Chapter 12

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Alex's POV

As I walked, or rather limped, back up to my room I overheard Kole telling the others that he thought I was still connected to Farris. I don't think Kole could be more right, when I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw Farris with another woman, one who I recognized as Ally. Ally used to be my best friend; a girl who always had my back, but just like everyone else in that pack she turned her back on me after I turned thirteen. She didn't physically hurt me, but she knew how to hurt me without touching me. She revealed all my secrets to the entire pack, including Farris.

Thinking about Ally I realized that Farris and Ally deserved each other. They were both amazingly gorgeous, but they were also despicable people who enjoyed other people's suffering more than they should. The more I thought about them, the angrier I became. They didn't know what it felt like to be mistreated. They didn't know the first thing about pain or suffering. The idea of them being together, made me want to hit something. Yes they deserved each other, but Farris was supposed to be mine, he was made to love me. He threw me away like I was nothing, like I was just a waste of space. He didn't want me, just like everyone else in that pathetic pack. Why wouldn't Farris throw me away? I was nothing to the pack; I wouldn't have been a good Luna. I was not strong, no one liked me, and I couldn't fight or protect anyone. Ally could shift, she could fight, and she could be loved by a mate.

I sat down on the foot of my bed and let a tear escape my eye. I knew that they would spend the evening enjoying their time together physically. I let out a sigh as I realized I was going to have a long and painful night. I was pulled out of my thoughts when someone knocked on my door. I got up and slowly opened the door to come face to face with Myles. He gave a small smile as I stepped aside and let him in.

"You feeling alright?" he asked as he examined me from head to toe.

"No." I lowered my head and tried to hold back the tears that were ready to flow from my eyes.

"You want to talk about it?" I knew that his job in the pack was to make sure all the members felt listened to, and to keep up with their mental and emotional state. The last thing I wanted to do was discuss my personal issues with someone I didn't know. I didn't even think I could talk to someone I did know. All I wanted to do was lay down on my bed and try to get some sleep before Farris decided to show his new plaything how much he cared about her. Instead of verbally answering him I shook my head and wrapped my arms around myself.

"Alright, well just know that I'm always here if you want to talk. I've been told I'm a good listener." He smiled before he got up and left the room. I don't know how, but knowing he was willing to listen made me feel a little better.


Tab's POV

Myles went up after Alex to try and talk to her, although I don't think anyone wants to talk about their mate sleeping with another person, especially after thinking your whole life that your mate is going to love you and only you. I don't understand how anyone could have rejected Alex. She was pretty, soft spoken, and strong, even if she doesn't see it. Any guy would be lucky to have a woman like her in his corner. The bastard who did this to Alex was an idiot, he didn't know what he was missing. I was pulled out of my thoughts when I saw Myles coming back down the stairs, his head was low and a shadow was cast on his face.

"I take it, she didn't want to talk about it." I stated more than asked. Myles shook his head anyway then went to the kitchen. He seemed more upset than usual. "You alright man?" I asked as I followed him into the kitchen. He again shook his head and released a big sigh.

"She's hurting and I can't do anything about it." He grabbed the coffee pot and poured himself a hot cup. I knew that Myles felt worthless right now, he was Beta, the emotional side of the pack. If any pack member had an issue they would go to Beta first then if the situation called for it, they would both go to Alpha. Myles was hardwired to handle emotional turmoil, and now that there was some, he felt useless because he couldn't help Alex the way he had helped other people in the past.

"She'll come around, and when she does, she'll talk about it." I tried to comfort him and let him know that he was not the only one feeling helpless against the issue.

"How can you be so sure? The only person that has gotten close enough to her to be sure of anything is Kole. We can't touch her without risking a panic attack from her. She's hurting beyond anything any of us can comprehend. She's losing a mate, none of us know what that feels like." Myles' outburst was understood and really the only way he could deal with the pain he was feeling.

"You're right, none of us really know what it feels like to lose our mate. In fact, the only one who does is Kole. And even then, he's lost his mate in a different way, Alex's mate is choosing to be with someone else, Kole's was taken from him. Maybe we can have Kole talk to Alex about it." I explained my thinking and smiled a bit. Myles' expression however had the opposite effect.

"You want Kole, a guy that doesn't say much to begin with, to talk to Alex, a girl who is hurting emotionally and again doesn't say much, about the one thing he keeps to himself? Are you sure that's a good idea?" he asked me.

"Well, no. But it's the only thing we have to go on. Kole and Alex share a lot of experiences, and he's somehow got a connection with her that none of us do." I elaborated once more. I know that Kole doesn't like talking to people, especially about his mate and his past, but Alex doesn't like it either. Maybe they can help each other get over the pain of their past.

"Kole isn't the most understanding guy we have in the pack Tab, and he's not good with feelings." Myles reminded me. I frowned and thought about it for a moment longer, how can I get Kole to talk to Alex about something they are both struggling with but make it seem like it was their choice to talk about it? And how can I get them to talk about it so they can begin healing?

"You have a good point. I'll have to think about that one for a little bit." Getting Kole to willingly talk to Alex about something he doesn't talk to anyone about is going to be tough, especially when Kole doesn't do well with emotions. 

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