Wise advice

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Back in class, all the students were fanning themselves with anything they could find, as today was an incredibly hot day and in several classrooms, the air conditioners weren't working properly.

"Ok... Class.... We're gunna take it easy today. The AC is broken, but lets take a vote." Ms. Marie said, fanning herself furiously.

"So who wants to stay in here and watch Happy Feet, the penguin movie. Or we can go outside to the forest and we can sit in the shade and work in coloring books!" She smiled and continued.

"Okay option one, raise your hands for option one." There were about 10 hands up. It was even hotter in the classroom so they hoped that watching a movie set in Antarctica would cool them down.... Somehow.

"Let's see the hands for option two." The rest of the class, like 20 students raised their hands almost weakly.

"Alright. Pick up your things, were going outside. Try not to slip on your own sweat, you guys are practically dripping!" Marie chuckled.

Outside it was cooler than the classroom, at least under the shade. Soul made his way to the tree where Crystal sat. She smiled at him as he sat.

"Hey Soul! Mind if Harley joins us?" Crystal asked nicely and Soul turned to see Harley beginning to take a seat on Crystal's other side. Harley waved at Soul. "Hey there." He said. Soul gave him a somewhat halfhearted smile back.

There was a light breeze blowing through the trees, which was soothing in the shade of the tall trees, away from the burning sun. Crystal leaned back against the tree and closes her eyes. Harley and Soul were examining each other closely. Harley opened his mouth to speak, but then shut it.

Crystal opened one eye to peer at both boys. "Jeez guys, are you having a staring contest?" And she laughed.

Soul gave a little fake smile. Harley tilted his head to the side a bit, like he was puzzled. Both boys were still watching each other closely. Then Harley cleared his throat.

"So... Just curious here, are you and Soul dating or going out or something?" He looked at Crystal. Her face was just a little surprised and her mind was blank.

Soul was caught off guard. To be honest, he didn't even know the answer to that question. They had only gone out once. He liked her but wasn't completely sure if Crystal liked him back, especially with Harley's arrival.

Soul was about to question this himself when Ms. Marie came and handed them each a coloring book.

"One for you, and you and you! Enjoy guys! Ill let you know when it's time to head back." The trio nodded back at her. Marie smiled happily and skipped gleefully over to the next group under the next tree.

Marie stopped in front of Maka and Tsubaki and handed them each a coloring book. It was covered in tropical land animals. They both smiled nicely at her, which she returned enthusiastically, and she headed on going to the next group.

Maka turned to Tsubaki and then past her to where she could see Harley, Crystal and Soul talking. So much for him caring, she thought.

Tsubaki saw where her gaze was set and smiled at Maka.

"You know he doesn't know a thing right?" She asked. Maka gave her a sour look.

"I've been told that before. I think that's what makes it hurt more." She explained.

"He just never noticed. Maybe it was obvious, maybe not, but he would realize something is different now but still nothing. Nothing at all. He doesn't know anything."

She stopped to look over at Soul again. Seeing him with Crystal only brought back the all too recent memory that hurt her so much. She wanted him to know, because it was true. He didnt know anything. She tore her gaze away and looked down at the coloring book slowly.

"That's the worst part. He goes on living like everything is completely fine between me and him. And it hurts because it shows he doesn't know. He doesn't know because he doesn't care." Just thinking about the sad truth of her situation made her sad and almost brought her to tears.

Tsubaki touched her arm sympathetically. She wanted Maka to know there was something that could be done.

"Hey, don't give up so easily. Yeah it's true that he's practically blind and deaf, but being a guy is his excuse. Yeah it shouldn't be but now you can fix it." Maka looked up and looked at Tsubaki. She wanted to believe she could be happily ever after, but what was the use?

"Listen up, he was your partner for a reason, the same way that Black Star is my partner. You care about each other. Soul cares about you! Of course you're gunna tell me it doesn't seem that way," she said as Maka gave her a look saying that.

"Well what I'm saying is that you have to make him see that you care. You more than care! You. Love! Him! He should be able to say that about you, he is able to, trust me, even if it's not the same exact way. But maybe by telling him, letting him know, he will realize that he feels the same way." She stopped to see Maka staring at her, deep in thought. Maybe she needs some reassurance. Tsubaki thought.

"Don't you remember when Soul took that blade for you? He has a permanent reminder of his dedication across his chest. Dedication to you! His partner!!!" She gesticulated here to emphasize her point. Maka looked a bit hopeful now. She was thinking about confessing to Soul how she felt. If they had this rift between them, they could never function as a team. Just keeping her feelings locked up wouldnt even do any good either. She had to think a lot about this, even though it was inevitable that she would tell him soon or later. Performance would suffer and more importantly their friendship. All it took for her to realize his importance was a threat in the form of a new girl.

Maka knew that if she couldn't be with Soul how she wanted, she valued their friendship immensely. She would never recover if he rejected her as a lover and as a friend, even though he didn't reject her as a lover yet. After all, her feelings couldn't have sprung from him being cold and indifferent towards her. He did care, even if it wasn't a whole ton. Or if he forgot once in a while.

"You see what I'm saying right Maka? You have to tell him how you feel. The reaction may be hard to deal with, but you can't bottle up your feelings. He needs to know. He might realize what that he has feelings for you too. Go for it. It's a worthwhile risk."

Tsubaki smiled encouragingly.

"Thanks Tsubaki. You know how to make a girl feel better." Maka replied cheerfully.

"Now go and talk to the guy!!" She pushed Maka. She got up and pulled Maka to her feet. She started pushing her, with Maka fighting her every step.

"Whaaa??? I can't do that now!! I don't move THAT fast!" I have to wait!" Tsubaki stopped and nodded understandingly.

"Yeah, yeah sorry." She sounded embarrassed.

Maka looked back over to Soul. He was talking to Harley. She didnt smile, but didnt frown. She thought about Tsubaki's advice and decided.

She would talk to Soul about how she felt.



What'd you guys think? When I started with the first paragraph or so a few days ago, I wanted this chapter to go a different way. But my love life took a nice and sweet turn, and as usual, reflected into the story.

So yeah, as always, the fans, votes and reads shock me! TANK JOUS!!!

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