Shopping and Coming Out

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Sam groaned as they passed through the can aisle for the third time, rolling his eyes as he looked at Gabriel with a pouting look of distress. Gabriel only smiled, grabbing his hand and lacing their fingers before he took the grocery list out of Sam's other hand, scanning over the items.

"Which one were we looking for?" Gabriel asked, tipping his head at Sam. The taller teen pointed to the bread crumbs on the list, sighing as he looked down the next aisle, his eyebrows furrowing slightly.

"Let's split up?" Sam suggested, studying the list for a minute before smiling at Gabriel. "You search for the bread crumbs, Dijon mustard, and potatoes, I'll get the mozzarella, garlic, and parsley. Okay?"

Gabriel nodded, leaning up and pecking Sam on the cheek before letting go of his hand. "Hurry back." Gabriel mumbled, his cheeks tinting slightly pink before he began walking in the other direction. Sam watched him leave with a soft smile on his face before turning and letting out a sigh as he began searching for his items.

He found the mozzarella and garlic easily, grabbing the amount he needed before looking around, heading to the vegetable section of the store. He got there, only to scowl when he saw that there was no fresh parsley in the aisle. He resorted to trailing over to the worker nearby, clearing his throat softly to get his attention.

"Do you know where I can find parsley, preferably fresh?" Sam asked, shuffling slightly as the worker looked up at him with barely disguised horror. His height, although not at full potential, always outreached most people, leaving them a bit intimidated.

"Uh....we don't have any fresh at the moment. The dried parsley is in the box aisle at the very end, by the appliance aisle." The worker said, his eyes wide. Sam thanked him, awkwardly leaving from the awestruck gaze and continuing his hunt.

He finally reached the aisle in sighed in relief as he found the small container of dried parsley, balancing it on the mozzarella and garlic before heading out of the aisle, only to pause when something caught his attention. He tipped his head, unsure of why the appliance caught his gaze, but found himself moving to it, placing his things on the shelf beside it before picking it up.

It was just a normal toaster, yet he felt a longing as he stared at it's silver surface, lettings his fingertips trace of the black edges with a frown. He was so lost in thought, he didn't even hear Gabriel approach until the boy tapped on his shoulder.

"What are you looking at?" Gabriel asked, peering around Sam's shoulder - he wasn't tall enough to see over it - at the toaster. Sam glanced back at his boyfriend, seeing the look of confusion across his face.v "Why are you looking at a toaster?"

"I just felt like it means something extremely important to me. I just can't figure out what." Sam mumbled, returning his gaze to the appliance. It felt as if there was an entire story there, something told yet unknown to him. The longing and pain left him wanting to know more as he placed it back on the shelf.

"Well, you know what they say. An item that feels important to you is just something that you cared about in another lifetime." Gabriel said, smiling reassuringly at Sam as the taller teen collected his things again. Sam stared at him, feeling a rush of longing feeling his heart.

"Do you think we would known each other in that lifetime too?" Sam asked, chewing on his lip. He hadn't realized exactly how nervous he had felt about Gabriel's answer until the trickster finally spoke.

"Sam Winchester. I can't imagine a life where I don't know you." Gabriel said, smiling brightly. Sam couldn't help but finding himself smiling at that, leaning down at pecking Gabriel's lips several times before blushing and motioning towards the cashier.

"Uh...let's get back to Bobby's then." Sam said, hiding his red face behind the food in his hands as he headed towards the front of the shop.


"Did you get everything on the list, Sam?" Bobby asked gruffly as they walked into the house, their cheeks and noses stinging from the cold outside. Sam nodded, handing his uncle the two bags before clearing his throat, motioning to the trickster behind him.

"Bobby, this is Gabriel. Gabriel, this is my uncle Bobby." Sam introduced, his hand nervously clenching and unclenching in his jacket pocket. Bobby merely looked Gabriel over, smiling and giving him a gruff hello before turning back to Sam.

"Dean is in the study room. I'll fix dinner." Bobby said, nodding once to Gabriel before walking into the kitchen. Sam smiled at Gabriel relieved before leading him towards the study.

"I don't think he liked me." Gabriel said once they got out of voice range of Bobby. Sam reached back, taking Gabriel's hand for a moment and giving it a momentary squeeze.

"He's gruff with everyone. He likes you." Sam assured, relieved that his uncle seemed to accept Gabriel easily. He's seen Bobby when he didn't like someone, and it was terrifying.

He let go of Gabriel's hand as they walked into the study. After all, they hadn't come out and told either Bobby or Dean that they were dating. Sam already had an idea that his uncle already knew though. Now it was just Dean.

It turned out being easier than he thought it would. "This is your close friend that was coming over? I thought you hated the kid." Dean said, looking up and staring at the duo with vague interest. Sam shrugged, looking over at Gabriel with a soft smile.

"We found that we got along better than I thought we would." Sam said, blushing slightly, though it wasn't noticeable to Dean, who only grunted with amusement.

"What did you do? Make out during detention or something?" Dean said, and although Sam knew it was a joke, it made him grin and he linked Gabriel's hand with his again, giving a soft hum.

"No, we kissed last night." Sam said, smirking at his brother's face as he leaned over, pecking Gabriel on the lips with a gentle kiss that lasted just long enough for Dean's face to turn red.

"Would you mind not kissing in the middle of the doorway? People are trying to get through." Sam heard Bobby say behind him and blushed, parting from Gabriel and stepping out of the way. His uncle had a smile on his face though, making Sam relax.

"You knew about this?" Dean asked, struggling to comprehend what he had just witnessed. Sam almost felt sorry for his poor brother.

"Of course I knew." Bobby huffed, rolling his eyes as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "He spends all his weekend staring at that picture this kid gave him. I'd be stupid to believe that nothing was going on."

"Picture?" Dean echoed, tipping his head at his brother with a controlled look of horror on his face. Sam laughed, knowing that they were going to have a lot of explaining to do.

The Trickster | Sabriel Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now