Chapter 28

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Tab's POV

The list of students taking the test was in alphabetical order, meaning I would be towards the front of the list. Right between the Alpha from Miami, Quinten Backner, and the Alpha from Coos Bay, Jordon Caal. But I wasn't really concerned with where I was placed in the line up, my attention was being pulled away from the fight and to Alex. She was completely different a year ago. What could have happened in that short amount of time to make her so cold towards me. She did say a word to me. I thought we were getting closer than that.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our next student, Tab Blood, the next Alpha of Blood River. And his opponent, Councilman Amell." The rotten Councilman Ular announced over the PA system in the arena. My heart was racing and my stomach had knots. I thought I was ready this morning, but with everything going on I lost my confidence somewhere along the way.

"Tab, dude... you're up." Rhett called out.

"Thanks." I walked out in a daze, not really seeing what I was looking at until I was in the center of the arena, staring blankly at my mentor Amell. He was a nice guy who helped me come into my own while I was here. It didn't quite feel right to be fighting him to earn my spot in the graduation. He knew my every move, and I knew his... but I guess it's all part of their test.

"Tab, you ready? You don't look like you're focused on this." Amell could read me like a book. My head wasn't in the right place, but if I didn't take the test today, I'd have to wait a whole year to take it again. So I nodded, got into position, and waited for the starting bell. It sounded and everything faded away. The worry and confusion all dissipated as Amell started towards me in a fighting crouch. His method of subduing me was obvious and expected, as it should be after training with him for the past year. His body language was a dead give away. The shifting of his weight told me which direction he was going and made avoiding his attack easier. Amell charged and I avoided his attacks for about ten minutes before people in the crowd started getting restless.

This time when Amell lunged for me I didn't avoid it. I met him head on, and we were both locked in each other's hold, neither of us willing to let go first. Finally I shoved him away to try for another hold. This fight would go on forever if somebody didn't do something to change the tides quickly. Why wait for Amell to make that move? This time, when he charged, I didn't dodge and I didn't subdue. I threw the first hit, right in the gut. The force of the hit expelled all the air in Amell's lungs and forced him to stop and catch his breath. His huffing and puffing gave me enough time to execute my next and final move.

I quickly found my footing and charged Amell, praying that he would forgive me eventually, and grabbed him by the back of the neck and brought him to his knees. Then, with a show of my hands, I placed two fingers at his neck and "sliced" his throat. If I had had a real knife it would have killed him, and that final gesture ended the match. But of course, Councilman Ular wanted to put on a show for everyone.

"Amell Stevens, your student, Tab Blood, has bested you in this round of his Graduation Test. Do you believe this victory is rightfully earned?" It's ridiculous that he's asking, everyone just saw me put Amell on his knees and "slit his throat" even if it was just a sparring match, I bested him.

"I know Tab Blood is ready to continue. He has shown great strides to becoming a kind and just Alpha. His determination is unmatched by anyone I have trained before." Amell smiled at me as he spoke these words. I hadn't really thought about it before, but Amell had a way of getting the best reaction out of people. I wanted to make him proud no matter what I was doing. I wouldn't let him down.

"Tab Blood, you will continue on to the next challenge tomorrow to earn your place in the ranks of the packs. We all know that the strength of the pack comes from the strength of their Alpha."

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