Chapter 25

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Alex's POV

The next morning Councilman Ular had a car ready to take Tab and me to the council's territory, only a few hours drive from the pack house. We would not see the rest of the pack for a whole year, but when we returned we would be considered Alphas. Not that this would make a difference for me in my future, I didn't have a pack to run like Tab did. I was only going to learn from the best and to prove a point. I was not worthless like my family believed, I was not weak like Farris claimed. I was strong enough to pick myself up, dust myself off and train with other Alpha sons. I would not be underestimated again. And I would not let my past define me. I have already proven to myself and Blood River pack that I was worth something. Now it was time to show Councilman Ular that inviting a female to Alpha school was not a mistake.

"Ready to go?" Tab asked under his breath as we neared the car with our bags. I gave a quick nod and turned to see who came out to say their goodbyes and wish us luck. Myles and the Twins were front and center, saying they couldn't wait to hear all about the school when we get back. Tyler was a little over dramatic, making comments about how he had really grown to like me and going a whole year without seeing me was going to be hard. Kole came up behind Tyler and just shook his head with a lazy grin on his face.

"I'll make sure you're too busy to notice she's gone."

"No no no, you are not sticking me with teaching the little tykes class for a whole year. I know how crazy those little ankle biters are!" Tyler hollered.

"They need to learn how to defend themselves from someone, and who better than an energetic young wolf who needs to keep busy?" Myles pitched in. The tone in his voice was clearly teasing, but there was a hint of seriousness buried under his joke.

"If it's all the same to the two of you, we need to get going. We've got a long drive ahead of us and I would like to get back home before supper." Councilman Ular was obviously still upset about the way he was tricked into extending an invitation to me, and who could blame him? Wolves were prideful animals who didn't like being outsmarted by a subordinate.


Pulling up to the academy that evening was like something out of a fairy tale. The sheer size of the building had us craning our necks to just catch a glimpse of the top floor windows. The impeccable design and detail of the two marble wolf statues that sat on either edge of the stairs leading up to the breathtakingly beautiful stained glass double door entrance. There were people standing at attention by the door, waiting for orders from Councilman Ular or his guests. When Ular had mentioned in the car that I would need to be separated from the male attendees to eliminate any distractions I was concerned that we would not be able to avoid such distractions. But now seeing the size of this place I had no doubt that I could possibly go the entire year without seeing Tab or any other male while attending the school.

"Tab, you will take your bags and follow Ralph here to your room, he will also give you a schedule and a map of the campus and where you can find your classes and training areas, along with the dining hall and bathrooms." One of the men standing at the door waiting for an order walked up to Tab and offered a hand with his bags. Tab took one step to follow Ralph but stopped and turned to me.

"I'll see you around." He waved and continued to follow Ralph up the stairs and through the stained glass doors.

"Alright, now for you." Ular turned to face me, but the look in his eye reminded me of a predator stalking a wounded deer. He was still carrying around a grudge about being tricked and he was more than likely going to take it out on me. "You need to be kept away from the male students, both in the dorms and in the classes. If they find out a female is attending they will not focus on the lessons they should be learning and will instead try to establish a relationship with you."

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