Chapter 16

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Kole's POV

I sat beside Alex all night, the whole night she never let go of my hand. Her grip was light, but I don't think she could have made it any tighter at the moment. All the strength left in her fragile little body was working on making sure she could heal from the rejection. I couldn't put words to how relieved I was when she opened her eyes. Although her eyes were filled with pain and fear, it was the greatest moment of the night.

My mind was brought back to reality when I heard a groan and then a whimper. My eyes shot to Alex, who was still asleep. She turned towards me and curled her body in on itself. Her eyebrows scrunched up and her jaw clenched. I didn't know what was going on, but I knew that she was in excruciating pain.

"Alex... wake up." I didn't know if waking her up would help or not. I wasn't even sure if it was due to a dream or if it was something real. If it was just a dream, waking her up would take the pain away. But if I woke her up and it was from something the bastard was doing she would be in more pain than she is right now. Her heart monitor started to increase its beeping, her vitals were going out of whack. The doctor rushed in, but stopped soon after entering. I could tell by the look on his face that he had no idea what to do. She had made it through something that no one ever has before, and now she was in pain because of something we had no control over, we weren't even sure if it was physical or mental.

"What do you want to do?" the doctor asked me. I was a little taken aback by his question. Why was he concerned with what I wanted to do for her? Shouldn't he know what's best for the situation? Then I remembered that through the whole day prior I was ordering him around. I told him to do anything he could to keep her alive. I'm not sure why, I just felt like if we lost her we'd be lost beyond being found. I looked from the doctor back down to Alex, who had begun crying and sweating. I moved from the chair to sit on the bed next to her. I gently placed my free hand on her shoulder and gave her a gentle squeeze.

"Alex..." I didn't know if I was doing her a favor or not by waking her, but at least if she was awake she could tell me how to help her. Her brow scrunched up even more and her body curled in on itself even more, becoming smaller and smaller. She started mumbling incoherent sentences.

"Don't... no... leave. Leave her alone... it's my fault... it's all my fault. It should have been me. No... don't... I'm sorry. I didn't know... I tried... I couldn't. No. NO! Stop... please... I'm sorry." Alex's voice was scratchy, rough and barely above a whisper, but I could hear the desperation hidden under all that. She didn't want something to happen to the woman she was thinking of.

"Alex." I said a little louder. Trying to get her to open her eyes so we could work through this together. "Alex, Wake up." I shook her shoulder a little harder, but still nothing. I didn't know what else to do. How could I wake up someone who had gone through a traumatic experience before she came to us and then again when we had her under our care without sending her into a panic attack?

"NO... MAMMA!" she screamed. Her own yell must have woken her up because she looked up at me immediately after, with tears in her eyes.

"You're okay. Everything is going to be fine." Her breathing was fast and heavy, but at least she wasn't suffering through the nightmare anymore. "It was just a dream. A nightmare really." She shook her head and sniffled.

"No... it wasn't just a dream. It wasn't a dream." She said sobbing.

"Shh... it's over now." A sob shook her body again. "You want to talk about it? It might help." I felt her give a sigh then start to pull away from me so she could sit up.

"I watched... as rogues tore my mother apart. She told me to hide and stay out of trouble, but I should have gotten help. I should have run home to get my dad or my alpha. Instead I just watched as they killed and devoured her."

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