Chapter 15

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Tab's POV

I was a little put off when Kole and Alex didn't show up after a decent amount of time. At first I thought I would give them enough time to get themselves ready, possibly shower and definitely dress, but I gave them about thirty minutes to get down stairs. I couldn't understand why at least Kole wasn't here, he was always on time. He was always early, always the first one up and always the last one to call it a night. So where was he?

"Does anyone know what's taking them so long?" I asked no one in particular.

"They could be getting to know each other better..." Tyler suggested with a few hints of inappropriate actions and a wiggle of his eyebrow.

"Tyler! Kole wouldn't do that, not when he knows there are things that need to get done. And Alex is still new to us all, she's not ready to do anything like that with anyone." Myles clarified. He knew that his friend and pack mate wanted what was best for everyone and not just him. "The guy doesn't do anything for himself when he knows he can be doing something for another. He's the most selfless guy I know."

"Well yah, but have you noticed that whenever Alex is around, Kole seems happier. And this morning, they were in bed together." Zack said with concern. That one was a little harder to explain away. We all walked in on the same thing, Kole was in bed and Alex was laying on top of him. She was asleep, but Kole was looking down at her with a smile on his face, his fingers running through her hair. Something had definitely changed in Kole, he seemed happy.

"We don't know the whole story..." I stepped in, I wanted to put an end to this conversation; it wouldn't lead anywhere. We all knew that Alex was timid and that Kole had a mate at one point. Kole had not shown any interest in anyone since we've known him. His connection with Alex was purely due to the fact that they were both Cat shifters.

"Tab's right, we don't know the whole story. There could be a reasonable explanation as to why Kole was in Alex's bed this morning." Myles reasoned, although I could see the wheels turning in his head wondering what could possibly be that explanation.

"Right... a reasonable explanation..." Tyler's voice insinuated that he was being sarcastic and I didn't like what he was suggesting.

"That is it. I'm going to go find out what's going on." I was angry that their display this morning caused this much conflict between pack mates. I practically ran up the stairs with steam coming out of my ears. I knew that Alex needed some coaxing, but she's only been out of a pack for a few weeks, she was used to the way packs worked. Kole grew up practically on his own, but he's been in this pack for a year. He respects everyone under this roof, and he takes orders fairly well. Why was this morning any different?

"Hey Kole! What's taking so... long..." as I pushed open the ajar door I got a sinking feeling, especially when I didn't see Kole or Alex. I knew that Kole would be fine, he probably went downstairs to the gym like he always does. But Alex was missing, she wasn't in her room and I know I didn't pass her on my way up. I wasn't sure I liked the fact that she was missing right now, especially considering that she ran from her former pack and she was genetically written to be on her own. I ran back downstairs to try and maybe find Kole, he was a big dude, someone like that can't hide very easily... but then again, he can sneak up on even the best of our warriors.

"Whoa Tab, where's the fire?" Zack asked me as I ran past the kitchen headed for the gym.

"Alex isn't in her room, I don't know where she went, and Kole's not up there either." I yelled out behind me, not slowing down as I proceeded to the gym.

"Did you try picking up her scent?" Myles asked with a 'duh' tone.

"Can't. Kole's scent is too strong to find hers... and Cats have a lesser scent already. Hers gets overpowered." As I finished that sentence I threw open the door to the gym, ready to yell at Kole and demand he tell me where Alex was, but when I entered the gym it was empty.

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