The big day (2)

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After a disgustingly boring and really retarded pop quiz that was written on Ms. Marie's 'special test papers' (which turned out to be cookies) Marie really surprised the class by announcing that she wouldn't be grading the answers written on their cookies. Instead, the quiz grade would be eating the cookies!

Soul shook his head again as he walked down the hall to the last class of the day, Steins class. He suddenly remembered that he didn't do the homework and looked around for Maka. Then Soul noticed she hadn't been in class all day. That was wierd, he wondered what could've happened...

Maka had been crying her eyes out for 30 minutes now. Somehow Blair had gotten her to spill all of her feelings. But right now she sat there patting Makas back while helping her spoon ice cream into her mouth to silence her. Maka was pretty surprised on the inside. She had never ever in her life broken down and made a scene about anything, let alone a guy!

It felt kinda pathetic to be sitting there crying over Soul. He was her partner! of course he wouldn't see her as anything more. The little hope she felt seemed too dumb to even hold on to. She hated having her feelings bottled up with nobody to tell, so at least Blair would listen.

"Are you going to school?" Blair asked enthusiastically. "Are you gunna tell him how you feel?! Are you gunna give that boy a piece of your mind?!?" She was fired up waiting for Maka to go out and declare her love for Soul!

Wait. Yeah... Yeah! I should go tell him how I feel even if he doesn't feel the same way. What could be the worst thing that could happen? Blair's enthusiasm was contagious. So with confidence, Maka replied,


As Soul walked to his class, he looked for Crystal. He had his heart set on asking her, and he would if it was the last thing he did.

Luckily turning the corner right into the classroom, Soul spotted Crystal already seated. It's now or never, Soul thought, and he approached where she sat. She noticed him coming over, looking super cool in his own way, when Professor Stein decided it was the perfect time to start his class.

"Mr. Evans, please take your seat. Crystal is here to learn, not to be flirted with." When Stein said this, the whole class looked at Soul and sniggered. Embarrassed, Soul quickly shoved through his peers to get to his seat, where he plopped down and sat, slumped.

"Today I thought we would skip dissection and move to studying wavelengths. Since i know we need to work on that." Stein started his lesson differently than usual.

"More specifically, the emotions that you can perceive through others wavelengths. We're gunna cut to the chase and start with a volunteer." He looked around and pointed at Soul.

"Let's go, get down here," Stein said. Soul got up slowly and walked down the steps to Steins teaching desk.

"Since Soul here is the center of attention," Stein paused and observed a few students sleeping or texting, "or at least he should be, all of you can focus on finding the emotions in his wavelength relatively easily." Soul immediately got nervous and scared, because he had recently had some feelings swimming around that he couldn't even describe. He was so worried that he didnt hear Stein mumble something in his ear. Instead he focused on breathing slowly and thinking about something familiar. There was one thing he thought about. Maka.

He wondered why she wasn't at school. He wondered how she got to school. That's how much of an idiot he was, he forgot that he was Makas ride. And when it hit him, he felt really bad. He remembered how he left in a hurry with only one thought on his mind. Soul felt terrible about forgetting his Meister and best friend, especially when she counted on him so much! What kind of friend am i? Soul thought. Best friends don't do that.

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