Chapter 9

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                 He puts me down in the middle of the bed softly

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                 He puts me down in the middle of the bed softly. He crawls up on top of me. I have never seen anything as sexy as that in my life. As much as I want this, I am anxious suddenly. He can tell. "Darling, if you're not ready that is fine, we can wait." He whispers and gently he kisses me. I'm quick to let him know I'm more than ready. By kissing him more forcefully. He returns my passion. He gets up to take his shirt off. I am admiring what is mine to look at right now. I run my hands from his shoulders down his chest to those stunning abs I have stared at for years now. Snaking my hands to the lower of his back so I can pull him closer to me. He starts an assault of kissing and sucking all over my neck as I do the same to his and his shoulder only stopping to remove my shirt. After it's off still sitting up as he is on his knees. I feel a barrage of mouth and tongue on my collarbone as he reaches around my back to remove my bra. He has it undone and off in one fluid motion. I'm lightly pushed onto my on my back with his weight on top of me. We are a constant ballet of mouths and hands all over each other's exposed skin. He breaks our molding into each other and is on his knees again starting at me with lust oozing off him and a slight glisten of sweat on his brow. "You're absolutely ravishing my darling." He bends down to lick ever so slightly my left breast and nipple as he fondles the right one. He flicks my nipple with his tongue as he sucks on it making my back arch and moan his name. He bites it lightly when I do. He moves his hand to my now extremely hard left nipple and uses his mouth to the right. Getting the same reaction. I can feel him smile against my skin as his mouth works it down my torso to the top of my jeans. He undoes the button and zipper. He slides my jeans down my hips that I raise so he can get them off. They are thrown to the floor. I feel his eyes burning over my body. I lay there in a tiny pair of dark green underwear I forgot I was wearing. He breathes sharply, standing at the foot of my bed now. "Well, my queen what do we have here? Is that my logo there? Right above where I plan my mouth to be in a moment." I nod my head full of desire unable to speak. He removes them ever so carefully. "Don't want anything to happen to those now do we?" He lifts my right leg. Starts kissing his way up my leg while getting on the bed at the same time. He gets to my knee and spreads my legs to kiss up to the inside of my thigh where he bites down. I'm dripping for him never being this turned on in my entire life. He makes sure to admire his work first. Eyes glued to my sex. "I love that I can make you wet like this Sabrina. You're positively seeping for me. I must feel this before I taste you." He delicately runs two long fingers up my folds and moans. I buck my hips from either the sound or the touch. I'm not sure which one. He drops his head down between my thighs. Lapping at the juices he has caused. He opens me and brings his tongue to where I am most sensitive. Flicking his tongue over and over as I run my fingers through his hair moaning loudly and calling his name. He takes his two fingers inserting them curled. Rhythmically pushes them in and out. I can't take much more when he momentarily stops with his tongue. "C*me for me my darling." He uses a tone that makes me begin to come apart as he returns to flicking and sucking. My walls clench around his fingers my hips raise as his tongue goes faster as does his fingers. I c*me for him hard and long saying his name repeatedly. When he is sure I am complete he quickly stands up. I watch him with hooded eyes. He undoes his belt and pants I lick my lips waiting to see what I'm in store for. They drop to his feet and my heart flutters when I see how large he is. Long and thick. My body wanting him more. He slowly steps out of his pants. Climbs on top and kisses me. I feel him enter me slowly as if savoring every inch of how I feel. He groans in my ear. "God you are so tight and wet darling." His breath hitched. "You feel amazing Thomas." That triggered a faster pace of movement not too fast though. My legs wrap tightly around his waist. He raises my *ss with his hands. We stay this way my legs wrapped around him as his slides in and out of me slowly. Both just enjoying the feeling of each other. "Sabrina, I can't take much longer. I want you to c*me with me." He breathes out as he begins to pound into me faster and deeper. I tighten around him ready to reach climax. "Harder Thomas harder." He obliges happily, grunting my name as he does. Sweat dripping off both our bodies I can feel myself ready to release he demands. "Look at me. I want to look you in the eyes when you c*me." I open my eyes to lustful ice blue ones. Dark eyes meeting light ones. As we stare each other we both come. Together both loudly and forcefully. He moves his hand from under me never exiting me putting his weight on his elbows. His eyes lovingly adoring me, he kisses me sweetly. He presses his forehead to mine still catching our breathe. "You, my darling are truly incredible. That was amazing." He breathes out. "So were you. So were you." I giggle. "Did I live up to everything you wanted?" He asks. "More than I could have ever dreamed it could be." I whisper. He moves to the side of me, and I roll to face him. He moves the hair out of my face we just look at each other smiling for a while. I move into him closer, and our naked bodies entwine as his arms wrapped around me. My face buried in his chest smelling him. He kisses the top of my head. His long fingers traces a straight line up and down my back. We both fall asleep in utter bliss.

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