chapter 2- the cross

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kaylins pov:

pope was shaking me and telling me we needed to jump. i was confused for a second but remembered where i was.

"help! john b! someone help me!" kie screamed.

i locked eyes with pope and we immediately ran to the other side of the boat and looked over board. we saw kiara struggling to swim in the water, holding jj.

"JJ!" i screamed as i saw john b sail towards them in the life boat. as john b and sarah pulled them both onto the life boat pope looked at me. "we have to jump, like now" he said practically screaming due to the wind. i agreed and prepared to jump down from the boat. pope had just jumped but just as i was about to, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

"now where do you think your going princess?"

i immediately froze, knowing who was holding onto me. it took me a second before i tried to break free from his grasp. his grip was too strong and i knew i wasn't going to be able to get away. i looked towards the pouges in the life boat and screamed, "you guys have to leave me! i can handle myself i promise!"

they all gave me skeptical looks and john b said, "rafe let her fucking go!" "rafe... please let me go" i spoke softly trying to conceal my sad voice.

"you know i can't do that sweetheart" he spoke as he yanked me backwards. i gave john b a small nod and he yelled for me before he began to sail away. rafe let go of me once they were out of sight.

"rafe what the fuck! you manage to ruin my life in every way possible, and now im stuck on this stupid boat with you." i gave him the meanest look i could and turned away, not knowing what to do or where to go.

"you know i couldn't just let you go" he spoke. "and why the hell not you still have your cross, why would you need me" i screamed at him. i could see him getting angrier and i was unsure of what he was planning, or why he needed me.

"i don't wanna hurt you kaylin, but your gonna have to come with me" rafe pulled me down the stairs and into what i presumed to be his cabin. i was still silently sobbing and unsure of what to do. "rafe just please stop and let me go once we get to the port" i begged.

"i just don't think your quite understanding why i can't do that kaylin. i still fucking love you!" rafe screamed at me. i could tell by his blown pupils and bloodshot eyes he was high as fuck right now.

"okay rafe i get it but i don't think your in a good mental state to be making decision-" rafe cut me off by placing his hand over my mouth. he slowly removed his hand when he looked into my eyes. he scoffed and looked away. "your still snorting fucking coke after what happened." i couldn't deny it due to the fact that my pupils were probably the size of the moon. i slowly nodded and he looked at me.

"rafe you don't get to react like you normally would considering you are too." i said slowly, fearing what he would say. shockingly, he didn't respond. he simply ran his hands through his hair and sat down on the couch.

i knew i shouldn't feel bad for him considering everything he has done to me, but a part of me did. "rafe can we just not talk about it, i get it. its not something we can control."

he sighed and raked his hand through his hair as he stood up and paced back and forth. i watched anxiously wondering what he was going to say. "okay. i need to talk to my dad." my mouth must have dropped considering he looked at me like i was crazy. "b-but wards dead, he was to be i watched him die. this can't be happening, no he's dead." at this point i was rambling on. "just shut up okay! he's alive and i just can't explain to you why because i don't trust you" rafe replied in a raised voice.

i sighed and decided i wasn't getting away anytime soon, so i decided to take a nap. i awoke to rafe standing over me.


i changed the plot completely and i hope thsi makes sense

hope you like it xoxo

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