Chapter 30

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Zach POV

Bing! Bing! Sh*t. It's early. Why's my phone going off this time of day? My head throbbing. I cut loose a little too hard last night. It's been a rough couple days. Week for that matter. I needed last night. I turn to grab my phone and notice I'm not alone. Damn it. Don't remember her. Taken a back at the fact it's usually a blonde in my bed on mornings like this. Not today. She has long dark hair. Just like her. Well, her now. I sigh sadly. Guess I have some sh*t to work out. More so than I thought. I can see where my mind went last night. With the right amount of tequila she resembles her. I must have had more than that. I should know better by now. No one has compared to her in fifteen years. Hence the blondes. I've been trying for years now to get her out of my head space. The last few have been much better. She was almost gone. Then bam. Here we are now. With a daughter at that. A beautiful one. Smart, funny and a complete nerd like the both of us. She has my eyes and my weird sense of humor. It seems my height as well. She's like the perfect kid. Still pissed that she was kept from me. More sad though now I missed it all. Because of what I did. I had tried to break up with that girl like a thousand times. She always guilted me not to though. I blew it. My chance. For a chick that I can't even remember her name now. I did love Ri. I still do. Always have no matter what she thinks. She was my everything. So perfect. In every way. Even more so now. She has aged exceptionally. Grown perfect curves. Her *ss that has came in now is mind blowing. God what I wouldn't give to do to it what I use to. Smack it until she was red and couldn't sit for the rest of the day. With out the reminder that is. Of me keeping her in line. Perfect submissive. Always doing what she was told. Unless she wanted to be punished. Then her brat side was tremendous. Haven't had that since. Someone who could take all of me down their throat. Letting me f*ck their mouth until black streaks of mascara ran down her face. God she looked so beautiful when she was on her knees like that for me. Now all that's wasted on freaking Evans. He doesn't have a dominate bone in his body. At least I assume. He's always struck me as the hearts and flowers type. I have a hard time thinking she has let go of those tendencies of hers. Even though when he showed up at the bar he did say something about him being her daddy. A bit shocked. That and jealous. That's used to be my role. My mind starts to wander.


"Hi! I'm Zach. Nice to meet you." I smile at her. She is super cute. So freaking tiny. She looks like a little pixie. Especially with her bright red hair. "Hey Zach. I'm Ri. Nice to meet you too. You did awesome today. It was hilarious." Her smile lights up the room. She starts to giggle. My good god. That's entrancing. "How come I haven't met you yet?" I sip my beer. "Just started on set last week. Wardrobe. I'm apprenticing right now in costume design. Sherry made me come out tonight. She said these nights are a blast." We are trying to yell over the crowded bar. "They can be. More fun now though." Smirking at her. "And why is that?" Sh*t that giggle. Clouds my head. "You're here." Smiling as large as I can. "Smooth Levi." She sips her drink. "You would be the first and probably only woman ever to say that to me." We both laugh. "Where are you from?" Curiosity about this woman taking me over. She is not my type at all. Flaming red hair like Ariel from the little mermaid. Tattoos and piercings. I saw the one on her tongue when she laughed. Sexy as h*ll. I wonder what that feels like. Some how she pulls it off though. She is a straight ten. More if the scale went higher. Plus with that laugh and she seems sweet too. "Small town girl. I'm from New Hampshire." She says. She looks sad. "Missing home already?" I ask. "My mom and dad mostly. Not much else there for me." Shrugging her shoulders. "No man at home waiting on you?" Can't believe I just asked her that. Smuck. "Nope. I um. I just got divorced actually." Looking into her drink. She looks too young to have been married. "He's a moron." What the h*ll is wrong with me? God Zach. Get it together. "Pretty much." She cracks up. Calling the bartender over. "Can I have a shot of tequila please?" She asks sweetly. "Absolutely sexy lady." The bartender winks. Even women are drawn to her. I'm not the only one. "Thank doll." She winks back. F*ck. My c*ck just twitched watching that interaction. It's like I'm twelve here. "Hey Zach." She giggles pulling me out of my head. "Yea sorry. What did you say?" Shaking my head. "I didn't say anything." She cracks up. I've been caught. "Oh my god men. You all are incorrigible." Trying to catch her breath in between laughing. "Sorry didn't realize you were." She interrupts me. "I'm not. She is a friend of mine I met when I first got here. She knows I'm not interested. Harmless flirting is all. Plus free drinks." Dying of laughter at my reaction. "Girl after my heart." Smiling at her. I should stop this I have a girlfriend. Not that I am happy with her. I keep trying to end it.

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