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So, there's only three more chapters of this. Can you believe it? It seemed like only a short time ago that I started this. I'm going to miss this story T.T


The sky grew darker, orange coloring the sky as it grew to a duller purple, the sun sinking below the horizon as Sam waited, leaning against the tree just beyond Gabriel's yard. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, keeping them warm in the mid-December air.

He saw the shift of a window to the right and stared at it, watching as he saw a form walk past the pale white curtains, only for the door to open, and Gabriel to slip out. His boyfriend grinned, closing the door behind him silently.

Gabriel made his way over to Sam, carrying a small bag stuffed full and a grin on his face, the necklace Sam had made swinging from his neck pleasantly. He pecked Sam on the lips, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist and squeezing gently.

"Ready?" Sam asked, wrapping his arms around Gabriel to keep the both of them warm. Gabriel nodded, glancing back and waving to his dad, who watched from the living room window. The man was gaunt, his face hollow and his skin pale. Sam felt his heart sting with sympathy for the man, glancing back down at Gabriel.

"Let's go then." Sam replied, pulling away from the hug and sliding his hand into Gabriel's, leading him down the street and towards their destination. Sam had picked it out, wanting to do more for Gabriel's birthday instead of just giving him a gift, so he had planned this for the following week, hoping that they could spend some quality time together.

"He's not doing well is he?" Sam asked eventually, looking down at Gabriel. The trickster sighed, shaking his head and squeezing Sam's hand just a little bit harder.

"No, he's still not eating enough to be healthy." Gabriel replied, his lips pressing together in a thin line as he looked ahead. "I'm worried about him."

"I can understand that." Sam replied, leaning down at kissing Gabriel on the top of the head. "Just try to be there for him as much as you can."

"I know." Was all Gabriel said before falling silent. Sam didn't mind though, knowing that his little trickster had a lot on his mind. Instead, he stared at the sky, watching as the darkening sky gave the clouds a luscious deep blue and pink. It was a beautiful sunset.

The walk was short, and as they came upon the clearing that Sam had found. He had laid out a blanket, several other blankets laying out to the side, pillows stretching along the top edge of the blanket. There were snacks and drinks hidden in a basket, and there was a small lamp  full of light casting a soft glow around the entire clearing.

"It's so pretty." Gabriel's voice cut in, barely above a whisper as they walked over to the blanket, sitting down and relaxing against the soft cloth. There was a rustle of trees as the wind blew through, chilling the air even more so. "I can't believe that you went through all of this for me."

"Why not? You are important to me." Sam said with a shrug, pulling some of the blankets over and covering their laps. Even though it was cold, he always remembered Gabriel telling him how much he wanted to sleep outside sometime, and what better night than when the bugs didn't bother them?

"I feel honored." Gabriel said with a smile, leaning against Sam and sighing, staring up at the sky. Sam stared at him with soft eyes, his smile creeping across his face as he leaned closer, capturing Gabriel's skin along his neck in a soft kiss.

"You just can't keep your lips off of me, can you?" Gabriel asked with a teasing groan, making Sam smile against his skin as he slowly continued kissing up his neck and along his jawing, feeling his boyfriend shiver as he kissed the edge of his ear.

"No, you taste like candy." Sam said, finally pulling away and pecking Gabriel's lips gently before laying back on the ground, staring up at the sky. Gabriel followed suit, curling up against Sam's chest. 

They laid there for several minutes without speaking, letting their noses grow cold from the night air and their cheeks turning bright red. Neither of them cared though, as they felt safe in each other's arms, and Sam wouldn't give up that feeling for the world.

"You chose the coldest night to do this didn't you?" Gabriel mumbled, finally breaking the silence with his teasing voice. Sam rolled his eyes, looking down at the grinning boy and sighing, shaking his head.

"Not my fault you were born in the dead of winter." Sam said matter of factly, only to laugh as he felt Gabriel's fingers tickle his ribs. "Gabe, don't you dare."

"Don't dare to do what?" Gabriel asked innocently, sitting up and staring at Sam as if him doing anything wrong was beyond belief. Sam sat up, watching him with a careful look, only to try to escape when Gabriel tickled his ribs, forcing Sam to laugh.

Sam tried to escape the trickster's grasp, twisting and pushing at Gabriel to try to get him off. It worked at first, but he couldn't keep it up as Gabriel climbed on top of him, straddling his waist and holding on tightly with his legs.

"Gabe, please." Sam pleaded, staring up at the mischievous gaze of his boyfriend. The trickster sighed and leaned over, resting his arms on Sam's chest and nuzzling his frozen nose into the crook of Sam's neck.

"Cuddle with me and I'll stop." The trickster mumbled, letting his lips brush against Sam's skin gently. The Winchester relaxed, wrapping his arms around Gabriel and rolling onto his side, letting them both get into position. Gabriel shifted until his back was against Sam's chest. Sam pulled him close, resting his mouth against Gabriel's hair and closing his eyes.

Both of them felt completely warm throughout that night.

The Trickster | Sabriel Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now