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A week after their first kiss, Sam came into school, only to groan as paper hearts fell from above, showering him. He shot a glance over, seeing Gabriel standing there with a cheeky smile on his face, which made Sam scowl playfully.

"I thought the pranks were going to stop." Sam said, pulling one of the hearts out of his hair and making his way over to his boyfriend. Gabriel smirked, motioning to Charlie, who was laughing her ass off.

"She told me to. She said because we're together, she's starting the bet now so I have to do what she says." Gabriel replied with a shrug. Sam arched one eyebrow, looking over at the red head.

"Bet?" Sam asked, turning his gaze back to Gabriel. The trickster nodded, waving his hands around dramatically as he began speaking.

"She bet me that if that blue flower petal landed in your hair, we would get together. So, since the petal landed in your hair, I have to do whatever she says for a week, starting today apparently." Gabriel explained, smiling. Sam felt his own smile appearing as he remembered the flower petal prank.

"Well, how about this. We're going to play our own little game called, how quick can we give her a fangasm." Sam said before dipping his head and pecking Gabriel's lips, smirking at the now red-face Charlie. Gabriel laughed, grabbing Sam's jacket and pulling him down closer.

"Now, that's not how to do it. If you want to really hit the mark, you have to really go at it." Gabriel said before kissing Sam, gently at first, and allowing it to slowly build up before pulling away suddenly. "But it's only a tease."

Sam grinned, allowing Gabriel to hug him around the middle as he looked back at Charlie, who was completely frozen. He motioned her over, laughing when he saw her stumble. As soon as she got over, she squealed loud enough to gain the attention of anyone else who had not noticed the paper hearts or their kissing session.

"How can you be that adorable?!" Charlie complained, waiting for Gabriel and Sam to pull away before dramatically mock fainting in Sam's arms. "I want to be so cute that people pass out from just staring at you guys."

Sam laughed at the red-headed girl, helping her out of her half fallen state. She pouted, but it was soon replaced by a grin as she crossed her arms over her chest, studying the two of them. "I told you you would get together." She said, poking Sam in the chest.

Sam blushed, wrinkling his nose. "Yeah yeah, you and your psychicness." Sam said, rolling his eyes at the accomplished smirk that Charlie's face held. Gabriel looked at the both of them, arching an eyebrow.

"Now we need to find Charlie a girlfriend so we can go on the double gay dates." Gabriel said, earning a amused eye roll from Sam and another squeal from Charlie.

"I really want to date Gilda, but I don't think she would notice me." Charlie said wistfully, pulling her backpack tighter to her back. Sam grinned, looking at Gabriel and nodding.

"We'll help you get a date with her." Sam said, linking hands with Gabriel discreetly. Charlie blushed and shook her head, twirling her hair with her fingers as she sighed exaggeratedly.

"I don't even know if she's into girls..." Charlie said, trailing off as she looked around. Most people had moved on by now, and it was only a passerby here and there that gave them strange looks.

"We'll figure it out. Don't worry Charlie." Sam comforted, patting her shoulder gently. Gabriel nodded in his encouragement, looking over at the hallway before nudging Sam, an unamused look crossing his face.

"We might want to get out of here. Mr. Langdon is coming and I don't feel like getting detention for paper hearts." Gabriel said, grabbing both Sam's and Charlie's hands, dragging them down one of the hallways, away from the teacher. Sam barely got a glimpse of the teacher making his way down before they were pulled out a view, which he couldn't really be disappointed in. He didn't want detention either.

When they were a respectable distance away from the front door, Gabriel allowed them to stop, smirking at his triumph. "Gabriel- three hundred and thirty-two. School- one." He said with a smirk, stretching. Sam's eyes automatically wandered to the tiny bit of stomach showing under Gabriel's shirt, smiling appreciatively.

"That many pranks gone uncaught? Wow, you really are the trickster of the era aren't you?" Charlie said impressed. Sam groaned, leaning back onto the locker with a roll of his eyes.

"Don't encourage him. Three hundred of them are on me alone." Sam said, smirking at the trickster as he puffed his cheeks, trying an angry look. It disappeared a moment later, and Gabriel shrugged, smiling.

"Of course, you're easily embarrassed." Gabriel said with a grin. They're banter soon came to an end as Sam looked over, growling when he saw Uriel and his goonies making his way over. Sam didn't want for this day to be ruined now.

"Hey, fag, how's your little boyfriend doing?" Uriel asked, a smirk on his face. Sam met him evenly, his courage flaring when he felt Gabriel's hand slide into his.

"He's doing amazing actually. How's your ego? I hope I didn't shatter the poor fragile thing by kicking your ass last time." Sam said nonchalantly, grinning at the anger that crossed over Uriel's face.

"That was just a fluke." Uriel spat, a growl deep in his throat. Sam shrugged, looking over at Gabriel and smiling. He knew he was winning this, and he almost felt sorry for the teen.

"Whatever, Uriel. Could you go away? I sort of want to make out with my boyfriend, but I don't want you to get jealous." Sam said, raising Gabriel's hand to his mouth and kissing it gently. He saw Gabriel blush out of the corner of his eyes and dropped his hand, an accomplishment in his expression.

Uriel just scoffed before motioning for his goons to walk on, quickly moving away from the small group. Sam waited until they left before slumping against the locker, letting out a relieved sigh.

"Wow, Sam. I've never seen you stand up to them before." Charlie commented, her eyes wide with admiration. Gabriel hugged Sam tightly, hiding his grin in his chest.

"He fought Uriel on our last day of detention and beat his ass. You don't know how much I wanted to kiss him then." Gabriel said, resting his head on Sam's chest and smiling over at Charlie. Sam wrapped his arms around him, smiling as well.

"It's only because I didn't like seeing you crying that I fought. I don't like fighting but I wasn't going to let anyone hurt you." Sam admitted, lifting his head and sighing when he heard the bell rang. Gabriel reluctantly let go of Sam, wrinkling his nose.

"See you in Biology then." He said to Sam before giving Charlie a hug. Sam watched him go before turning to Charlie and grinning.

"Gilda's in my first period. I'll be sure to figure it out for you." Sam said, giving the red-head a hug before hurrying down the hallway. He barely made it through the door before the tardy bell rang.

The Trickster | Sabriel Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now