The mission for SCIENCE!

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The light flicked on, and on the gray-stitched table, beakers and test tubes reflected the bright white all around. The lab coat walked in and peered through the fullest beaker, the contents were a lovely deep dark purple at the moment. Very interesting, and now noted, along with other intriguing little traits about it. It's properties were odd indeed. In certain environments, it's shade and transparency change.

Yes, the venom was an interesting weapon, but Stein wasn't admiring it, he was experimenting for a cure. Even poor Soul himself had come to him asking if he could find a cure for bedridden, dying Maka, insisting that in return he would never turn in an assignment late again, and he would take excellent notes "sir", and not to mention his best and brightest student would be back in class... So even Lord Death had said it would be wise to develop a cure for the present and future. More and more students who had an encounter with the worm that produced the venom are getting poisoned, and are lying in the hospital, awaiting a cure that didn't exist... yet.

He circled the table, and picked up a beaker full of... coffee?? "Marie," Stein muttered under his breath. He looked back at the sample and sighed. It was nowhere near a live specimen to perform dissections on, but it was a scientific project that would actually be testing his knowledge and skill in the field. It had been a while since he had done anything like this. What a way to work my brain, he thought. And with that, he set to work.

"How is the science going?" Sid spoke quietly. Stein looked up from his desk and notes in the classroom to meet Sid's undead eyes. After a moment he focused his attention back on the notes in front of him, right next to a stack of ungraded papers.

"I found something interesting. My various experiments with producing antigens and anti venom didn't work. But then I tried experimenting with other substances to destroy the poisonous particles." He looked up here and stared at Sid. The light reflected off of the glasses on Stein's face and made his eyes momentarily out of sight and his glasses all light.

"Results were abysmal until I mixed the poison with just a bit of the monster's own blood. Quite by accident actually. But the blood stayed healthy, and the poison ceased to work. It was a natural anti venom." Sid was gaping in astonishment. He took Stein's notes from him and looked them over. He scanned across the pages and looked up.

"Amazing! So you have the cure?" Stein shook his head.

"I had just a very small sample of the blood. A few drops on beakers and clothes really, from my encounters with it. I would need a new blood sample. And a large one."

"Hmm, I see. With that much blood you could run all your tests and then make an antidote?" At this Stein nodded. "Very well then. We need someone to go find the monster kishin and bring back it's blood. Killing it would also solve the problem for the future too."

"We'll put it up as a mission."

Soul listened to the beep of the monitor. It seemed a longer gap between each beep every time. He was only hanging onto the noise, for fear that it would eventually flatline. That thought tore him up inside, especially since he couldn't do a thing. He looked at Makas face and sighed. He couldn't sit here forever. Could he do the mission? Was it even worth it? Another look at Makas hollow cheeks and pale dry skin reassured him, but also scared him. Sid had come in yesterday for another check up. As he looked her over yet again, he looked at Soul and delivered the worst news he had ever heard.

He wasn't prepared for it at first, but then realized he was expecting it. It was a horrible thought, really, that he had actually been expecting this. But he knew that somewhere deep in his consciousness, hidden at the center of the fear he felt every time said came in to check on Maka, there was a degree of acceptance. One of these checkups could be the final checkup. Admitting it was more than Soul could bear. When he heard what Sid said, he had almost known it was coming. After all, her health was declining every day. Maybe he had to let it happen. But he would have to live with the last thing she said to him forever. It would ring eternally in his head. He wanted to shake her awake, open her eyes and say "wake up! I have to tell you! I need to tell you what I never got to say! If you don't wake up, you'll never know! You'll never know that I love you!"

He got up and walked out the door.

Soul gazed up at the mission wall. At the very top was the mission he wanted. The mission he needed. He had shuffled over because of the interesting mission that Stein had just put up that Black Star and Tsubaki told him about, involving the worm that injured Maka. He had to go. She had to wake up. So what if she had two days left to live? Soul decided right then and there that Sid did not decide who lived or died. If there was anything he could do to save her, it was this. Soul coldly stared down anyone who came too close or made eye contact. His mood was dark and bleak as the black of Maka's heart monitor. But like the bright green line that dashed across the monitor, Soul had hope too. It flitted across him like the beep, but here's where he grabbed onto it and kept it.

As he thought, he reached up and grabbed the mission. Yes! He thought. I will go defeat the monster, and bring back its blood.


Well long time no see guys! I'm sorry as always for the wait. I don't wanna have to keep apologizing but I have a serious procrastination problem, which makes for schoolwork piling up, and instead of tackling that I go out with friends instead, and instead of coming back and doing my work, I play video games. Unfortunately writing is not top priority, and I don't wanna have to write in the dead of night when I should sleep so I don't pass out in school, and see, it's kind of like a vicious cycle.

On the bright side, I have the rest of the whole "book" (if that's what u could call this short-chapterrd thing) planned out in detail so yep.
Before this thingy gets too long I wanna say as always I'm amazed by the amount of reads and votes and followers, even if there's gaps between any activity from me! One last thing; thinking of writing a zombie story, maybe not while I'm doing this book but after. Thoughts?

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