Competition (again?)

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"So were supposed to be bonding?" Crystal heard Harley's husky voice and turned to face him.

He had blue eyes and a friendly smile. Crystal said "yup" and gave a friendly smile back.

"Cool, so I already know your name and I guess you know mine. Now I have a very important question for you Crystal." Harley paused and looked very seriously at Crystal.

"Do you know how to do the homework?" He finished and grinned. Crystal laughed because she thought it would be something different, or more personal. She nodded and said, "take a seat, I'll help you out." Harley sat gratefully next to Crystal and they started on their homework.

Soul watched Crystal and Harley chatting it up and working on the homework. It seemed that they were already getting along just fine.

Soul immediately didn't like it. He was JUST getting along with Crystal pretty much! He really liked her and he didn't know this Harley kid very well. He knew that he was also a brand new student, newer than Crystal, who has been here for like 2 weeks now. He observed their side chatter and their comments on the homework.

He has no chemistry with her, thought Soul. Sure they can work on homework fine, but it's obvious she's only being friendly because she is supposed to be!

There was a little cloud in the back of his mind trying to tell him something, but it was always full of pointless information like feelings and things like common sense and maturity, so this couldn't be anything new.

As Soul's expression turned from observant to annoyed, Maka watched on curiously. He saw that Soul was watching Crystal and Harley with great care. She looked over at Harley. He wasn't so bad looking, she had to admit. And he looked like he was enjoying Crystal's company. Well if they were meant to be partners, it really was a good match.

Harley asked Crystal what class they had next, and she replied, "Science or something, with Professor Stein."

"Cool me too. Never noticed you in the class, I sit in the 3rd row." And the bell rang.

The Four kids walked to their next class, Maka drifting over to talk to Kid and Liz, leaving Soul to walk behind Harley and Crystal, at a distance.

In class, Crystal took her seat at the top row and Harley at the bottom.

Stein made an important announcement. "There is a project due in 2 weeks about the soul. To encourage teamwork and interdependence, this will be group work." He added that, "I would recommend working with your weapon/Meister partner, since it would be easiest, but for this assignment, you can pick your own."

High fives were shared all throughout the class. Stein let the class discuss partners and projects.

Harley got up and made his way up to Crystal, and Soul saw and sprang into action. He didn't give a glance towards Maka, who was twiddling her thumbs wondering what to do. All her other friends were with their partners in this class, and Soul seemed to have run off. She didn't know how this would happen for her, since not doing this project was not an option. But it was obvious that Harley and Crystal were gunna work together because they have a blossoming... Something, and they need to "bond", bringing Soul back to her.

She was right of course.

Soul walked up to Crystal, and Harley was right there. Soul started, "Hey Crystal-"

He was cut off by Harley,

"Hey Crystal, another chance to get to know each other!" He said with a grin. Crystal agreed, "yep! Take a seat, 'partner'!" And she smiled. But then noticed Soul.

"Oh sorry Soul, were you gunna ask me to work with you? Sorry, Harley is my partner so... Yeah. You could work with your partner, Maka right?" She gave him an apologetic look and turned to Harley, sitting casually, flipping through the textbook.

Soul came back to Maka scratching his head like, "Sooo.... You wanna be partners...? Like Stein recommends?" And Maka agreed silently.

At home the project wasn't given a single thought.

"Can you believe that Harley kid? He was totally flirting with her!!" Soul ranted to Maka who was quietly listening. She hadn't made a move from the couch with her book, reading to avoid talking.

Maka wasn't even really paying attention to the book. She saw how jealous Soul was, all his attention was on Crystal and Harley. He was so upset that they were working together. Maka saw that Crystal was interested in Harley, and they were going to end up as partners anyways so why not get to know him? Which was what they were supposed to be doing.

Soul suddenly turned to Maka. "Hey, where were you this weekend? I felt like I haven't talked to you in a while."

Maka looked frantically at Blair, who was laying on the windowsill as a cat. She gave a little shrug and closed her eyes.

Maka looked back at Soul.

"I was at Kids house for the weekend."

"How come? Er, it's no problem though."

"Well... I wasn't in the mood... To be home on Friday." Maka explained somewhat nervously. Soul looked like he was picking out his next words carefully.

"Listen Maka, I've been really out of it lately. I don't know if you've noticed but umm I've been... Distracted." He sighed and sat next to Maka.

"The truth is, I really like the new girl, Crystal. I went on a kind of date with her on Saturday." Maka's stomach churned. She felt sick. She opened her mouth to speak, but quickly shut it. She had a thousand thoughts about how to speak her mind, or better, her feelings.

"Are you okay?" Soul asked with concern on his face. Maka shook her head.

"I don't feel so well. I'm going to bed. Goodnight." She stood up and walked swiftly to her room and shut the door. A barely audible click meant the door was locked.

Soul wondered what happened. Why did Maka suddenly feel ill? Well she never liked conflict so Soul guessed she didn't like the way he was talking about Harley.

Maka jumped into bed and bit her pillow. Her sick stomach turned into a dreadful feeling when she pictured Soul on a date with Crystal. Tears ran silently down her face. Maka failed to tell Soul how she felt. But how could she? With so many obstacles in the way, there would never be a right time to tell him.

Soul was wrapped up in his Crystal and Harley situation, he was starting to believe that Harley was going to become competition for Crystal. Maka had a feeling that It was all going downhill from here.


There's another chapter done! I was planning on Harley and Crystal time, but I kind of fucked up and it became about Soul and Maka. I hope it wasn't so bad. To be honest I found this chapter hard to put together and that why it got off track. Oh well!

And wow thanks again for the reads and votes! It means a lot to me!! You guys are the awesomest people I the world!! TANK JOUS!!!

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