Chapter 20

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Alex's POV

I can't believe Kole agrees with Tab. He knows my skills have improved. I can hold my own against him now, handling a few rogues would be easier than training with Kole. Why were they all so worried about me joining the fight? This is my home now, I should be asked to protect it just like everyone else.

I hadn't gotten halfway to the Safe House when I picked up a scent on the wind. It wasn't pack scent and I couldn't identify it. If I concentrated too much on trying to identify the scent I would lose precious time. I had a feeling the fleeting scent was that of the rogues, they had already crossed into our territory and behind our defensive lines! I quickly shifted and followed their scent.

My paws were silent as they hit the ground the scent grew stronger as I neared the tree line. I came to a stop when I caught up with five rogues all in wolf form waiting for the right moment to come out of hiding. Their stop had also been to rest their paws and grab a drink from the small stream that cut through the forest. A rumble of a growl escaped my throat and caught their attention. They hadn't spotted me yet, but with five pairs of eyes scanning the surrounding area, it wouldn't be long before they did find me. After simply scanning the area and not finding anything they spread out and started looking around to find the source of the growl. I had hidden myself behind a shrub and crouched closer to the ground when one of them started walking towards me. He was looking around and scenting the air. I have been told that my scent is earthy and smells like the forest. This wolf wouldn't be able to pick up my scent unless he knew what he was looking for. When the wolf got within striking distance I abandoned my hiding shrub and quickly extended my deadly claws to land a killing blow to the throat. The skin cut like warm butter under my razor sharp claws. The wolf made a low gurgling sound as he fell to the ground, his traveling companions would know he was dead the second the scent of his blood was picked up by the wind. I had to work quickly, I hadn't quite mastered fighting off multiple opponents.

Silently I crawled through the shadows and the underbrush to come up behind my next target. Swiftly and silently I gave him the same fate as his friend. My time was running out, the scent of the first wolf's blood was just barely touching my nose, it wouldn't be long before the other wolves caught it. I couldn't hear anyone from the pack coming yet, chances were they didn't know the rogues were here yet. The next wolf was closer to me and the dead wolf at my paws. The smell of blood reached him quickly. His head snapped in my direction. For a moment he was confused, but when he saw his buddy lying at my feet dead and the blood on my paws he became angry. He gave a growl to alert the others, he bared his teeth at me as an intimidation; I merely gave a growl in response. I knew the pack would have heard my growl and would head this way, I just didn't know how far they were from my position. The wolf charged me without thinking, I positioned myself to strike when he got close enough. He was obviously untrained because he left himself wide open for my assault. When his feet left the ground to pounce on me I simply side stepped and reached up to grab his neck with my powerful jaws. I could feel him struggle as my jaw locked and his oxygen supply was cut off. I had learned this trick from Kole, a cat's canine teeth are strong enough to pierce the skin of their prey and crush their windpipe, effectively suffocating the animal. In this case it was working perfectly to immobilize the rogue that was dying between my jaws.

The last two rogues were watching, frozen in place, as they realized I was not just a wild dumb animal, I was an intelligent being underneath my spots, and I was not afraid to kill them. When I dropped the wolf and licked his blood from my lips they seemed to snap out of it. There was no escaping it now, I would have to fight two wolves at the same time. These two were growling fiercely and slowly stalking towards me. I let out another growl awaiting their attack and also trying to alert the pack to my location. I could hear their thundering foot falls getting closer, but they were still too far out to make it here before these two attacked.

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