The Crying, The Bitch, and The Homophobe

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Sam's weekend went at a slow pace when his dad was around. He mainly stayed in his room, only coming out for food or using the bathroom before returning to his hideout. In his room, he did nothing but his homework and mindless doodling, just praying for school to come quicker so he didn't have to see his father.

It was wearing on Sunday night when Sam's boredom reached its peak, and his mindlessly let his hand write along a piece of paper, not thinking about anything. He had read somewhere that if he did this for long enough, he would write down things he didn't even know he thought of. It was worth a shot at least.

After ten minutes, he felt his pencil hit the desk beneath the paper, and knew he had run out of room. He sighed, setting the pen down and stretching his stiff hand before picking up the paper and reading over it.

Most was about random things, like his anger for his father, how much he loves nature, and things like that. It was when he got about halfway down that he grew interested as the words changed and began describing something else, something that his mind described as much more beautiful.

Sam was at a loss for words as he read about the description of pure beauty in these words, as if he were describing heaven other than something on this earth. It was amazing as the words became to get sloppier and sloppier, as if he was trying to get down all his thoughts when he came to the last word, his heart hammering as he realized he had written down the thing he had described.

He decided that that was enough writing for one day.


The next morning, Sam was out the door before either his brother of his dad woke. He didn't want to have to deal with John and his drunken ways, and was glad that he had enough time to walk to school rather than catch a ride.

He saw Gabriel up ahead, and he couldn't help but smile as he lengthened his strides to catch up, calling the boy's name. The trickster turned his head, and Sam's pace slowed as he got nearer, seeing the sad look in Gabriel's eyes.

"Are you okay?" Sam asked, tipping his head in worry. Gabriel shook his head, strangely quiet as he looked at the ground.

"Just been having trouble sleeping." Gabriel admitted, bumping against Sam's shoulder as they walked together. Sam frowned, furrowing his eyebrows.

"Maybe you should go home and get some sleep then." Sam suggested gently, knowing that there was more to the story than what Gabriel was telling him. The trickster shook his head, rubbing tiredly at his eyes.

"I'm fine, Sam. Don't worry about it." Gabriel said, smiling at the boy. Sam nodded, his eyes trailing over the paleness of Gabriel's face and the darkness under his eyes. It was obvious that the boy did not have a good night at all.

"If you say so." Sam said softly, wrapping the boy in a one armed hug before continuing their way to school.


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