Nitrogen puppy

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🎶"I love the way you make me feel, I love it, I love it!"🎶

Ariana Grande blared through Crystal's headphones straight into her brain.

🎶"I got a bad boy I must admit it! You got my heart don't know how you did it!"🎶

"Ehem! I believe we were doing something!" Crystal turned to see Harley grab one of her headphones out.

"The least you could do is share your music while we're working! So as punishment I'm putting on the radio!" He grinned and reached for the knob on the radio on his nightstand.

The pair was at Harley's house when he invited Crystal over to get started on their partner project. They were in his room on his bed with papers all over the place.

The radio started playing a familiar song.

🎶"We've, come too far to give up, who we are! So let's raise the bar, and our cups to the stars!!"🎶

Crystal sang, "she's up all night to the sun! I'm up all night to get some! She's up all night for good fun! I'm up all night to get lucky!" But it seemed that Harley was singing something a little different.

"Forget 'bout nitrogen dog! Forget 'bout nitrogen dog! Forget 'bout nitrogen dog! I'm up on nitrogen puppy!" He just sang along like those were the lyrics and Crystal just stared.

"What?" He asked.

"Umm I don't think those are the right words to the song."

"Really? Then tell me which ones?" He looked like he really didn't know! "Don't get me wrong I knew those weren't the lyrics but c'mon, it's catchy!" He went on singing, "up on on Nitrogen puppy! I'm on nitrogen puppy! We up on nitrogen puppy!"

Crystal giggled and jumped in with the modified lyrics because, c'mon they really were catchy. Once the song ended they continued chanting, "we up on nitrogen puppy!" And laughing.

"I didn't know you were so into Daft Punk!"

Crystal joked.

"Actually I do like Daft Punk. I like any kind of music that isn't country or classical. And I only tolerate a certain amount of Justin Beiber!" Harley laughed.

"I can listen to most music too, and I only wish I could put all Justin Beiber music in a box at the bottom of the worlds deepest sea trench, along with all the worlds country music!" Harley nodded in agreement.

"Now if only nitrogen puppy was a band, or even a genre of music! Think of the possibilities!!" They were rolling around "LMFAOing". Or you could say "ROFLMAOing".

Crystal decided that she was totally cool with Harley being her weapon partner. But what was his weapon form? Instead of asking, she figured she'd find out sooner or later.

They finally got to working on the project, if you call writing their names on the back of a blank poster board. They had spent too much time singing "nitrogen puppy" and other songs.

There was always tomorrow, Crystal thought.


Haha nitrogen puppy! That's actually my brothers modified lyrics. He writes a little too. His name is Alex0987 if you want to check it out!

And also u should check out the song if u haven't heard it already. The real song tho. As always this is an example of the influence of music on my writing.

Also a bit of a filler, but also a little thing I like to call character development! And also for a chick who commented that they hate Harley? I ain't callin u out but just y? He cool lol.

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