Gabriel's Back

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Sam spent the weekend with Dean and Bobby, staying with his depressed brother until Dean finally found the strength to go back to work. Bobby had become almost like a mother hen for the boy, which Sam was happy to see. After all, Dean deserved to be happy.

That Monday, he walked into the school doors, and saw Gabriel standing out of the way of the crowd, staring down at the ground. Sam sighed in relief, moving over to the boy, gaining his attention.

"Gabriel?" Sam said, his worry coming through as the trickster lifted his head, a sad look in his eyes. When he saw Sam, tears began to fall, and he threw himself into Sam's arms, letting out a sob.

 "My sister's dead!" Gabriel cried into Sam's chest, holding onto him tightly. Sam frowned, his arms circling around Gabriel's waist and holding him tightly.

"What happened, Gabriel?" Sam asked, looking down at the top of Gabriel's head, ignoring the looks that they got from passing students. Gabriel looked up, tears staining his cheeks, his fingers digging into Sam's back from holding on so tightly.

"She got into a car wreck last week." Gabriel whimpered, Sam moving his hand to the nape of his neck and stroking soothingly. "She....she didn't make it. She was impaled by a shard of the car.... she's gone."

Gabriel had to stop, his crying getting in the way of his speech as he hid his face again. Sam held him tightly, his hand on the back of his head as he waited for the boy to calm down. When he finally did, Gabriel pulled away, wiping at his eyes.

"Let's get to class. I don't want to be late." Gabriel mumbled, turning away from Sam. Sam reached out, taking his hand gently and pulling him towards the door.

"We're skipping class for today. Come on." Sam said gently, leading Gabriel towards the front door and slipping outside. Together, they walked silently across the road, towards the park. When they got to the orchard, Sam stopped underneath the apple trees, taking a seat at the roots and pulling Gabriel into his lap.

"Are you doing okay?" Sam asked, holding the boy as he rested his head on his shoulder, his nose nuzzling into Sam's neck. He felt Gabriel shrug and kissed the top of his head, falling into a silence.

"Dad stopped eating." Gabriel muttered after several moments of silence, his voice muffled. Sam looked down at him, frowning. He wasn't sure what to say to that.

"Do you think he'll be okay?" Sam asked, his fingertips trailing up Gabriel's spine and back down again in a calming manner. The boy shivered against his chest, making Sam wrap his arms tighter around him to keep him warm, sharing his heat.

"I don't know. I 've never seen him so depressed..." Sam heard a sniffle, and felt a rush of panic when he realized Gabriel was crying again. He moved back just enough he could see the trickster's face, sliding some fresh tears away with his thumb.

"Hey, what's wrong?" Sam asked as Gabriel raised his head up. The trickster tried to vainly wipe at the tears, though new ones quickly took their place.

"I just l-lost my sister. I don't want to lose my d-dad too." Gabriel whimpered out in between gasping breaths, the tears becoming a flood as he released his feelings. "I don't want to be all alone."

Sam let out a soft whine of concern, placing his hand on Gabriel's cheek and shushing him softly as the trickster cried, whispering words of comfort. He pulled Gabriel back into his chest, letting him cry as he rubbed his back, rocking him the best he could in his position.

It took ten minutes of Gabriel crying for him to quiet down, and Sam realized he had cried himself to sleep. He slowly worked himself to his feet, holding the smaller boy in his arms much like you hold a kid. Of course, it was a bit more awkward than that because even though Gabriel was short, he was much taller than a toddler.

After getting situated, Sam began walking to Gabriel's house to take him home, knowing he needed some well deserved rest. His heart ached for the trickster and what he was going through. After all, if Gabriel couldn't smile through it, it was beyond serious.

Upon arriving to Gabriel's house, he shifted the trickster's weight slightly so he could ring the doorbell, hearing it faintly behind the door. He waited for a few moments before Gabriel's father opened the door, his face gaunt and much more thin than he remembered.

"Sam? What are you doing here?" Gabriel's father asked, his eyes wandering to the boy Sam held. He sighed, an understanding look flashing in his eyes as he stepped to the side, allowing the Winchester to walk in.

"He fell asleep after crying, so I took him home." Sam whispered as he walked in, not wanting to wake the trickster up. He looked around the house, having not been inside before, and found it surprisingly calm and peaceful feeling with white walls and golden picture frames dotting the wall. Chuck nodded, and motioned to the hallway before leading the way.

"Thank you, Sam. It's been a rough week for the both of us." Gabriel's father said before opening the door on the right. He ushered Sam in, and they came upon a bedroom, the walls completely graffiti'd, with a pure white desk and bed with golden covers. Sam decided Gabriel's room was the most amazing thing he's ever seen.

He set his boyfriend on the bed gently, letting his arms slide out from under Gabriel. The trickster whimpered, but did not wake as Sam sighed, leaning down and kissing his nose before turning back to Gabriel's father, a sheepish look coming across his face.

"I'm sorry for your loss." Sam said softly, dipping his head. He headed to walk out the door before stopping, looking back at Gabriel's father who had a haunted look on his face. "I wanted you to know, Gabriel's worried about you. He told me you weren't eating, and that he doesn't want to lose you like he did his sister. I know this is a hard time for you but please, don't give up, for Gabriel's sake."

Sam left without waiting for a response from Gabriel's father, feeling he had intruded enough. He left the house, running a hand through his hair, and prayed that the family would be alright.

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