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Sam rested his head against the lunch table, letting out a soft groan as he closed his eyes tiredly. He felt Charlie rubbing his back sympathetically and raised his head, running his fingers through his hair as he looked at the lunch food in disgust.

He hadn't gotten any sleep last night, as he had suffered through nightmare after nightmare, each one getting more gruesome that the last, until he finally decided to just stay awake. It hadn't been easy, and he now he was in a pissy mood.

"I'm going to go to class early." Sam said in a disgruntled voice, picking up his still full tray and heading to the garbage. He tipped the food - which didn't look like food anyways mind you - into the can before returning his tray and exiting the cafeteria.

He checked his phone, and sighed when he realized he still had ten minutes before the bell rang to go back to class. He decided to try the classroom door anyways. Maybe the teacher didn't lock it.

It was locked, and that left Sam with nothing to do for the next ten minutes other than wait for the bell to ring. He contemplated going back to the lunch room, but he just wasn't in the mood to listen to all the shatter. So what else was he going to do other than slide to the floor, letting his long legs splay out?

He closed his eyes, trying to get comfortable with his back against the brick wall and his lower half on the cold tile. He let out a sigh, allowing his body to relax and his mind to wander. He was even bordering on dozing off when he felt something kick his leg.

He groaned, figuring it was the teacher and sat up, slowly opening his eyes to glare at the man. He instead was greeted with Uriel, who had that same dark grin on his face as he always did. His glare turned into a scowl. He was not in the mood for this at all.

"What do you want?" Sam snapped in annoyance, the heaviness in his eyes abating a bit in his anger. Uriel huffed at his obvious anger and grabbed the Winchester, dragging him to his feet by the hair.

"To finish the conversation we started yesterday." Uriel said with a smirk, his fingers pulling the strands of Sam's hair tightly, making pain shoot through his scalp. He winced, but didn't make a noise as he glared up at the man.

"I don't want to finish it, so get the hell off me." Sam growled, shoving Uriel, making him let go of his hair. He began to walk away, until he felt a well-aimed kick to his back, making him fall to the ground.

"You're certainly are bold today." Uriel said with a smirk, looking at the smaller teen as he shot him a glare, pulling himself to his feet. Sam looked over at him, clenching his fists.

"Don't make me have to beat your ass." Sam growled, sick and tired of fighting with Uriel. The burly teen's face only brightened at the idea, and he grabbed Sam by the front of the shirt, amusement littering his gaze.

"A wimpy guy like you? Beating me?" Uriel chuckled at the mere thought of it, making Sam's blood boil even more. "Please, show me how you could kick my ass. I'm dying to know."

Sam opened his mouth to answer, his anger surging in his chest, but he was interrupted by another voice. "Moose! What do you think you are doing?!" Gabriel's voice pulled both of their attention from each other.

The Trickster | Sabriel Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now