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𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚗𝚊𝚜 𝚙𝚘𝚟
𝙵𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟷𝟺𝚝𝚑

I got shaken awake and woke up to being on the couch wrapped up in a blanket. "come on we have to catch the flight" Claudia whispered to me. I yawned and got up slipping my shoes on and putting my hands on the opposite arms to make myself warm.

"you cold" billie asked coming up behind me. I nodded and she grabbed one of her hoodies. "Here take it" She placed it in my hands and I slipped it on as everyone huddled into the car.

"where are we going first" I yawned leaning on billie's shoulder as a pillow. "London, England" she let out before dozing off. England? Damn. Soon we got to the airport. I followed everyone and some people recognized billie and some didn't.

A hour later of us waiting, scrolling though phones, and dozing off time to time, they called are flight. "We got first class mamas" billie smirked and walked to her seat. "William" I groaned. "I don't like flying" I told her.

"Come here" she opened her arms. "Don't we have to wait till there up in the air" I questioned. She shrugged and did a grabby motion with her hands. I rolled my eyes and walked to her sitting next to her.

"ma'am we can't have you sitting there" the flight attendant told us. "Its a open seat though" billie whined. She looked at everyone who was either sleeping, watching something, or doing something else. " I guess you can sit there" she sighed and walked to the other people on the plain.

They told us to put are seat belts on as take off was happening. After a few minutes it got steady and calm. "Now cmere" billie said unclipping the belt. She pulled me onto her lap in which I laid my head on her chest and she leaned the seat back.

"your boner is poking my vagina" I told her. She smirked and grabbed my ass making me move. "billie this is a plane" I looked at her. She smirked again and gave a gentle smile. "That's why you can either fuck me right now or u ride me with ur clothes on"

I bit my lip as she kept squeezing my ass and moved me. There were curtain things that separated everyone and there were in the front were beds were so people could sleep. I grabbed Billie's hand dragging her to one of the beds and sat down.

. . .

𝙵𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝟷𝟺𝚝𝚑

"The plane will be landing shortly please buckle up" the person announced. I got into a seat and sat down buckling the belt. Once the plain landed we waited for are luggage and headed off to a hotel.

"You have about 6 hours to sleep or do whatever then we have to get you to sound check" Maggie told us. Everyone nodded and dispersed into rooms. Finneas and Claudia, Maggie and Patrick, me and William.

I threw the luggage on the floor and immediately went to the bed. "do you want to come to sound check with me?" billie asked shy. I nodded and grabbed a blanket putting it around me and laying down. I closed my eyes but soon after i felt the bed dip and her arms came around my body pulling me towards her. slowly but surely i fell asleep in her arms.


"wake up sleepy" billie's voice echoed through the room. I pulled the covers over my head and ignored her. "well im going to sound check" she announced. I pulled the covers down a little to make the top of my head peak out.

"hurry up" she told me. i got up and grabbed clothes took a quick shower and came out. "i thought i said quick" she pulled her phone down to look at me. I brushed my hair out and slipped my shoes on. "sorry" I got out.

she laughed and walked up to me. "im joking" she patted my shoulder and walked to the dresser. "here" she tossed one of her hoodies at me. i slipped it on and followed her.

once we got there finneas was already there along with Claudia. "let's get this started." Maggie pulled billie backstage and Claudia and I went infront if the stage to watch.

Claudia had a copy of the songs that she was going to play in order starting with bellyache and end with hostage.

6 feet under
new girl, but fin is preforming that
hotline bling/party favor
when the party's over
ocean eye's 
my boy

after she went through all the songs, lights, and effects that are going to happen we went to the back.

"it looks good" Claudia told then all.

"it should im a fucking king" Billie told her then set her head on my shoulder. "billie language" maggie told her. "im going to go get ready for the concert." billie announced and pulled me with her. We went into the green room waiting for Maggie to come back and tell us to gather on stage.

"so I've been thinking" she started. I sat down and looked at her while she played with her fingers. She was obviously nervous. She sucked in a breath of air and releasing it. "What's on your mind" she takes a glance at me and soon as she looks she looks away. I hear her mutter 'c'mon just do it' but didn't say anything.

"so I wanted to ask you w-" she got interrupted by Maggie who told us the show is about to start. Billie sighed and started walking out of the door. I pulled her back and gave her a long kiss on the lips which made her smile.

"Hurry up" Finneas pounded on the door. Billie blushed and walked out all pumped and ready to go.

. . .

"you did great bil" the sweaty siblings walked off stage and to the green room to cool down. I handed both of them a bottle of water along with a towel to wipe themselves off. "what did you think" Billie asked downing some water. "It was amazing" I smiled. Billie opened her arms for a hug but I politely declined.

"why not" she whined making a pouty face. I watch finneas walk out of the room from the corner of my eye. She also crossed her arms over her chest and looked at me. "Your all sweaty and gross"  I fixed my hat on my head while looking at her. "Oh am i?" she got up and chased me around the room until she caught me.

We fell to the floor laughing and she was behind me while I faced the opposite direction. I smiled softly and she had her arms around me. she put her head against mine. Ear to ear but her head was tilted down and she closed her eyes slowly breathing, she was calm.

I heard the door creek open but heard the small click sound of the door when the person shut it. "I want to ask you something" billie said in the silence. "mmm and what's that" I closed my heads as I leaned against her. "we've known each other for a couple of months, and I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend? But you don't have to-" I cut her off by turning around and grabbing her chin gently and kissing her. "Yes" is all I tell her. I pushed her to lay on the floor and sit on top of her still kissing her. Her bulge made an appearance in this making it more fun.

We kept making out on the floor as I kept teasing her with my hand in her pants. There was a knock at the door making us stop and I fixed my hat. "Yeah?" Billie yelled from still laying on the floor. I'm still sitting on her waist but thankfully they didn't open the door.

"bus will be leaving in 20" A mans voice said through the door. "Alright thanks" Billie yelled and I looked down at her. She grabbed the collar of my shirt pulling me back down to kiss her.


𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔈𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔣 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔩𝔡 - BIllie EIlish (completed)Where stories live. Discover now