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Sam's breath stirred Gabriel the next morning, ghosting over his face and causing the trickster's eyes to flutter open, a yawn escaping his lips. Gabriel turned over in Sam's arms, resting his frozen nose against Sam's chest and letting out a content sigh, a single bird chirp floating through the air.

"Sam, we should probably go home before we freeze." Gabriel mumbled, not even sure if Sam was actually awake as he nudged Sam's shoulder with a sleep-ladened hand. Sam opened his eyes slowly, his eyes blurred with sleep as he looked down at the trickster, taking a deep breath and stretching.

"What time is it?" Sam asked, sitting up and running his hand through his wild hair. Gabriel shrugged, fishing out his phone and staring at the screen.

"8:24." Gabriel replied, slowly standing and pulling his coat tighter around his body.

"We should go to your house and get warmed up and something to eat." Sam suggested, standing as well, looking at all the blankets that had been wrapped around them. "I'll grab these real quick and we'll go."

The cleanup took a few minutes, and both of them were laden with blankets by the time they finished, but neither of them found themselves minding as the cloth kept out the cold, keeping their torsos and arms warm as they walked.

They got to Gabriel's house only a few minutes later, both of them walking in and shivering at the warmth that flooded the both of them, dumping the blankets on the couch.

"Finally, I thought I was going to freeze." Gabriel said, rubbing his arms and smiling at Sam. "I had fun though, so it was worth becoming a popsicle."

"Good, now let's get something warm and relax for a little bit." Sam said, smirking at Gabriel as the boy nodded, heading into the kitchen. Sam followed, feeling happy and relaxed as they entered the kitchen.

Gabriel dug through the cabinet, pulling out a couple cans of food. "How about beef stew? It isn't great, but it's something that can be really warm." Gabriel said, shaking the cans at Sam. The Winchester nodded, grabbing one of the cans and moving over to the stove.

Together, they got a pan and opened the cans, dumping the contents into the pan and adding a little bit of water so it wasn't so thick. Sam turned on the stove, stirring it with a plastic spoon before sitting back, waiting for it to warm.

"I'm still cold." Gabriel complained, hugging Sam tightly and burying his face in Sam's chest. Sam wrapped his arms around him, letting the boy relax into grip, leaning against the counter for leverage and resting his mouth on Gabriel's hair.

"Why don't you see if your dad wants some?" Sam asked, eyeing the soup that was slowly beginning to bubble. "It should be done soon."

"Alright. I'll be right back." Gabriel said, leaving the kitchen while Sam continued stirring the stew. It took only a minute, and Gabriel came back, a frown on his face as Sam moved the pan off the hot plate.

"He's not here. I guess he finally went out." Gabriel said with a shrug, sniffing the air and moving over to the pan. "It smells good, let's eat."

Gabriel grabbed some bowls and spooned the stew into them, setting them on the counter to give them a minute to cool. Sam pulled out his phone, checking his texts, and finding nothing but Dean complaining about Castiel and his obsession with Dean's hair. He smirked, nudging Gabriel and motioning towards his phone.

"Look at what your brother's doing to Dean."


Sam relaxed on the couch of Bobby's living room, a book in his lap as he read, a smile on his face as he read over the different mythologies. Dean sat at Bobby's desk, scribbling something down on a piece of paper before groaning, resting his head on the wooden desk. Bobby was outside, working on something that he refused to tell either of them about.

"Cas is killing me." Dean said, making Sam raise his head curiously. "The nurse is letting him go out for the day, and he asked my to plan all the things we're going to do. What do I look like, a daily planner?"

Sam smirked, resting the book on the couch and watching Dean. "That's his way of asking you on a date, Dean. He likes you." Sam said, an urging in his voice that made his brother's cheek tints pink.

"No he doesn't, he just likes having company." Dean grumbled, looking down at the paper and continuing on what he was scribbling down. Sam sighed, shaking his head at his brother's stubbornness.

Sam's phone rang, and he frowned, pulling it out of his pocket and looking at it. Gabriel's name flashed on the screen and his eyebrows furrowed in worry as he pressed talk. Gabriel never called.

"Gabriel? What's wrong?" Sam asked, listening to the harsh breathing he heard on the other line. He felt a flush of panic, standing and already heading towards the door before Gabriel even spoke.

"Dad didn't come home last night." He heard Gabriel say, his voice full of whimpers and sniffs as the trickster cried. "He didn't come home and he called the social services and now they're here and..."

"Gabriel, keep calm. I'll get there in a minute, okay?" Sam said, worry creasing his features as he hurried out the door. He planned on running, but Dean was by his side in an instant, his car keys in his hand.

"They want to take me away. I don't want to go to a foster home. I want to stay with you." Gabriel cried, and Sam could hear voices in the background of the other line as he got into the Impala, the engine starting up before they pulled out of the driveway.

Reaching Gabriel's house took mere minutes, and Sam frowned as he saw a black car in their driveway. He hopped out, not even bothering to knock as he walked into the house.

Gabriel was sitting on the couch, holding tightly to the necklace around his neck as he cried, his arms wrapped around himself. When he saw Sam, he lunged forwards, wrapping his arms tightly around him and crying.

"They're going to take me away." Gabriel said with a whine, clutching onto Sam as the social service woman cleared her throat, looking guilty, but professional as she stepped forwards.

"I'm sorry, Gabriel, but your father made it very clear that he wasn't coming back, and to take care of you. There are just no open foster homes in this state." The woman said, sympathy in her voice as Gabriel looked back at her, tears falling even faster.

"We'll keep in touch, okay Gabe? Don't worry, I'll be there with you every step of the way." Sam said, hugging Gabriel tightly before kissing him on the lips. There was only a moment when they were together, then Gabriel was being led out of the house by the woman, his eyes wide with sadness as Sam watched sadly.

The Winchester took a step forwards, his heart burning as he spoke. "I'll wait for you."

The Trickster | Sabriel Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now