Teamwork!! (1)

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"The Pit-Bull? That's the name of the guy with a kishin egg for a soul?"

Soul cracked up, he couldn't believe it! Thats the mission Maka thought would be perfect? What kind of name was that for an evil guy? And with a name like that, how evil could he actually be?

Soul kept laughing without even considering why this guy was named that. It couldn't take a genius to figure out that the name had something to do with what this guy got his soul turned into a kishin egg for.

Makas eyes start to water a little at Soul's comment. It really is terrible what this guy does. Soul was just be mean. How insensitive can he be?

Not going to show weakness, Maka thought in her head. She shakes her head and looks around the dim street they're on, scanning for their target.

It's getting late. And Crystal and her partner Harley have yet to make an appearance.

"Soul this is serious. This guy really is a danger to society. Especially to his prey," Maka stops talking to look Soul in the eyes. Her eyes burn with hatred, then suddenly she can't bear it. She had to yell, it's just so horrible.

"Adorable little puppies!" Maka wails out loud. She stomped on the ground and puts her hands to her heart. She pouted before exclaiming, "What kind of a monster would hurt such cute, innocent, bundles of joy?!" Maka is yelling her lungs out of anger for the person of interest in their mission that they're sharing with Crystal and Harley.

"... He kills... Puppies?" Soul asked a little shocked. "Woah... That really is a super uncool and evil thing. No wonder his soul is like that. You're right. He needs to be stopped." Soul finished with a huff.

Great, Maka Thought, Now he's being sarcastic. He's not taking this seriously. And why sarcasm? How rude! He's been playing with my emotions enough lately!... Then again. He's always like this. Am I reading into it too much?Maka sunk to he ground sitting on her butt on the curb.

That was an unexpected burst of emotions. Then again, it just seems to be getting harder to deal with Soul.

Maka promised Tsubaki she would do something about them. Nothing yet.

And speaking of nothing yet, where are Crystal and Harley? All four had set up the whole hunt for the Pitt-Bull last night. No sign of the other pair yet.

Soul looked down at Maka. She seemed really mad at this guy. Now that he said it, he's really rethinking his last words. What he just said could've easily sounded sarcastic, something Maka hated. He's probably the one upsetting her. Soul was her weapon partner and he cared about Maka deeply. He hated to see her upset. Something like that really should be stopped now that he thought about it. And Maka needs to know that Soul is on her side. He bent down and put a hand on Makas shoulder. Her heart jumped and she turned to face him.

"The Pitt-Bull really does need to be stopped." Soul looked Into Maka's eyes.

Soul gave a little shark toothed grin and said, "And I really mean that."

Crystals phone vibrated as she walked down the street with Harley. She smiled as she saw a text from him, even though they were right next to each other. She glanced at him and he pretended to look away and not notice, waking with his hands behind his head and whistling.

Crystal looked down at her phone.

HARLEY: r we there yet?

Crystal smiled again and replied quickly.

CRYSTAL: no silly were still walking :)

Seconds later she got a response.

HARLEY: y do we hav to walk again?

CRYSTAL: I dont hav a car. Neither do u.

HARLEY: O yeah. I forgot :)

She smiled and decided not to reply. They could just talk to each other after all.

They were headed to the street where Maka and Soul had told them to meet up for their mission. Their first mission! Crystal was super nervous and super excited. She just knew that she and Harley were ready for this! She even hoped to use techniques from her classes like a Soul Resonance! A Soul Resonance would definitely prove that she and Harley were compatible as partners and their soul wavelengths were too.

Crystal looked over at Harley as they walked. Her eyes stayed glued to his blue eyes. She loved this shade of his dark blue eyes. Much prettier than her own purple ones, in her opinion.

Crystal could stare into his eyes forever. But she stopped and straightened her beanie and walked a little faster. If there was one thing she couldn't do now, it was boys. She needed to stay focused on her academic goals. Having a weapon partner was great and all, but thats pretty much where it had to stay.

Although... those blue eyes seemed to pull her in everytime... Gah! "Clear your head, Crystal." she thought to herself.

Crystal's apartment was a bit far from where they had to meet up but she insisted on walking anyways. And it seemed they were almost there...

A wierd noise interrupted Maka and Souls little moment. Both their heads snapped up to hear... A whimpering puppy.

Maka stood up in a flash. Puppies... Whimpering... If this was where the Pitt-Bull was gunna devour his prey, and it's soul, he had another thing coming. But they had to move fast.

Another little cry, more whimpering.

Maka decided that with Harley and Crystal or without, they had to stop the Pitt-Bull.

"Woof! Woof!" A deep loud voice boomed in the silence of the street, and the whimpering was heard louder, more urgent, and almost pained.

"Soul. Lets go." Maka said quietly. Soul grinned and transformed with a white flash, right into Makas waiting hands. Whatever was going on between them, they were going to work as a team now to defeat this enemy.

"Woof! Grrrrr..." The bark was closer and the growl was deep and menacing. Maka gripped the scythe tighter and turned towards the sound, coming from an alleyway behind them.

Two glowing yellow eyes appeared and more growls were heard. Then suddenly the Pitt-Bull lunged forward and Maka moved quickly to the right to avoid it.

The Pitt-Bull stood up straight and in the light Maka and Soul could see him. He was foaming at the mouth, and his teeth were bared, teeth that looked just as sharp as Souls. He wore rags with a few blood stains and his hands had sharp claws. He had hair everywhere, like a dog and it was matted and dirty. He also had a spiked collar tight around his neck.

The Pitt-Bull growled once more and moved into a ready stance. So did Maka.

"Pitt-Bull, you've been killing innocent puppies and devouring their souls. You've strayed from the path of humanity and your soul had become a kishin egg. Now your soul is mine."


Hey guys it really has been a while, so sorry for the long wait, I just had the worst case of writers block the world has ever seen. And Harley's weapon form was still killing me! I just can't seem to decide! And u guys r the most creative people ever! So I promise next chapter will have the decision. And I love the suggestions, keep them coming! And the fans and votes and reads, wow! I love yew guisse! TANK JOUS!!!

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