Something's up

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"And that, class, is the meaning of life." Ms. Marie finished. "Any questions?"

Tsubaki slowly raised her hand into the air. "Tsubaki, yes a question?"

"Umm yeah, I don't know what you're talking about, did I miss something? Because that didn't make any sense whatsoever." Tsubaki said.

Marie scratched her head with an embarrassed look on her face, "Well my dear I needed a way to open up the chapter! I just couldn't think of anything else."

Tsubaki put her hand back down and looked around the room with the most 'wtf?!' Expression on her face. The weirdest part, nobody seemed to notice that anything at all happened.

Soul especially. He was busy trying to think of something to say to Crystal, the girl sitting next to him.

Maka glanced at Soul and saw his facial expression. Then she looked right past him to the new girl, on his side. She tried to discreetly check the name on her paper. It read Crystal. Must be new. Was she a meister, or a weapon? And where was her partner? Maka didn't know why Soul looked so strained as he sat watching her out of the corner of his eye. She leaned over to her side where Soul sat and whispered, "Hey Soul are you feeling okay? You look like something's up." Soul almost looked like he was constipated but Maka kept it clean.

"Yeah, I'm alright, I'm cool. I just have something on my mind." He sneaked a quick glance out of the corner of his eye, Crystal was doodling on a piece of math homework. She wore her indigo DWMA jacket and her nerd glasses. But today her hair was in a ponytail and she wore sweatpants. Soul was half zoned out just watching Crystal. He couldn't think of anything to say.

What are girls?! Say something! Soul thought. He just had to start a simple conversation, but Crystal looking perfectly fine with being silent. Soul's heart throbbed inexplicably. His mind went blank again and his palms started to sweat. Why did this happen?

Maka watched Soul suspiciously. She wasn't dumb, she knew Soul was sneaking looks at Crystal.

She's pretty, Maka admitted in her thoughts. But Soul didn't like her... Did he? The thought was so odd that it put an uncomfortable knot in Maka's stomach. She decided not to give it too much thought for now.

"Hey there my little scythey boy!" Blair said trotting up to Soul in cat form as he was walking to Stein's class. Unfortunately Crystal had told Soul she found a shortcut with the help of Ox. But it wasn't like it was necessary. There was really no need for a shortcut, she could get to class on time the long way, but he knew it was probably because of how he acted before. He tried not to care because there was nothing between them, although Soul's heart beat faster at the thought of it. Soul recalled the moment a few minutes ago where Oxford told Crystal about his fabled shortcut. it almost made his blood boil. The thought of another guy interacting with Crystal was enough to put him in a sour mood for a while. But Soul was such an idiot, he still had no idea why.

"Hey there Soul I'm down here!" Blair pouted up at him. Soul was looking around the halls, not for Blair, but to see Crystal come from the secret staircase which was the end of her shortcut. He also wanted to see if that creep Ox was with her. Soul didn't even know if he was over Kim after she rejected him publicly or if he was trying to make her 'jealous'. Ah, never ending teenage drama.

He finally noticed Blair after he stopped walking and she started clawing at his shoes.

"What do you want Blair? I'm going to class," he said, just noticing her. "I'm surprised you haven't jumped on me or anything. Then again, I don't mind 'cause I'm not in the mood for it." Blair kept looking at him while he kept looking for something that she couldn't see. He was paying less attention to her than usual. Or maybe because he'd usually try to get away instead of ignoring her.

Soul kept looking around above a trickling stream of student heads, knowing he would be late if he took any longer. Crystal's shortcut was a shortcut right? Then she might already be in class! Or maybe Ox was lying and he's got her alone in an abandoned corner of the school! Soul pulled an angry frown across his face and was about to decide how he'd torture Oxford when he came out of the stairway, followed by Crystal. By now Blair had gotten the hint and left, and the steady torrent of students narrowed down to the bunches of late students who liked to take their time. Soul watched them intently and as Crystal started walking, she turned and saw Soul, and their eyes connected for a moment. She didn't look too happy with Ox, but maybe that was Souls imagination. Either way, a small flicker of hope sprang to life in Soul's heart. Ox looked pleased as he helped her down the last step (as if she needed help, Soul thought angrily). They walked swiftly into the classroom and Soul sulked behind.

At the end of the day at home, Soul told the girls that he wasn't hungry and they could eat dinner without him. He had been in his room since.

"Have you noticed anything different about Soul?" Maka asked Blair. "Actually, yeah. He seems a bit off lately. I caught him watching some bald kid and a girl walk to class." Blair spoke with a mouth full of fish.

"That's just plain weird. You're stalking him?" Maka looked a little revolted. "Well. I've noticed him watching this new girl in our class. She sits next to him." Maka said and Blair spoke, "and you said I was stalking him." She smirked.

"Her name is Crystal."

"Pretty name!" Blair said, her mouth full of fish. How un-cat-with-a-rediculous-amount-of-magical-power-like. When she swallowed she glanced at Maka.

"What's wrong? It's a pretty name. Or do you not think so?"

"No it's fine. I'm fine." Maka replied.

Blair nodded. But she was thinking something different. Was it possible that Maka was.... no it couldn't be. There was nothing going on. And Maka wasn't that type of girl. Soul and Maka's partnership was pretty wierd at times, but still strong. Maka is fine, Blair assured herself in her mind.

Maka couldn't shake the feeling that something was up and it had to do with Crystal.


Another part done! Didn't u like that little bit with Marie at the beginning? I thought it was funny :3

So there's something starting to happen here! I know what it is but you can feel free to comment!

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