Chapter 21

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Alpha Blood's POV

Councilman Black was scheduled to visit today to officially invite Tab to enroll in the Alpha Academy. Of course Tab is already well on his way to going, but it's a formality that the head of the council personally invites the next alpha of Blood River seeing as how we are their main line of defense against any threat. Though it is tradition for only sons to go to this Academy I have other thoughts about it, I want Alex to go and learn how to fight like an alpha. She's been doing well with Kole and I am thrilled that she has been able to come so far, but I want her to have the proper training of an alpha. During the time she's been under my roof she's become a part of the family. Before Tab's mother, Sabine, passed we were trying for another baby; we hoped for a girl that she could bond with over fashions or eligible young suitors when she was old enough. I had always wanted a daughter to protect and fuss over, someone who would need me long after they matured and figured life out. Unfortunately Sabine met an untimely end and we never did get to make that dream a reality. Alex was my second chance at that, and while it wouldn't be exactly the same, what with her already being grown up and all, it would make me the happiest man in the world to make her a part of the Blood family.

A knock on the door brought me out of my daydreaming. With a grunt-like reply the door opened and my Beta, Myles' father, Henry peaked his head in the door.

"Hey Bruce, you wanted to know the second Councilman Black was here. He just pulled up."

"Thank you Henry, I'll only be another minute." Henry nodded and shut the door behind him. I had to find a way to tell Councilman Black that he would not only be taking my son to the Alpha Academy, but that he would also be taking Alex. In the same conversation I would have to convince him that Alex would be a good asset to Blood River pack and that it would be in our best interest to formally and officially include her in the pack. Maybe I should have that conversation with him first, seeing as how in order to be accepted into the Academy she would need a connection to a pack. Shaking my head, I rose from my seat and headed to the front door to greet the older wolf. When I got to the driveway, the wolf that emerged from the vehicle was not Councilman Black, but rather Sergio Ular.

"Ah Alpha Blood, so good to see you." He smiled and extended his hand for a handshake.

"Mr. Ular, I'm surprised to see you here, I was told Councilman Black was coming. Is he in the car with you?" I did not like the man standing before me. I can't explain it, but I never felt truly at ease with him like I did with other members of the council.

"No, actually that's one of the reasons I'm here. Councilman Black is dying." I was shocked. Sure Councilman Black is old, probably the oldest wolf on the council, but he's always been healthy and strong.

"Who has he appointed to take his place?" Henry asked when I failed to find the words.

"Me." The little twerp had the audacity to give a cocky smile. My blood began to boil, the wolf in front of me was not the kind of wolf I would promote, especially to the head of the council. He was arrogant and didn't think of anyone but himself. Putting him in charge would surely doom our race. This change in power does however change things as far as asking the Alpha Academy to take Alex and train her. I'll have to figure out a new way of asking.

"Henry, please go get my son and ask him to meet me in the study with Alex, I'll be there as soon as I show Councilman Ular to his room." Just saying his new title tasted bitter on my lips. Henry nodded and excused himself with a slight bow of the head, as was a customary sign of respect towards those of a higher title. I know how Henry feels about Ular, and I know that the bow was directed towards me and not the new Councilman, but Henry had to keep up appearances just like I did. Had it just been Henry and myself he wouldn't have bowed, but we've known each other for so long that we both didn't feel the need for the display. "Councilman Ular, if you'll follow me please." I put on my best smile and led him to our guest wing.

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