chapter 7

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kaylins pov:

i was so concerned for rafe the whole plane ride. he hadn't said a single word, and was just staring off into space. i knew he was high, but that wasn't why he was acting like this. soon the plane landed and i helped him off. he still hadn't said anything to me. i immediatly called jj while we sat at the airport.

"hello? its like 3 am kaylin."

i was starting to panic over rafe. "jay... i need help. i'm at the airport right now with rafe, can you just come pick us up?"

"are you okay? you sound scared kay." he said worried.

"i'm okay, rafe isn't though. i don't know what's going on and i don't know what to do."

"i'll be there in five." jj said and hung up.

i looked over at rafe and he still wasn't moving or talking. it was like he was empty. i saw jj pull up in the twinkie and supported rafe so he could get in. i sat next to him in the back. rafe looked terrible. we didn't have anything to change his bandages, so they bled through his shirt. his hair was a mess, his pupils blown, his face cut up and bruised, and overall a blank expression.

jj looked concerned, and thats saying something considering he hates rafe. "i need help jay. i don't know what to do. he has been like this for like six hours. he hasn't moved or said anything and i-" i started sobbing. i was just so worried i didn't know what to do. "t-the the only thing he's done in the past like 6 hours was snort lines. and he does it a lot with me so i know it is normal. but jay, he snorted six lines." i was still crying and jj was looking at me suprised.

"okay, i don't know what to do... is he overdosing?" jj asked. i looked up at him and replied, "i don't think so, he would've passed out by now." jj nodded and started the van.

he took a long look at rafe who was completely still. "what the fuck happened to his stomach." jj said talking about the cut. i looked down and cursed to myself. "it was ward. they had this big fight and he cut him with a piece of glass. thats why we were in the hospital. he was in a coma." jj looked shocked.

"oh my god. i didn't realize ward hurt him." jj said. "me either. it was just so scary. right before he started acting like this we talked to ward. it didn't really go that well. maybe that's why he's like this right now." jj parked the van in the driveway of the chateau. "we need to clean this cut." he said.

i nodded in agreement and looked rafe in the eyes. he turned his head and looked at me and said, "i'm not okay." i looked at jj and then back at rafe.

rafes pov:

i finally managed to spit out, "i'm not okay" after ignoring the world around me for hours. i saw jj helping me and i was kind of surprised. i was totally out of it but next thing i knew, i was on the couch of the château. i heard people talking around me. i finally managed to snap out of the haze i had been in for hours. "i'm not okay" i said again as i looked around the room. i saw kie, jj, john b, pope, and sarah. "s-sarah?" i said.

kaylins pov:

sarah was aruguing with me over why i brought rafe here. i was still breaking down. "he needs help, he is bleeding and i don't know whats wrong with him. and he wants to talk to you sarah. i know everything he has done to you but right now he's at his breaking point. can you please just talk to him for a few minutes. he needs you." sarah reluctantly agreed and we gave her and rafe space while the rest of us walked outside.

i was attacked with questions from all of them but jj. i was zoning out a little and jj shook me. "kaylin?" he said. "i'm here" i replied.

kie finally spoke up, "kaylin, why are you still with rafe?" i sighed and said, "we're together."

everyone but jj looked shocked. "what?!" they all screamed. "you know what happened last time kaylin..." john b said.

"i know. i've been a mess the past week but me and rafe were there for each other. we admitted we had addictions and that we weren't okay. and rafe's dad seriously hurt him, he needed someone. i love rafe. that's why i've been with him." they all looked at me shocked. jj and rafe were the only ones who knew about what ward did.

"ward hit him?" kie and pope asked me concerned. i nodded and started crying again. they all walked over to hug me and explained they understood.

"i-i'm sorry. it's just me and rafe, we're just so alike. we understand each other. i'm just so scared for him right now. i mean, he is spiraling. last time this happened i went down with him." i explained as i cried and they hugged me.

"it's okay k, we are all here for you." kie said as they let go of me. "it's just, me and rafe bring out the worst in each other. this past week i've probably only been sober for one day, and that's today." they all nodded understanding.

"we will get you help kaylin." john b said. this sentence scared me. one of my biggest fears was rehab. i don't think i would come out rehab alive.

"you can't" i said and they all looked at me confused. "i can't get help." i finished.

kie asked me why and i said, "if i go to rehab, i just don't think i will come out of it alive. if it weren't for drugs, i would probably already be dead." they all stared at me in shock. i never told them anything this deep before.

i could tell they were all scared for me, but i didn't have time to worry about this right now. i needed to talk to rafe.

rafes pov (his talk with sarah):

"what do you want rafe?" she asked me as she looked down at my stomach.

"what the fuck happened to you?" i heard her say.

"dad, he uh, he hit me. got pissed i was leaving him to go back home and he cut me."

sarah stood there stunned. she didn't want to believe dad would do that, but she knew he would. "is it the first time he's, he's hit you?" she asked me. i shook my head no. "he has a couple times. not this bad." i said. sarah actually looked like she felt bad for me.

"i-i'm sorry for all the shit i did to you. you don't have to forgive me or anything but i just wanted to tell you. i've just always wanted dad to love me and i guess i was just jealous of how much he cared about you." i said as sarah paced back and forth. "everything i did was just for him." she nodded and came and sat next to me.

"i understand now. dad was never the person i saw him as. i was too blind to see how horrible he is to you and wheezie." she said slowly.

"the first time i did coke..." i began, "was after he kicked me out for the first time. remember when i was a sophomore and got a b in algebra?" i said and sarah nodded. "well he yelled at me for two hours and told me not to come back home. i was walking around and this guy offered me coke. i didn't have much else to do so i took it. that was the biggest mistake i ever made." i spoke with tears in my eyes. sarah has never seen me cry before, so i was trying to hold my tears back, but i just couldn't. i started sobbing. sarah put her arm around me and pulled me into a hug.

"i know we don't get along rafe, and you've hurt me, but your still my brother. i understand now and i forgive you. none of this would have happened if dad gave you as much love as he gave me." sarah said while i cried into her arms.

"i-i just never understood why he hated me." i said to her. "you're okay rafe, calm down." she said raking her hands through my hair.

"i'm not." i said. sarah was confused and said, "you're not okay?" i nodded and she hugged me tighter. after a few minutes i pulled away.

"i'm sorry." i said. sarah just sat there for a minute. she finally said, "i forgive you rafe."

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