Chapter 31

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Tab's POV

~The Next Day~

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome back to our arena. Today the Alpha's you saw pass their test yesterday will advance in a battle to the end. Each young man will participate in a duel against his opponent. The winner will move up in ranks while the loser will not. Each young man will be required to start at the bottom and work his way up through the ranks with every victory." The sound of Ular's voice made me physically ill. I couldn't bring myself to put on a pleasant face with him any longer. He's a despicable rat who needs to be put down before he hurts someone else.

"Looks like they're going in the same order as yesterday's tests." Rhett said behind me. "That means your sister is last today, man. Think she'll make it to the top?"

"I have no doubt she'll wipe the floor with us." another one of Ular's dirty schemes. He didn't want Alex to succeed because she proved him wrong on a few occasions now. He wanted to embarrass her the same way he was embarrassed. Suddenly I was wishing for some alone time with the snake.

"She'll have to climb the ranks from the bottom up in order to do that. You really think she can do that?" Rhett had caught the attention of a few other Alphas in the area. They all turned to me, waiting for my answer.

"You saw her fight yesterday right?" they all nodded. "She didn't break a sweat on the Deadly Triad, and that Redwood guy said her beast half never reared its head. She's more powerful than we know. I do not want to be on the receiving end of her going all out." The other Alphas were silent, taking in what I had said while praying she either tapped out or was taken down before she got to their fight.

The first couple of fights went by quickly, and each Alpha desperately wanted to prove themselves stronger than their opponent, but only one could come out on top. The time for my rise through the ranks finally came, and some of the Alpha's gave me a run for my money, but in the end my name took the number one spot on the leaders board. Around lunch an intermission was announced, we had gotten through about half of the class, none of which were able to take the number one place. Rhett came close, but was stuck at number two for now. I hadn't had a fight since Rhett's and the waiting was more draining than the fights. During the break I went off to try and find Alex again, knowing I wouldn't have a chance to talk to her until after the whole test. I needed to talk to her, really talk to her, after hearing what she went through from Redwood.

"Have you seen Alex?" I paused to ask the Alpha's I passed, unfortunately they hadn't. I took a shot in the dark and quickly made my way to the room she was in before yesterday's test, hoping she'd be there again today. My heart thumped harder after I turned the corner and saw Alex standing outside the door of her room talking to Ular. The bastard was in her face, trying to intimidate her.

"If you lose even one of these fights you will not leave here! You've been a thorn in my side for a whole year and I'm done putting up with your shit." Ular's face was red and he was practically foaming at the mouth. "You hear me bitch? You have to get through every one of these trained Alphas, and beat your brother in order to leave. And I'll know if you throw the fight, it doesn't count if Tab lets you win." Ular took a step back and straightened himself. I quickly hid behind the corner again, "I'll be seeing you after Graduation Alex." I heard a faint growl but nothing else.

After Ular left I came out from behind the corner. We needed to figure out how to get her away from here, if she didn't pass then she'd be forced to stay under Ular's thumb and I wouldn't have that. When I turned the corner again Alex was standing with her arms crossed, her face told me that she knew I was there the whole time.

"So what do we do?" I asked, hoping she already had a plan.

"Simple, I won't lose." She turned and started walking into her room.

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