Stuck in my head

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When Soul finally got home, he plopped onto the couch, exhausted from another long day at school. He huffed out a sigh and silently thanked Death it was Friday.

As he walked in, Maka called from her room. She still hasn't been to school because she was sick with the flu (but not sick enough to stop bossing Soul around and yelling at Blair).

"Soul you're back, great I need you to get my medicine from the store. It ran out!" Soul didn't seem to notice that she said anything. He was laying on his bed, thinking about the new girl. Crystal. He kept picturing her deep purple eyes. He was still mad at himself for being so uncool when she asked a simple question. His mind just froze up for some reason.

She probably thinks I'm stupid and clumsy, Soul thought. He really acted like an idiot, but he'd managed to pull it together just enough to get her to Professor Stein's class... Except they were late because he had tried unsuccessfully to start a conversation several times while they walked. And every time he did, Soul ended up tripping over nothing! And he was practically stuttering. He had never been so uncool. He was so klutzy the whole time that he fell down 3 flights of stairs and she even fell once too. Soul still couldn't figure out why he couldn't just act normal around Crystal. And she'd only been there for one day! Now he had a bad first impression and a few bruises. It seemed to Soul that she was trying hard not to laugh at him at the same time. This was just not cool.

Maka's bossy voice called him back to reality. "Soul!! Do you hear me? I'm waiting for those meds over here! And Blair hasn't shut up about the shortage of fish in this house, so get some of that too!" Maka paused to listen for a response. Nothing. Soul was acting distracted and really flakey lately.

Maka was very irritated and really needed medicine to keep her from murdering someone. "SOUL!!! Get your LAZY BUM on your MOTORCYCLE and GO to the STORE!!!!" Maka's words shook the whole apartment. Soul finally got up and shook his head. He couldn't get a moment of peace to think!

"Alright, alright! I'm going! Don't blow a fuse, tiny tits!" In the silence that followed, Soul could almost hear the steam coming out of her ears. Then he ran out of the door before she exploded even louder.

At the store Soul quickly parked his bike and walked inside. Being sick always made Maka 30 times more cranky than usual, so Soul wanted to have this over with as soon as possible.

He was thinking this as he waited in line to pick up the prescription but then he abruptly remembered Crystal. When Maka got better she would be back in class in her assigned seat. Where would Crystal sit? Would Ms. Marie make her move? Or would she sit in the seat right next to Maka? Or would she keep her in Maka's spot and put Maka on Soul's other side?? Then again, Marie could just put Crystal on Soul's other side...

"Hey buddy, you need help getting something or not?" An irritated pharmacist complained and snapped his fingers in Souls face. Soul realized he had been standing there stupidly with a blank expression on his face again like he had done in the classroom. Why did that happen when Crystal was on his mind?

"Yeah I need to pick up some medication for Maka Albarn." Soul said. The pharmacist nodded.

"Well why didn't ya say so? Got 'em right here. Have a nice day."

"You too." Soul mumbled as he grabbed the little brown bag with the meds in it.

On the way home Soul almost had an accident on his motorcycle. He was, yet again, thinking about Crystal. Soul couldn't seem to get her out of his head. He had glanced in a window of a store and saw a manikin wearing a jacket the same color as Crystal's and he remembered professor Stein's comment when they finally got to class...

"Soul, you're late." Stein said in his usual bland tone. He turned to Crystal. "Hello, you must be the new Meister. Welcome." He looked her up and down briefly, taking in her look and probably her soul wavelength.

"Nice jacket." He finished. "I didn't know the DWMA had those." And he proceeded to checking his clipboard for her name and a seat to put her in.

Soul's heart sank when Stein assigned Crystal a seat by the top row of the classroom/amphitheater, near Ox. The mere thought made him start to frown.

That's when Soul looked up from his daydream and hit the brakes just in time to avoid a collision with an expensive looking red mustang.

The angry driver shook his fist at Soul as he drove away. Soul shook his head and tried to concentrate on the road.

Soul finally got in the house and threw the prescription into Maka's room without a glance inside. He walked past the kitchen and plopped a big plastic bag full of fish on the counter for Blair. Blair then popped out of nowhere with a "meow" in her cat form and happily dug into the bag.

Ugh... Finally done with everything for the day. Soul thought as he pulled off his clothes except for his boxers. He jumped into bed without another thought and pulled the covers over his head. He quickly fell asleep.

Maka went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water to take the pills with. She was about to stop and thank Soul for getting them and to apologize for yelling. Being sick made her cranky and mean. She looked into his room to see her partner already asleep. Soul looked funny while he was asleep. Maka watched his chest rise up and down. His eyes fluttered as if his dream was affecting his movements, showing Maka his blood red eyes that she knew too well. He was shirtless, and she could see his scar from where Ragnarok cut him. She still felt bad about it sometimes, but they had both gotten stronger as partners. Yep. A strong partnership...

Soul would never ever admit it, but he dreamed about Crystal. It was a short dream where Crystal and Soul were working on a project together. Their soul wavelengths were in sync. His dream was really happy. He really really really liked her. Soul, being the stupid "cool" guy he is, didn't completely know it... Yet.


Hey there peeps, I think this chapter was ok. Ill try to make the next one a little faster. And also put some more... How shall I sai it, 😍~romance~😍


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