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𝙱𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚎'𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟
𝙹𝚊𝚗𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟸𝚗𝚍

"when are you making pancakes" Morana groaned. "I'll do it right now" I got up and walked to the kitchen. "you wanna help!" She ran down the stairs and skidded across the floor since she had socks on. Eventually she fell over

"yes" I shook my head and we made some pancakes. "Pow" I smacked a egg on her head. "What the fuck William" She yelled. She grabbed some eggs and i dashed.

"stop running" She whined. I stopped and looked at her. "not on the designer clothes" i told her. She rolled her eyes. "Then go change" She pointed to her room.

𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟

She went to my room and i got plates. My phone buzzed in my pocket.

hey sweetie me and your father found jobs out here and we have decided we are moving here. So pack your things and we are going to get you enrolled to this school up here. love, momI

 stared at my phone.

"everything okay?" I look up at billie and shook my head. I'm not leaving. no. I'm not. I handed her my phone and she read it. After, she gave me a hug and told me your not leaving if you don't want to leave.

"let me text the group" I told her. She handed me my phone and i texted everyone.

everyone at my house in 10 minutes.

Okay ill be there


give me 20 min I'm at the store


I turned my phone off and laid back in billie arms waiting for everyone. "I'm going to change and wash my hair." she nodded and i took a quick shower.

when i came back and everyone was there sitting on the couch. All eyes were turned to me."so um.." i started. i pulled a chair to the couch. "mom said that we are moving-"

"WHAT" Nicole screamed. I just looked at billie and she just laughed quietly. "can i finish" I raised my eyes brow. She slowly nodded. "and I'm going to tell her I'm not coming. I'm almost 18 so I can do that right?" Liam nodded his head and so did beca, then Liam brought up the big question.

"where are you staying" I shrugged. "mom said the house is going to be sold in a week" I sighed. I saw billie pull out her phone but didnt think anything of it.

"You can stay with Liam right?" Beca looked at him. he shook his head. "gramps is taking the guest room" beca thought about it. "why don't you stay with billie" That got bils attention. She shrugged and continued with her phone.

"Y'all better not be rubbin pussy's together" liam said. That made everyone laugh. "OMG Morana your blushing" Nicole yelled. I sighed and collected myself together.

"okay, now I have cookies" I walked to the kitchen grabbing the cookies and everyone took one. "these are so fucking good" I looked at billie and she smiled.

. . .
𝙹𝚊𝚗𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟹𝚛𝚍

I was in my room with boxes everywhere and the door bell rang. I walked down and opened the door. It was billie. "what's up William" She looked me up and down. i was wearing a bra and bottoms.

"are you packing?" I nodded and let her in. "don't." Is all she said. "i have to, the owners are coming in 3 days" She put her hands o her face and ran it down.

"i might of bought the house" She mumbled. "What?" I looked at her. She looked away and repeated.

"I bought the house" She through her hands in the air and brought them back down landing on her thighs. i covered my mouth with my hands.


"I'm a star" She sat on the couch and looked up at the ceiling. "whats that supposed to mean" I sat down across from her.

"I'm famous Morana" She fiddled with her rings. i thought about it. The jewelry, the house, the designer clothes, all the shoes, the bad ass car. "you serious" she chuckled. "yeah" I nodded.

"What do you do" That caught her attention. "I sing" I got up and walked to my room grabbing my guitar and came back out.

"play somethin" I handed her the guitar. She looked confused. "do it" I nudged on, she started strumming.

"it's in the making, women" She told me. She started singing as she strummed the same tune.

I had a dream

I got everything I wanted
Not what you'd think
And if I'm being honest
It might've been a nightmare
To anyone who might care
Thought I could fly So I stepped off the Golden
Nobody cried
Nobody even noticed
I saw them standing right there
Kinda thought they might care

I sat back as she was singing thinking of the lyrics until one hit me, hard.

"and it feels like yesterday was a year ago" A couple minutes she stopped and set the guitar down.

"you ok?" She got up and walked over. "hm" i looked at her. "why are you crying" I let out a sigh and wiped the tears.

"no reason," lies. "the song was to beautiful" truth. She laughed. She smiled and gave me a hug.

"let me get a shower" i told her in the hug. She let go letting me leave into the bathroom.

. . .

𝙹𝚊𝚗𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 6𝚝𝚑

"Fuck love to many reasons!" I screamed in the car as i drove in the pouring rain listening to my sad playlist. (stream f*ck love by lund. its amazing)

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!" I yell on the top of my lungs. i pull over and sit there. A year ago i was with someone. They were my everything. Then they cheated, and i confronted them. Soon after I got hit, abused basically. So yeah fuck love even though i think i'm in love, it's only been a month since i met her.

after i calmed myself I drove back to my house. I got there and billie's Black challenger was in the driveway. i got out if my car and grabbed the new keys and unlocked it.

I walked straight passed billie but she stopped me. "have you been crying" I nod and continued walking.

i grab a box under my bed and pull it out. i pulled the lid off and saw what was inside. It was my grandma's wedding ring, photos of us, and me and my ex. we do not mention her name. i grabbed the photos of me and her then put the lid back on. I slipped it back under the bed and walked down.

"what are you doing" Billie asked looking at me while i run around the house looking for a lighter. I ignored her and found a lighter and went outside to the back yard. I sat on the ground and i heard the sliding glass door meaning billie is watching.

i flipped the knob and a flame appeared. I lifted the photos of me and my ex up and lit the corner of the photos on fire. I put them on the concrete and watch as they burned.

"i should of done this a year ago" I watch as my smile turn to dust. Billie sat down and scooted over by me. I knew she wanted to ask what it was. i leaned on her shoulder.

"there photos of me and my ex" I felt her arm drape over my shoulder pulling me closer. i didn't mind one bit. Once the photo's were turned to dust, the air blew making them disappear...forever.


𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔡 - BIllie EIlish (completed)Where stories live. Discover now