Chapter 9

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Kole's POV

When the girl fell asleep I gently picked her up and put her on the hospital bed, and when I turned around I was met with shocked expressions all around. They seemed to think I was a miracle worker just because I could put the poor girl to bed. I didn't get it, until Tab came to me the next day.

"Hey, Kole... I was hoping I could somehow convince you into helping us with the rogue girl." Tab was a little uncomfortable asking, and I understood why. An Alpha never wants to ask for help, it shows they're weakness, but Tab seemed to be a little more on edge than normal.

"Why do you want me to help? You, Myles, and the twins found her... Didn't the Alpha tell you she was your responsibility?" I knew that anyone else would have been reprimanded for speaking so bluntly to the Alpha's son, but everyone, especially Tab, knew I never sugar coated anything and they've come to expect and sometimes appreciate it.

"You made a connection with her that none of us could make. When Tyler touched her arm she freaked out and had a panic attack, but you were able to pick her up and take her to the bed yesterday. I think she connected to you because you're both Cat shifters." Tab explained

"So you want me there because I'm a Cat?" I hadn't had the easiest transition from living a solitary life to living with a pack of wolves, and frequently I was put down or doubted because I was a Cat.

"Yes, but not in a bad way... She's a Cat too; I want her as comfortable as possible, she needs to feel safe and she does with you." I frowned at him, but didn't say anything. "Please, I wouldn't be asking if I thought it could be avoided. All I'm asking is that you help us get her used to us, just enough to where I can train her."

"Why will you be training her?" I asked, we don't normally train rogues or lone shifters and normally Tab doesn't do the training... I do.

"She's my responsibility, and if I can make some progress with her in three months she stays in the pack." He explained.

"Fine, I'll see what I can do." His face lit up, he was so excited.

"Great, oh this is perfect. You know I think you two would get along great; she's been through a lot in the last few years. She reminds me of you when we first found you." He smiled like he knew something I didn't.

"I doubt that."


The next day was not a walk in the park, Tab and Myles were acting like first time mothers when it came to the girl. They were so concerned about what she may or may not like to eat that they nearly forgot to go get her from the infirmary this morning. The Twins were hovering over the poor girl so much that I was getting uncomfortable for her. Thankfully the Alpha ordered everyone else out of the house so we could work with her alone and without distractions and interruptions. We were all gathered in the game room, she was sitting on the couch in the middle of the room, Tab and Myles were behind her against the wall and the Twins were pacing the room thinking of names for her. I just sat across the room from her.

"Oh, what do you think about Amanda?" Tyler and Zack had been listing names for the girl to choose from for twenty minutes now. They said something about wanting to keep the first letter the same so she had a part of herself in her new life, or some mumbo jumbo like that, but she has not said yes to a single name.

"Okay... What about Alicia?" She shook her head no after thinking about it for a second. "Abby?" another shake, "Abigail?" another shake, "Ana?" no, "Anya?" no, "Ashley?" no... Ugh this was taking forever. "Amber?" She didn't waste any time thinking that one over, and it was a hard no, her eyes didn't look right either, but I don't think anyone else noticed.

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