Friend zoned

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"Hey Crystal. What's up? I feel like I haven't seen you in a while." Soul said and grinned his sharp toothed grin.

Crystal smiled politely back but didn't stop what she was doing, which was walking. She was heading to the study hall where Harley was waiting for her to work on their project. As the two kids walked briskly down the hall, Soul tried to strike up a conversation.

"So I was thinking... Do you remember that date where we went to the movies... you wanna do that again sometime?" Soul asked hopefully while they rounded a turn. "Maybe this weekend...?"

Crystal wasn't paying much attention. She was thinking of trying to find a shortcut through this enormous school, to the other side where study hall was. She was walking too fast, Soul was trying to keep a smooth stride as they talked, but Crystal was trying to brush him off, not even meeting Soul's eyes. She kept her head in the front, just trying to find her partner.

"Sorry Soul. Can't. I'm working on the project this weekend. With Harley."

"Oh okay. Maybe the next weekend? If you're free of course." Soul was a bit disappointed. "You can't work on a project so long without finishing." He added with a little huff.

Crystal stopped walking abruptly and Soul stopped and nearly fell over but stayed balanced. She blinked and then looked Soul dead in the eyes.

"Look Soul. I like you, and you're cool. You're a nice guy and a good friend. But this date thing... I don't think this is gunna happen you know? The movie was fun, but I don't wanna hurt your feelings." She stopped to check how Soul was doing. He looked a bit hurt but a little more puzzled.

"Why not? Why don't you wanna try this out?" he asked puzzled.

"I'm just... I don't wanna date right now. I'm thinking of school. How will I make a death scythe if I have to worry about too many things?" She explained.

"Oh. Well. Okay." Soul said with a look of resignation.

"Can we be friends?" Crystal said slowly after a moment.

Soul mentally groaned. Put in the friend zone. When it started off so well!

With a sigh, he replied, "Sure, I can do that." And gave a little smile.

"Great. I'm glad you're not destroyed or heartbroken or anything. I think it's better to be friends." Crystal said with a smile.

"Well, I have to go, later." Crystal said and walked away.

"HAHAHAHAHA REJECTED!" Black Star laughed his crazy laugh, way too loud and obnoxious. Soul was getting a headache just listening to it.

"EVEN WORSE! FRIENDZONED! HAHAHAHAHA!!" Black Star collapsed off of his chair in study hall with laughter. He was holding his sides hysterically laughing.

"WAHOO WAHOO WAHOO!" He yelled as he laughed. That kid was bat shit crazy.

Soul's mood darkened with every passing minute. It was bad enough that Crystal rejected him, now Black Star had to rub it in when he told him. And he only told him because he happened to see them talking and asked about it.

Soon Black Star was out of breath, his face red as a tomato. When he finally stopped and sat back up, Soul checked his watch. It had been 30 minutes since Black Star started laughing. What a retard.

Black Star glanced at Soul's scowling face and he stifled a laugh. Then he couldn't take it and burst out screaming his laughter like crazy.

Soul got up and walked out of the building. He needed some fresh air away from "the kid who would surpass god".

Crystal walked into her last class of the day, ready to go home. She walked up the stairs and say down next to Harley.

"Howdy do, Partner?" Harley said to Crystal, popping the P.

Crystal smiled and replied, "Nothing much, partner." copying him with the P. "Are you ready to finish the day? This is the last class." She said letting out a breath. Harley put his feet up on the desk and lay back, pulling his hood up and just over his eyes.

"I'm ready all right. This is my napping class. Goodnight!" Harley said and closed his eyes lazily. Crystal laughed and yanked his hood up a few inches. Harley opened one eye.

"What? I don't get too much sleep sometimes." He said with a shrug. Crystal shook her head and brought her attention to Stein, who was currently saying something. By the way some other kids were actually paying attention, she figured it didn't have to do with dissections.

"...Don't have to take your partner to the Winter Ball, mostly because sometimes your partner is the same sex as you. And some people have relationships outside their partnership." Stein said rolling his eyes and sighing.

"I don't care for your silly little boyfriends and girlfriends, so you should bring your partner. It's easier. Also, remember that the Ball is very formal. You must dress, act, and dance fancy. The dress code is strictly dress clothes. Be fancy."

"Hey Harley, you heard that? There's a Winter Ball. Cool huh? And it's fancy!" Crystal began, but Harley was out cold and Stein was still talking.

"In other news, Samuel and Jenna are back from the hospital. Yay, you survived a completely unrealistic relationship and now your bond is stronger than ever, blah blah." The pair of lovebirds smiled affectionately at each other from their seats.

"Unfortunately, you guys are failing this semester because, as Marie says, and I quote! 'Needless to say, their absences are taken as Fs for misunderstanding the assignment.' "

Stein looked up from his clipboard to find shocked and incredulous looks on the pair's faces.

"So guys, you basically were supposed to bond as friends. Marie thinks you overdid it. Whatever. So you two can't go to the Ball." Jenna burst into tears and ran out of the room. Well that was awkward.

"Hey Harley, wanna go to the ball with me? It's recommended that partners go together." Crystal said with a smile.

Harley was still practically half asleep but he mumbled, "Why don't you take Soul. You guys are kind of a thing right?" and then he yawned loudly. Crystal was flabbergasted. Rejected by your own partner?

"No! I actually talked to him today! Were not a- I'm not- me and him-?" Crystal couldn't speak straight. Suddenly she heard Harley chuckle. He sat up and shook the hood off his head. With a smile he said, "I was kidding Crystal. Of course I'll go with you. You're my partner."

Crystal smiled back. Of course he was.


Yeah peeps! 'Nutha Chaptah! hope you enjoyed this somewhat entertaining filler. Haha. I added this winter ball since I desperately wish it was really winter here, in stupid Florida. I miss the snow and the cold guys! Yesterday it was 80 degrees! ugh.

Well, not gunna kill the cool with my attitude, have a merry Christmas or Hanukkah or Quanza or whatever you celebrate! as always love u guisse and TANK JOUS!

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