Chapter 38

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Roman wanted to stomp over to Athena's office and find out why she kept so much from him but he was extremely pissed, he might do something he'll regret later.  Instead he left, heading to the gym to cool off.  Unfortunately, every thing he thought about increased his anger.

He blocked out everything, the pack link and his personal link to Athena in an effort to calm down.  A couple of hours later he was still worked up when she broke through his wall.

Roman, where are you?

I'm at the gym, I put my blocks up, how are you talking to me?

Whoa, chill out, I'm an Alpha, I can get through almost anyone's wall.  Why are you mad?

I need time alone, that's why I'm here.

Ok, I'm only worried about you.

Well don't.

I can't help it, did I do something wrong?

Roman wanted to yell at her, scream out his frustration, but he was trying to control it.  He didn't think she was deceiving him intentionally, it's not like they've known each other a long time.  He also didn't want to have this arguement over a link instead of in person.

I'm dealing with stuff, I need time.  I'll be back later.

Athena wanted to press him, but realized she would make him madder.  She had no clue what got him this way to begin with.  Maybe giving him space was the best thing to do.  He wasn't in danger, and she couldn't blame him for wanting to be alone.  They've spent almost every minute since Artemis marked him in each other's company.  That was something he wasn't used to.  She swallowed her hurt to respond.

Alright, I'm here if you want to talk.

The last thing he needed right now was to talk to her.  When he calmed down and could think rationally he would confront her about the secrets she's been hiding.  Until then he'd continue to punch the bags hanging in the gym.

All the guys there stayed away from him, one look had them scurrying from him.  Good, he had no patience for chit chat today.  A few more hours and he finally exhausted his bad mood.

Walking into the living room, he found Athena asleep in the chair.  He picked her up, placing her in bed then took a shower.  He slid into bed and she put her arm around his waist, their usual sleep position.  He smoothed out her hair and kissed her temple.

He decided to push off the discussion for a later day, no reason to hold onto anger for no reason.  She simply forgot, that's all, she wasn't keeping anything from him on purpose.   Those were his last thoughts as he drifted off to sleep.

The next few days were filled with rushing to get the apartments finished.  Roman didn't have time to even think about what had him pissed the other day.  He wanted to get the pack moved into their permanent homes.  He had plans for other projects, but couldn't do anything until everyone was out of those blasted tents.  The pack didn't complain out loud, except some of the little ones.

Finally the contest was over, Stan's group won but the other was so close everyone jumped on that to get it done.  With almost half the pack moving, the others kept focused on the next one that was almost done.  Within a week after the pack run, everyone was able to sleep in real beds.

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