouthed

' I love you' He mouthed back.

A small smile appeared on my face. Even through all the shit that has been going on this semester, even through me breaking his heart. That's why I love him, because no matter what I know he'll always be there for me.

"Now that we've got everything set we can begin." Rufus said bringing me and Gabon out of our little trance. "everybody except the chosen one repeat after me "Seth, de, Nos a malumquod vis nocere nobis et spiritus, nos sunt aperta adaqua dare nostrum. Tueri nos.Tueri nos. tueri nos. O carissima ad munda nos mali et aperta Transitus crystallis." (Just saying I found this on the Internet and it's not very accurate but whatever)

Nobody said anything. "I SAID REPEAT AFTER ME!" He screamed.

Suddenly Mara started reciting "Seth, de, Nos a malumquod vis nocere nobis et spiritus, nos sunt aperta adaqua dare nostrum. Tueri nos."

"Mara stop!" Jerome said looking at her like she was crazy.

"We're not going to anything you say!" Amber shouted.

"Your insane!" Allie yelled.

"Tueri nos. tueri nos. O carissima ad munda nos mali et aperta Transitus crystallis." Mara kept chanting.

"Mara!" Jerome yelled. She didn't listen, she kept chanting. I suddenly got this weird feeling in my stomach.

"Since no one else seams to want to listen to me we'll make this interesting." Rufus shouted. He suddenly took out a gun from the back of his belt.

Suddenly Jerome and Joy started chanting along with Mara. The others stayed silent. I can always count on the gang members to have my back. The others are obviously scared out of there minds, so I figure they would cave.

Rufus suddenly walked over to Amber. "Start chanting or the pretty blonde girl gets a bullet in the head." he said with and evil glint in his eyes.

Both Amber and Alfie started chanting. I don't blame them. Suddenly I felt my stomach lurch. I started coughing. coughing. coughing. coughing. my eyes started watering and through the blurriness I could see I had started to cough up blood. My breathing got shallow and I couldn't hear to well.

I could hear Fabian and Patricia start chanting something then Amber and Alfie. It wasn't the current incarnation though. I could hear Rufus getting angry with them. I started to hear the others join them. I coughed up more blood before I started seeing little black spots. And slowly darkness started to surround me.

Authors note:

I KNOW THOS OS EXTREMELY SHORT, and very late. I'm so sorry I've had really bad writers block lately and the entire month of May at our school is all testing. I've also had track and my dance recital is coming up soon so I've had a lot to worry about. Don't worry this is not the last chapter. ONE MORE TO GO! I'll try and update as soon as I can.

Love you all!
- Bridget

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