Chapter 13

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     Meanwhile at the border...

     "Stop where you are," the young warrior nervously said.  He tried to conceal his anxiety but the wolves before him could smell it.  He stood firm, refusing to show cowardice in front of the strong Alphas.

     "I request a meeting with Alpha Ryan.  Please tell him he has visitors," the tallest of them spoke, his aura overwhelming.

     Alpha Ryan, there are four Alphas at the border asking to see you.

     Who are they?  Ryan growled out, the last thing he needed right now was a bunch of wolves snooping around.

     "He wants to know who you are first."

     "I'm Alpha Henry," the tallest of the group spoke, "this is Alpha Derek," the warrior had recognized him as the nearest pack leader.  "Alpha Josh and Alpha David," he introduced the youngest and oldest, the warrior thought he's seen them before but was at a loss to recall exactly when.

     Alphas Henry, Derek, Josh and David.  The warrior linked Ryan.

     Ryan inwardly groaned, what was his father in law doing here with the others?

     Are they alone or have warriors with them?

     There is no one else here.

     Alright, let them in but make them wait until I get there.  It would be highly disrespectful to have anyone but himself greet these Alphas.

     "You may enter and wait for Alpha Ryan."

     When the group was stopped and Alpha Henry talked to the warrior, Gramps sent the text to Athena, alerting her that the plan was in motion.  Now he schooled his features to look bored.

     It took Alpha Ryan about fifteen minutes to reach them, he decided to walk instead of piling them into a truck.  He shook hands with the four Alphas and slightly bowed as a sign of respect.  "Welcome to Cresent Moon, please come with me."  Even though he wanted to come out and ask why they were there, he didn't want other wolves overhearing.

     He led them to his office, which is soundproof for the meeting.  "How can I help you, Alphas?"

     "It has come to our attention that you've abused your power as an Alpha."  Alpha Henry said.

     "Excuse me?  Who are you to accuse me of anything?"  Ryan fought his wolf from coming out.  "You dare come to my pack to disrespect me?"  He grounded out through clenched teeth.

     Henry said, "control your wolf, Ryan.  We know you've allowed a male wolf to take the innocence of she-wolves too young to find her mate."

     "I have no idea what you're talking about," Ryan kept his voice cool and unemotional.

     "Let me show you," Henry pulled a tape recorder out of his pocket and hit play.

     Ryan listened to a private conversation between him and Thomas a few days ago.  When names were said, a beep covered it up, similar to television shows to mask swear words.  It was obvious Athena was involved somehow but mind-linking her right now would be rude.  He didn't care if he pissed off David or Josh, but he needed to keep peace with Derek and Henry.

     The recording certainly painted a bad picture of him, but he still didn't understand why they were here.  "I don't see how any of this is your business.  I will rule my pack as I see fit."

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