chapter 5- blood

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AN: im saying the pouges made it back to the obx and not on the random island!! just helps my plot
tw: physical abuse

kaylins pov:

it had been a few hours since the talk me and rafe had. we had stayed in bed all day just crying. i looked at him and he looked into my eyes. "i changed my mind." i said. "about what?" he asked. "i want to be your girlfriend, if you still want me to be." his face lit up and he pulled me in for a kiss.

"of course i still want you to be my girlfriend." he said happily.

i grabbed my phone off the charger. it had only been 2 days since the pouges left and i was already back with rafe. i sat up quickly when i saw a message from jj on the screen. "oh my god. fuck, i forgot about the pouges." rafe looked at me and didn't say anything. i knew how much he hated the pouges. honestly, i didn't understand why he liked me for a while.

i opened the message and it read:

JJ 🍃:
Kaylin, are you okay?? Did Rafe hurt you? Where are you, did you get to port? Okay- sorry for all the questions, we're all just worried about you.

"holy shit. jj's alive!" i said happily and atarted crying, but this time they were happy tears. i knew rafe hated jj but he tried to be supportive and said, "that's good kay." he smiled at me as i texted jj back.

holy shit your alive. anyway, no rafe didn't hurt me. i'm in the bahamas.

jj immediately started typing and said:

JJ 🍃:
Can't kill a pouge. We're back in the obx at the chataeu. Are you coming back?

i actually hadn't thought about going back. i asked rafe, "are we going back home?" he didn't respond for a minute.

"my dad, rose, and wheezie are staying here on the low, but my dad doesn't give enough shits about me to care what i do." he sighed and continued, "if you want to go back we can tomorrow." i nodded and said, "i want to go back."

"okay, i'll go tell my dad." he said as he walked downstairs. he looked a mess he had blown pupils, blood shot eyes, dried tears on his face, and messy hair. i decided to tell jj the news.

we're coming back tomorrow

JJ 🍃:
Who's we?

i sighed and responded:

me and rafe.
read 6:43 pm

"shit" i mumbled to myself. i suddenly heard yelling, and shortly after, glass breaking. i knew exactly what was happening and rushed downstairs. ward was screaming at rafe, and rafe, well his face was covered in blood and cuts. "oh my god r-" i began to say when i was interupted.

"no, kaylin go upstairs, please." he begged. his eyes were glossy and filled with tears. i knew he didn't want to cry in front of ward.

without thinking, i grabbed a kitchen knife from behind me and ran over to them. i held it on ward's back. "let him fucking go!" i yelled at him and he backed away from rafe.

"go get your stuff rafe, we're leaving." i said with the knife still against ward's back. rafe immediately fell to the ground when ward let go of him.

"put the k-knife down kaylin.." he stuttered.

"why should i? you think its okay for you to keep abusing rafe, when it really isn't. you fucked him up, seriously. how can you not understand what your doing is wrong!" i yelled and pushed the knife slightly into his back, only enough to leave a small cut.

he groaned and i pulled the knife away. i put it back where i found it and said, "fuck you." i helped rafe up and he was holding back tears. i walked him upstairs and right when we walked into his room he started breaking down. i hugged him right away.

he winced a little and i let go. i pulled off his shirt and saw his abdomen was covered in bruises. "rafe i-" i wasn't able to finish my sentence before he started talking.

"i don't know how much more of this shit i can take. i can't do it anymore. he hates me. he always will." he said sobbing as he hugged me again. he was crying into my chest when wheezie walked in.

"oh my god rafe." she said when she saw his face. i could tell she was genuinely scared. "can you grab me a first aid kit?" i asked her trying to stay calm. she nodded and ran out of the room.

a few moments later she came back with one. "can you give us a few minutes?" i asked the girl. she nodded and left, shutting the door behind her.

rafe was a mess. i layed him down onto the bed and cleaned the wounds on his face. he winced a little, and i tried my best to comfort him. i was checking his abdomen for cuts, when a saw a huge cut down his back and around to his waste.

"oh my god" i said as i saw how much it was bleeding. soon, there was blood all over my hands and his bed. i looked at rafe and saw him loosing consciousness.

"no rafe stay with me!" i said as i grabbed his face. "WHEEZIE!" i screamed as loud as i could and she came rushing into the room. by now there were tears falling down my face.

"you need to call 9-1-1, now." i said sobbing as i watched her do it. she explained how bad rafe was bleeding and then sent an ambulance.

me and wheezie held pressure on his cut as we waited for the paramedics. less that five minutes later they came rushing into the room with a stretcher. they lifted rafe onto it and brought him out of the house.

i was still sobbing so wheezie grabbed my hand and we followed them. i couldn't believe how much i cared for him. we had only been back together for an hour.

"wheezie, you should stay here with rose." i said and rose waved wheezie over. i climbed into the ambulance and grabbed rafe's hand. "you're going to be okay rafe, i love you."

three days later:
i was holding rafe's hand while i slowly woke up in a chair next to his hospital bed. he had gotten emergency surgery to stop the internal bleeding, and he was still in a medically induced coma so they could monitor for brain bleeds.

i had barley slept the past three days. i hadn't left his side. i didn't eat or drink anything until rose forced me to when she visited. i was so scared to lose him.

i felt him squeeze my hand and looked up at him shocked. "hey" he said quietly. "hey" i responded and smiled.

AN: it may seem like their moving too fast but remember, they dated for two years and are still in love !!

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