Chapter 4

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Tab's POV

I stared at the woman lying in the hospital bed, her cheeks were still wet from the tears and her breathing was quick and shallow for a while. When she opened her eyes I noticed that her right eye was foggy, like a white cloud had been covering her iris. I didn't know if that affected her vision or not, but the scar traveling down her face crossed her eye and could have possibly caused blindness in that eye. I really wouldn't know until she told us. As Tyler told the doctor what happened I couldn't help but feel sorry for the girl.

"Once Zack left to go get the Alpha and Tab, I went over to her side so when she woke up she would see me. I put my hand on her bicep to let her know I was here and then she started freaking out. I tried to calm her down, but she just kept thrashing around and screaming." Tyler said while scratching the back of his neck.

"What did you do to calm her down?" My father asked.

"I told her that things were going to be okay, asked her to calm down, but then she started getting more violent so I tried to keep her from hurting herself... I grabbed her other arm and gently held her down, but that seemed to make things worse." Tyler said.

"So, when she wakes up next time, we need to keep her calm." Zack looked at Tyler, "You said you grabbed her arms and that seemed to make it worse?" Tyler nodded.

"So next time, no one will touch her." I ordered, never taking my eyes off her. Her breathing had evened out and slowed, her body stilled and looked relaxed, but her face still held a look of panic and the tear tracks were clear on her cheeks.

"Alright, we've got about an hour until she wakes up again, go ahead and relax a bit." Dad instructed as he turned and walked out of the room. I didn't move. In fact, I brought a chair up to the side of her bed. I couldn't take my eyes off her. She had looked so terrified just moments ago, what could have caused that fear to run through a girl like her? She was strong, hell she out ran four shifted wolves on two legs. What made her run? I sat there, studying her, as I thought about the woman lying there in front of me.


My thoughts had gone in and out of possibilities, What the woman's life was like, what it would be like, what she would be like, everything. I wondered if she had a mate yet, if she had any family. Could she be running from her pack because she did something, or was it because her pack was destroyed by rogues and her only option was to run? Was she born a rogue? I sighed and looked at the clock, just under ten minutes and she would open her eyes again. Just ten minutes and hopefully some of my questions would have answers.

My attention went from the clock to the woman when I saw her head move to the left and away from me. I watched her eyes flutter open slowly and waited for her to notice me. She let out a quiet sigh and looked around a bit. When she moved her head back to the center her eyes caught me in my chair, I made sure I sat far enough away from her so that I couldn't touch her while I was sitting, but I don't think she noticed the distance. She tensed up at the sight of me and swallowed around the lump in her throat. I flashed a small smile, cleared my throat and began explaining.

"My name is Tab." I kept his voice low, "In a few minutes the Alpha and the other wolves that found you are going to walk through that door to ask you some questions. We are not going to hurt you, you're safe here." She didn't say anything in response, just stared at me with fear in her eyes. "Do you want to sit up?" She thought about it, looked around the room then nodded.

I moved slowly, going to the control panel on the side of the bed. Her eyes followed my hand the whole way. When I had the head of the bed up so she could be sitting I moved back to my chair at the foot of her bed and sat down. Her eyes went from me to the door, when she didn't relax or speak I slouched in my chair, got comfortable and waited. I heard the woman cough a little and quietly clear her throat. I whipped out my phone and texted Zack telling him to bring a bottle of water to the hospital room when they make their way down.

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