A scary night

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"Hey guys, good job on your mission!"

"Saw you guys completed your first mission, congrats!

"Yo, heard you took down the Pitt. Nice!"

Harley and Crystal received praise left and right on the completion of their first mission. They loved being appreciated and congratulated, especially Harley.

Crystal didn't know how many different versions of the story of their glorious mission there were. She stopped keeping track at 7. Nevertheless, Crystal listened to them all. In the lunch room he would jump up and tell whoever would listen of the stupendous victory against the most evil of enemies.

Soul told it straight, or as straight as he could tell it when he was knocked out. In his favorite version he fought 20 ninjas and the Pitt-Bull at the same time and didn't get knocked out but stopped to give the newbies a chance to finish off just the Pitt.

Crystal liked listening to Harley yell at whoever is nearby in the lunch room. He would tell any version of his tale to anyone who would listen.

In Harley's favorite version, he turned into a huge chainsaw when they resonated, and leaped straight out of Crystal's hands and straight at the Pitt, cutting him in half with blood and guts gushing out. But of course Crystal wasn't forgotten. The Pitt tried to strangle her and then Harley cut off his head and Crystal karate chops his nose off and drop kicks the head super high.

Harley's blue eyes would light up with pride and appreciation every time she blushed and nodded when he asked her if she drop kicked the Pitt's head to Argentina. Even though it wasn't the real story. But Crystal would always gaze into his eyes because she loved the look there.

If she looked too long, she would get lost surfing in his deep blue waves, or pick out shapes in his calm blue skies. Her gazing was stopped in a blink, with a blink. Harley blinked as she gazed at his eyes, wondering why she was staring. He waved a hand in her face.

They were in study hall, working on homework. Harley's lips were moving, yet Crystal couldn't hear words yet. With a shake of her head, she caught his last words.

"... Treat for doing so well on our first mission. What do you say?"

"Huh?" Crystal blurted before she could think of a good answer. Then she rapidly covered up her mistake.

"I-I mean can you repeat that?" she stuttered, embarrassed. Harley grinned and shook his head playfully.

"Alright. Well I was thinking that maybe we could go out together somewhere to celebrate, just us, as a treat for doing so well on our first mission." He said.

"Go out? Just us?" Crystal repeated. Harley chuckled a little. "Yeah. To celebrate. What do you say?"

"Of course!"

So it was decided. Halloween was coming up, so on that fateful Thursday, they picked out the scariest movie in the theaters- Carrie.

Crystal frantically pawed through her wardrobe for something to wear. Harley would be here in 15 minutes, at 8:00. Usually she didn't worry too much about what she would wear, but it was just different for Harley. She tried not to think to much about her outfit, but then she would run the risk of being underdressed. Or was it worse to be overdressed?

Crystal glanced at the clock. It read 7:50. Crystal jolted into action and raced to the bathroom. She leaped into the shower and came out in a record 5 minutes. Crystal was hurriedly pulling on clothes when she heard a knock at the door. She gasped and buckled her belt and sprinted to the door yelling "Be right there!"

Crystal opened the door to find Harley dressed in a Halloween costume! He had on green fingerless gloves and a blue vest thingy and a SnapBack with a familiar logo on it. In his hand was a Poke ball.

"Oh my gosh! Ash Ketchum? Wow!" Crystal said surprised. Harley smiled shyly and laughed.

"Yeah, I forgot to tell you, free popcorn if you dress up. And I'm a bit of a nerd." He explained.

"Wow, that's cool. I'm actually a bit of a Pokemon nerd myself." Then she remembered something.

"I have Pikachu ears! And a yellow shirt! I'll be right back." And she almost shut the door in his face. Crystal stopped and invited Harley to sit on the couch in her living room. Then she dashed and got the headband with the ears and a yellow shirt, and even put little red circles on her cheeks. She ran downstairs and Harley started laughing.

"You look great!" he said between laughs.

"What so funny?" Crystal asked not seeing any joke, or maybe something wrong with her costume. Was the shirt dirty? No, then-

"Well, now were real partners! Ash and Pikachu!" He said with a huge smile. She thought about it.

"Partners. Yeah, I get it now." Crystal said with a little smile. The word partners didn't sound as comfortable now than as before. But they were partners and that was all.

Crystal shook her head and pushed it out of her mind as they walked out of her apartment.

At the movie theaters, the ticket guy approved their outfits, and the popcorn guy gave them a free popcorn, as promised. They walked into the screening room once Harley bought some drinks. How gentlemanly.

Usually Crystal was fearless when it came to scary movies, but this was pretty scary. She resorted to burying her face in Harley's shoulder when the really scary parts came, (without smudging her face makeup of course).

At the end of the night, Harley walked Crystal to her door, and gave her a tight hug.

"I really had fun, Crystal. The movie was great." He said.

"Yeah, great flick." Crystal said with a little laugh.

"I'm sure it was great, with you hiding half the time!" He joked.

"But it was still an awesome date. We should do this every mission. You're the beat partner ever." Harley said.

Crystal's ears rang. He said Date. He called it a date! A surge of emotions ran through her head. Even though he just called her his partner again. That's okay. She hugged him again and said good night.

As she lay in bed just before falling asleep, Crystal had one last thought in her head; just a single word. Date.


Hello there! I'm SO SORRAY for this chapter being late like this! it's even after Halloween! I'm so horrible with deadlines! I'm SO SORRAY still for that. But to make up for it I added in some Halloweeny parts. Oh and as you can see I love pokemon! Lol crazy nerding out ! The chapter isn't altered very much from me writing the whole thing over. Don't worry. Anyways hope u liked it! all the reads and follows and stuff is awesome! love u guisse! TANK JOUS and also I'm deleting the not an update chapter soon

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