A casual phone call (2)

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"...But umm maybe if you call me back we can talk about it like where we wanna go.... Ummm I was kinda thinking maybe we could go see a movie. Just a suggestion. So umm.... Yeah, just uh, call me back when you can. Bye."

She listened to the message with a little smile on her face. Then tenderly put her phone on her nightstand. She grabbed her phone again and plopped on the bed looking up at the ceiling and smiling. She couldn't help smiling. Soul was super funny.

And it didn't take a genius to figure out why he sounded so nervous. She had had a growing suspicion of him, and her suspicions were confirmed when he asked her out. Or kinda tried. With a smile she remembered having to help him out.

Crystal rolled over and grabbed her skull headphones from her nightstand. She almost popped them in her ears while laughing at Soul in her head before remembering to call him back. Well dur!

But then Crystal stopped to think about her answer. She was perfectly fine with going to the movies but that wasn't the problem.

Thinking long and hard, Crystal wasn't completely sure how she felt about Soul. She liked him, but how much? Yeah he was cool and a good friend but then she didn't know him that well. She had always thought he was really funny and nice, not to mention cute.

Still... If she decided she really liked him, there was still one more thing. Soul's Meister, Maka. She could tell that Maka and him were good friends, although she had her suspicions about Maka. She was a girl, and girls could tell these things. But then again things aren't always what they seem.

But today in class.... He was thinking about her... And it was true too, because she saw that in his wavelength too. Crystal could read guys better than girls. But this was difficult. If Soul liked her, then what about Maka? There had to be more than friendship going on under it all. But guys are dumb. They rarely know their own minds or what's good for them and can NEVER figure out a girls feelings. So what to do?

Crystal slipped a hand under her beanie and scratched her head. What's the decision? Boys are hard.

Nothing chocolate can't fix.

After a nice chocolate break, Crystal picked up the phone. She liked Soul and was fine with the movies. She would go on the date to see how it goes. If not, she still wanted to be friends.

She flipped through the missed calls and found Souls number. She hit call and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello?" Souls voice was skeptical.

"Hey Soul! It's Crystal!"

"Oh hey!! You called back!" He sounded happy about it.

"Yeah, I got your message bro. It was kinda funny." She said with a little giggle.

Soul let out a shy and nervous sigh/chuckle. "Yeah so then you know I wanted to talk about the umm date."

"Yeah. So what day do have in mind? This weekend or next?" Crystal was trying to get to the point.

"Oh, uhh.... Hm how about this weekend. Maybe tomorrow, if you can."

"Sounds good Soul. So you mentioned the movie theaters. I'm down if you are."

She could practically hear his smile through the phone. "Yeah that would be great! Oh umm what movie?"

Crystal racked her brain for movies that were out. "Oooh that movie about the girl who moves like next to a house where some girl murdered her parents? oh and then she meets the girls brother or something?What's it called..."

"House at the end of the street?"

"Oh yeah! That's the one!" Perfect. A movie to see what Soul is like.

"Oh, okay. No problem."

"Sick. K so text me tomorrow's showtimes. Ill be there whenever. Byeee!!"

"Alright then. Bye."

Crystal hung up.

Good. That went well. She only wanted to see the movie because it was supposed to be scary (so she could see if Soul got scared) and because Jennifer Lawrence was in it. She was awesome!

She was gunna like this date.


Yeah I only picked that movie cuz of Jennifer Lawrence. I love her!!! She so awesome! Anyways I hope u liked the crystal p.o.v. Cuz I liked writing it. And don't forget the double update! Haha thanks guys for the 200 reads!! That's sooo amazing!! TANK JOUSSSSS!!!

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