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In the next few days, Gabriel only seemed to get worse. He stopped drawing, stopped smiling, even stopped with his pranks. Everyone left him alone, even the teachers when he did not do his work. It broke Sam's heart, and there was absolutely nothing he could do. After three days, Sam noticed that Gabriel was beginning to push away his food. 

So, Sam did what any normal person would do, he forced Dean to drive him over to their house, holding a small wrapped plate. He would have walked, but he didn't want anything to happen to the food he made. Dean didn't seem to mind though, knowing that Gabriel was going through a rough time.

They pulled into the driveway only a moment later and Dean switched off the engine. "Do you want me to come in with you?" His brother asked, concern lacing his features. Sam hesitated before nodding. 

Together, they got out and made their way to the front door, Sam giving the door a soft knock and waited, feeling his heart beginning to race in his chest. He was nervous, and he didn't know why.

The door opened, and Sam was greeted with a man with wild black hair and striking blue eyes. He heard Dean gasp, but didn't glance back, confusion littering his gaze.

"You must be Sam Winchester, yes? I remember Gabriel speaking of you." The man said, his voice void of emotion. Sam nodded, swallowing thickly as the man turned his attention to Dean standing behind Sam.

"And you are? I don't believe Gabriel ever mentioned an angel that visited him." The man said, tipping his head. Sam's eyes widened and he glanced back at his brother, who was turning bright red and beginning to stammer.

"Castiel? Who is it?" Sam heard Gabriel say, coming into view as the man glanced back, a smile forming on his face. "Sam? What are you doing here?"

"I just came here to....bring you food and check up on you. Um...who's this?" Sam asked, glancing at Castiel with a curious look. The black-haired man turned his gaze to him, a blank look in his face as he tipped his head.

"This is my brother, Castiel. After he heard what happened to Hael, he got permission from his mental institution to visit." Gabriel explained, giving Sam a brief smile before opening the door and allowing the Winchesters come in. Sam glanced back at Dean, his brother's eyes trained on Castiel, before making his way in, feeling a bit awkward as he looked around the house.

The home was not much different as when he last visited, but still, something felt different to Sam. It was if that the life and happiness that the home had been holding onto after Hael died had dissipated, leaving nothing but a sadness that clutched at Sam's throat.

"Hey, Cassie. Why don't you show Dean that rock collection the institution gave you? I'd bet he'd love it." Gabriel suggested, a small smile on his face. Castiel nodded, looking back at Dean and motioning him forwards.

"Dean Winchester, if you would follow me." Castiel said, his formal voice both unnerving and settling Sam's stomach. Dean, however, looked terrified as he nodded stiffly, following after Castiel with only a single glance back towards his younger brother.

"Will he be alright?" Gabriel asked, a small hint of amusement creeping into his voice, something that Sam hadn't heard since his sister died. Sam let out a small chuckle, setting the plate on the table and nodding, crossing his arms over his chest.

"I think Dean is going through the, I don't want to admit that I'm gay, but I'm totally fucking gay phase, and I think he might just  have a thing for your brother." Sam said, a pleasant smile on his face as he realized that Dean might finally have found a direction in his life. "Why is your brother in an institution anyways?"

"Oh, he believes that demons, angels, ghosts, and all that exist. One time, we saw him with a weird sword of some kind trying to stab a woman as she walked down the road. So, they had to take him away." Gabriel said, running his hand over his arm subconsciously. "He's much better now, and they're even considering letting him out and living in the real world. After all, he doesn't even know what anything outside that padded wall anymore."

Sam nodded, pulling the chair out and sitting in it, patting his legs as an invitation for Gabriel. "Then Dean will have a hell of a time trying to explain all the references he uses." Sam said, an involuntary smirk crossing his face at the thought. Gabriel nodded, moving over and sliding into Sam's lap, looking nothing but tired. It left Sam's smile fading, being replaced by one of sadness when he realized that his Gabriel was quickly disappearing.

Sam slowly reached up, letting his hand cup Gabriel's cheek gently. There was a sting in his heart, and he realized that he didn't want Gabriel to ever be sad. It left him feeling like he was unable to breathe, like he couldn't be happy without his little trickster smiling.

Gabriel leaned into the touch, letting out a sigh and letting his eyes flutter closed for only a moment. "I'm sorry, Sam." Gabriel spoke, his eyes opening slowly, only to blink several times to hold back tears. "I really am a mess aren't I?"

Sam didn't know how to respond, his own eyes beginning to prick with tears. He didn't want to cry, but Gabriel's pain was quickly becoming his own, and he couldn't stop himself from hugging the boy tightly, listening to the sobs that were beginning to form in Gabriel's throat as he cried, Sam's own silent tears beginning to make their way down his face.

Several minutes passed with the just the sound of Gabriel's crying and the very faint music of what Sam thought to be ACDC playing from somewhere in the house. Soon, Gabriel's whimpers and sobs subsided, and he lifted his head, wiping at his tears and looking down at Sam with such hopelessness in his eyes, it made Sam want to cry all over again.

But Sam wiped the tears from Gabriel's face with his thumb, feeling a determination wash over him. His trickster was lost, but he would search to the ends of the earth to find him.

The Trickster | Sabriel Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now