Waking up

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"Liz, Patty, it's about the time to go visit Maka." Kid said.

"Right. Let me just grab Tsubaki and Black Star." Said Liz.

Kid nodded. He spoke his thoughts aloud. "I hope Soul is back from his mission already. Especially since his.... deadline... is today."

Neither girl replied. Kid cursed himself silently for using such a crude term to describe the time limit Maka was on. But they all had similar thoughts in their heads. Maka was in dire need of that cure, and her time was running out. They could only hope that Soul was back already.

Liz waved the other pair over and they set off to the infirmary.

The group walked slowly there, each immersed in their own thoughts.

"That mission is already difficult to begin with. But without a meister... there's nobody to back you up. No. Soul can do it. With the willpower and ability he has he can finish even the most dangerous mission. I know he can do it." Thought Kid.

"I hope Maka's alright. Please be back safely Soul, we all want Maka alive and well. I'm counting on you to wake Maka up and tell her everything you need to. Let's go Soul!" Tsubaki thought.

"Man, Soul better be back from that mission. There's no way I'm even gunna allow him to let his meister down." Black Star smirked a little. "I don't need to worry. I know Soul is gunna put on a good show for Maka."

"Wow everyone is really serious and stressed out for this mission. Well I think Soul can get it under control. You guys'll see! He's probably back with Maka right now!" Patty being the most optimistic.

"Aw I wonder how Maka is doing. If Soul is back already she should be fine. I hope Soul made it. It's true that his mission is dangerous even with a meister. But Maka will be with him in his heart. He's got this." Thought Liz.

They heard their worst fears confirmed before they saw it.

Kid, Liz, Patty, Tsubaki, and Black Star all walked slowly down the many corridors to the infirmary. When they got close, they slowed even more. Every breath was in anticipation and fear of the next few moments.

Black Star stepped forward, wanting to be strong for everyone. He slowly made his was into the room with a brave face. He couldn't believe what he saw though.

Soul was sobbing at Makas bedside, his tears soaking her sheets. And Maka... she was lifeless. Black Star took a step back in shock.

"No..." he said softly. Soul didn't seem to hear him.

The rest of the group slowly stepped into the room. When they saw they didn't want to believe it. Kid looked grim, Liz and Patty both looked on the brink of crying, and Tsubaki gasped. Tears formed in the very corners of Black Star's eyes to see them both like this. But he growled at his tears. He stepped up to Soul and put his hand on his shoulder, attempting to tell him to stop crying.

"Soul... stop that. This isn't the time." Black Star said softly. His scowl disappeared from his face. He looked as sorry as Soul.

Soul looked at him like he had just noticed them all in the room.

"It's not... the time?" He said as his tears slowed. Then he got mad, frustrated more like it.

"How is this not the time Black Star? You're telling me not to cry? Not to mourn?" he almost shouted. Soul got up as he pushed Black Stars hand away.

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