Sam's Interesting Discovery

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Biology the next day was the same as it was before; test the tendrils for movement and record your findings. Sam, unlike yesterday, was much more focused, especially as Gabriel had not yet showed up for class that day. As much as he didn't want to admit, he was missing the boy's wild nature and crazy schemes.

He seemed to have spoke too soon as he heard the greenhouse door open, followed by the lecturing of a teacher. When Sam looked up, he saw the trickster with a grin on his face, and a sucker in his mouth, ignoring the teacher's words completely as he moved over to Sam.

"...suckers everywhere! What a kid is doing with that much candy is beyond me!" The teacher growled to Mrs. Rowena as she glared at Gabriel. Sam arched one eyebrow and looked over at Gabriel, curiosity burning at his chest.

The trickster held up a finger, waiting for the teacher to finish ranting and leave, before turning to Sam. "Yesterday, she gave me a bad grade for my presentation, so I got a little bit of my candy stash and put it all over her room." Gabriel said cheekily, grinning as he turned to the plant, poking the tendril with his finger.

Sam pressed his lips together in confusion. "How much candy did you have to make her so angry?" Sam asked, putting down the craft knife he had been using earlier. Gabriel straightened up, pursing his lips for a moment in thought.

"Just enough so that the desks spelled out 'The Trickster' in suckers." Gabriel answered, chuckling to himself at his own genius as he looked over at Sam. "Anyways, were you bored while I was away?"

"I was getting work done for once if that's what you were asking." Sam replied, rolling his eyes as he turned back to the experiment. He let out a soft groan, trying to hide his blush as he felt Gabriel hug him from behind, a smirk on the trickster's face when he finally pulled away.

"Oh you know you prefer class with me." Gabriel said smugly, nudging Sam away from the experiment and grabbing his own tool. "See? I'm even helping you with your work."

"You mean our work." Sam replied, his bitchface activating as he watched the trickster with an unamused expression. Gabriel chuckled, nodding and twirling the craft knife expertly between his  fingers.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't get technical with me moose. I don't think animals should be that smart." Gabriel said teasingly, poking at Sam's arm. The taller teen smirked, pushing Gabriel on the shoulder and making the boy stumble away a few steps.

"Sad that a moose is smarter than you are." Sam retorted, turning back to the experiment. He sighed as he felt Gabriel clamber onto his back, shooting him a glare back over his shoulder. "What do you think you're doing now?"

"Remember that day when we walked to school together and you wouldn't give me a piggyback ride?" Gabriel said, an air of innocence on his face though Sam could see the deviousness in the trickster's eyes. "Well, this is revenge for that."

"Well, get off. It's hard enough doing this, never mind having someone climb on me." Sam said, only to turn bright red as he heard Gabriel laugh. The trickster leaned forwards, his breath ghosting over Sam's ear and giving the taller teen chills.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you, moose?" Gabriel whispered before hopping off and returning to the project, leaving a very embarrassed Sam. The taller teen rubbed at his face, but it felt too hot, and he asked the teacher to use the restroom before escaping.

The walk to the restroom was very nerve-wracking for Sam, as he was trying hard not to think about what Gabriel had done to embarrass him, but only able to think about it at the same time. When he reached the bathroom, he turned on the water and splashed water on his face, the color on his cheek abating just a little bit and returning to a semi-normal shade.

When he lifted his head, he realized that someone was in there with him, but relaxed as he saw it was just Mike. "What happened to you? I've seen tomatoes look less red than that." The amber-eyed boy said calmly, turning on the faucet and washing his hands.

Sam shook his head. "Just....Gabriel being Gabriel." Sam replied, not bothering to explain. Most people would understand it anyways. When Gabriel wanted to embarrass someone, he could do it to the extreme. Mike was one of those, and chuckled in understanding.

"I see." Mike said, flicking excess water off his hand before grabbing a paper towel. "I noticed that he's been targeting you quite a bit lately. Sure, there's those small pranks with the teachers and the like, but his main focus has been your embarrassment. I wonder why."

Sam arched one eyebrow at Mike, a confused look crossing over his face. "Targeting me? I thought he did that to everyone." Sam replied, tipping his head. Mike shook his head, furrowing his eyebrows.

"He doesn't go all out like he does to you. The thing with the ping pong balls, the flower petals, the note on your back," Sam groaned as he realized that Mike had seen that, "It has a lot people talking about what is really going on. He doesn't go to such to great lengths to prank other people."

"What could going all out mean? That I'm easily embarrassed?" Sam asked, a sarcastic tone coming across his face as he glanced at himself in the mirror. It was true. Unlike his brother, he wasn't one to want to be noticed by everybody.

"There are rumors, but they're pretty ridiculous." Mike said, rolling his eyes at the thought of rumors. Sam agreed with the obvious hatred for the stupid lies that people like to spread. For ones about Gabriel though, he was curious.

"What are they?" He asked, his curiosity getting the best of him. Mike shrugged, throwing his paper towel away. The boy furrowed his eyebrows, trying to remember them all.

"Well, because Gabriel seems to be paying you special  attention, some people seem to think that he hates you. Others think he has a huge crush on you and won't admit it. Some think that you're secretly already dating. There was one about a you being his slave and disobeying him and this was your punishment-" Sam cut Mike off by clamping his hand over the boy's mouth, his red cheeks coming back full force.

"Okay, okay, I get it. People are now very interested in my life." Sam said embarrassedly, looking at the mirror before shaking his head. "That's so fucking weird. A slave? Really?"

Mike nodded, blanching a little bit." Yeah, people get a bit crazy after a while." He offered, glancing at the watch on his wrist and sighing. "This has been fun, Sam, but I need to get back to class. I'll see you later, alright?"

With a soft farewell, Sam watched Mike leave before groaning and splashing his face once more and heading back to the greenhouse, the rumors weighing heavily in his mind.

It was going to be another long day.

The Trickster | Sabriel Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now