What are friends for?

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Tsubaki ran down the halls to the infirmary, her boots thumping on the floor. She held a package in her arms. Black Star followed closely behind.

She ran past groups of people, all buzzing about the mysterious monster that randomly showed up at the winter ball, injured a few students, and then disappeared, leaving a huge hole in one of the towers.

She ran past Kid and the Thompson sisters.

"Hey Tsubaki where are you running to?" Liz inquired. "And what's that ya got there?" Patty asked. Tsubaki stopped short a little ahead of them and walked back quickly.

"Maka was injured by the monster at the ball," She breathed out.

That's all they needed. She didn't explain her package but she would later. They were there for her, and each other. And Soul. They all ran together to the infirmary, where they saw Soul hunched over on a chair.

He sat so that his arms were crossed over the back of the chair, with his head in his arms, eyes shut. His hair was disheveled, and he wore the suit that he had on for the ball, the jacket half off. At the sound of footsteps and the palpable feeling of living breathing active people, Soul looked up. He looked like hell. His eyes were red and he had bags under them, his cheeks dirty and flushed, and some stubble on his chin. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out.

The girls stepped forward to give him a hug and the two guys patted him on the back and squeezed his shoulder reassuringly. Then they turned her attention to Maka. She lay as she did when she was first brought in. Soul just stared. But he was grateful they came. He was hoping so badly she would wake up. He hoped she would say something. Look, Maka. Your friends are here. Wake up for them. And for me.

Liz was the first to speak up.

"Is she okay?" she said quietly.

"That worm... at the dance... I think it poisoned her. Along with the cut." Soul said, his voice raspy. He watched the monitor again as he did before, for any change in heart rate.

He stared straight ahead at the monitor for a minute that they were silent. Even Black Star seemed to understand the seriousness and kept quiet. Then Soul suddenly said furiously, "I'm a horrible excuse for a weapon. I can't even protect my Meister." His fists were clenched, as was his jaw. He was mad at himself. He was right there when it happened. He could've stopped it right there. But he let her fall to the ground. He did not catch her.

"She... she said she... she loved me. I was so... so damn stupid I just stood there. She thinks I don't care." Soul spat out even angrier than before. He didn't deserve her. She was always there for him and they told each other everything. Or so he thought. Maybe it should've been obvious. He should've noticed that she needed him. She would've thought he would care if he had been better to her. He took her for granted. He said he would do anything for her, and always protect her, but look where she was now. Tears formed in the corner of his eyes. Another silent moment passed. His thoughts desperately whispered, pleading with Maka to wake up and open her eyes. Another part of his mind was so infuriate with himself, so consumed by anger and guilt, that it was pretty much giving him the silent treatment.

"D-did you know?" he asked shakily to no one in particular. He had his head down, staring at some point in the general direction of the floor with his fists clenched so tight his knuckles were white. But the whole group knew he spoke to them. Tsubaki spoke, choosing her words carefully.

"I knew. She told me herself. But she knows that you care deeply about her, Soul."

"I agree. Maka would never think that. Your bond as weapon and meister was too strong." Kid spoke.

"I'm so stupid. So thick skulled and oblivious. I never... never saw..." Soul trailed off. A little tear stood at the corner of his eye, threatening to jump. "So stupid I couldn't even see I love her too." He whispered.

The whole group felt for him, as embarrassing as it was, because they were his best friends and they would be there for him as true friends. Then Black Star spoke, probably the wisest words anyone had ever, and maybe will ever, hear him speak.

"It's okay Soul. Don't blame yourself for not realizing your feelings or Makas, because it was there all along, and it was already a part of how you felt about Maka. Just because you recognized it for what it was now doesn't mean you've never showed it." Black Star was quiet after that, as he realized he'd never quite said something so deep.

"To err is human." Kid said.

"Don't give up. She'll be alright." Patty said.

"We'll stay with you. Maka needs a warm welcome when she wakes up." Tsubaki said. Soul looked up at the gang. Their genuine smiles and friendly warmth made him feel better. He was very grateful for them being here. He wasn't trapped alone in his mind with human company around.

"...And I brought this. To help you feel better." She added and handed her package to him. Soul took it and slowly opened it. It was...

"Wow, food! Yahoo!" Black Star yelled, back to his obnoxious self. Soul thanked her and started passing the delicious brownies around. As they ate, Soul smiled a little.

"Thanks guys." He said.

"Of course, Soul." Tsubaki said.

"You'd do the same."Kid said.

"What're friends for?" Liz said.

"Im just here for the food." Black Star said. Patty shot him off his chair.


I knoooo sorry too short. But there's more to come. And it's better! Forealz.

I bet u guys were hoping for a chapter on valentines that would be all beautiful and romantic but NOPE. Love is for chumps! says the author of a love story.

Anyways I love u peeps and as always TANK JOUS!!

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