Not Dean

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Sam heard a soft clunk come from the living room of Bobby's house, jerking him awake. He was a light sleeper, and he couldn't help but feel apprehensive as he slowly got out of bed, creeping towards his door and slowly edging it open.

The whole house was silent, but he swore he could hear footsteps as he moved down the hallway, his muscles tense as he glanced through the door into the living room, where a figure was. At first, he thought it was Dean.

"What are you doing up, Dean? It's late." Sam said, relaxing as he walked towards his brother. However, when he switched on the light, he was greeted by his dad standing there, a gun in his hand and a snarl on his face.

"What are you doing here?" Sam hissed, his voice harsh and unforgiving as he eyed the gun in John's hand. He was not going to be friendly with his father, not after what he had done to Dean.

"I'm coming to get you back. Bobby had no right to take you boys from me." John said, a crazy look in his eyes that had Sam wincing. Despite the fear he felt, Sam found himself angry.

"He had every right to take us. You were killing Dean. I don't care what you want us to do. We're not you pawns." Sam spat, taking a step back away from his father. "Now get out of here before I call for Bobby."

John grinned and raised his gun, pointing it at the ceiling. He pulled the trigfer, the sound echoing through the rooms and making Sam clutch his hands over his ears.

"No need. I'll get him myself." John replied, his voice harsh and dangerous. Sam shivered, taking another step back, wishing he had his phone with him so he could call the police. It took only a second before he heard Bobby and Dean's footsteps, fear filling his chest for the both of them.

"What the he'll are you-" Bobby started to say, only to stop as he saw John standing there. Dean came up behind his uncle and Sam swallowed nervously, fearing what the John might actually do.

"I'm coming to take my kids back, okay Bobby?" John said, his eyes alight with insanity. Bobby let out a scoff, seemingly not afraid despite the fact that there was a mad man with a gun.

"You aren't taking them anywhere. You are not a real father and don't deserve them." Bobby responded, blocking Dean from getting out behind him.

John raised his gun, a resigned look on his face. "I'm sorry you feel that way." John said softly before he pulled the trigger, shooting Bobby in the gut.

"Bobby!" Sam shouted, rushing over and dropping to his knees, grunting as both he and Dean rolled the man over, a steady stream of blood leaking from the room and soaking into his shirt.

"You monster!" Sam shouted at John, feeling tears in his eyes as he glared at the man. "I hate you! Just go fucking die already!"

John's face twisted into one of anger and he stalked over, grabbing Sam by his hair and jerking him up. Dean was up in an instant, wrenching Sam from John - Sam might have yelped a little - and pushing his father backwards.

"Don't you dare touch him!" Dean growled, a strength in his voice that Sam had never heard before.

John merely laughed, aiming the gun right at Dean's skull. "You won't fight me Dean. You never have." John growled, as if he were just waiting for Dean to do what he always did, follow him silently.

"You've never hurt Sam before." Dean growled, lunging forwards and grabbing the gun, wrenching it to the side. Sam scrambled away, back over to Bobby, as the gun went off, the bullet lodging into the wall.

John finally lost hold of the gun and Dean wrenched it out of his grip, pointing it back at his father, who raised his hands in surrender.

"Sam, call an ambulance." Dean growled. Sam nodded, darting into the room adjacent to this one and picking up the phone. He dialed the police, his heart racing as he watched the both of them out of the corner of his eyes.

As soon as the woman spoke, he pulled his attention back to the phone. "My uncle's been shot." Sam said, his voice slightly rushed and panicked. He was terrified, and he couldn't help but whimper as he realized that Bobby might actually die.

The lady asked him a few more questions which he promptly answered. Soon, there was nothing left to do but watch Dean and John, both of them tense and watching each other carefully.

"You won't shoot me Dean. You don't have it in you." John said, as if he knew exactly what Dean was thinking. His brother seemed unfazed, and Sam realized that Dean had finally snapped from the years of abuse.

"Come within an inch of Sam and I'll blow your brains all over the wall." Dean responded, his eyes dark and his hands unwavering from their position.

This tenseness continued for several minutes, making Sam almost shake with nerves. Almost anything could happen, and he didn't want Dean to get hurt. Finally though, he heard the siren of the police, making him almost sigh in relief.

"Go tell them what's going on so they don't think it's me." Dean grunted at Sam, who nodded and hurried out the door.

He prayed that Bobby was alright.


Sam curled up on Gabriel's couch, shivering slightly as his boyfriend ran his hand down his spine and back up comfortingly.

After the police had detained John, they had took Bobby to the hospital. Dean had dropped Sam off at Gabriel's, telling him to rest while he stayed with Bobby during the surgery. At first, Sam had protested, but he knew his brother wouldn't let up, so he eventually agreed.

"I wish you would have told me that this was happening to you. I had no idea that your father was..." Gabriel trailed off, as if unsure how to put his next words. Sam just shook his head, feeling the soft fabric of Gabriel's pajama pants beneath his cheek.

"You already had a lot going on." Sam replied, his throat clenching as he held back his tears. He felt one slip out and quickly wiped it away, trying to hold his resolve.

"Sam, just because I've been having a hard doesn't mean that I don't care about you. If something like this is going on again, tell me. I mean, living with an abusive father... I want to help you when I can." Gabriel said, and Sam turned his head, looking up at his boyfriend. There was a kindness there, something that brought the tears forth.

Sam sat up, wrapping his arms tightly around Gabriel as he began crying. Gabriel held him, letting him release all that he had been feeling, and Sam couldn't thank him enough.

Hello! I just wanted to let you guys know that I start school tomorrow, so I should start updating everyday again. Also, I have a good question. I want to start a story where Dean goes to hogwarts. It will be a destiel, so I'm just wondering if you guys would read it or not.

And one more thing, if you like the ship of draco and Harry , read it was all just a game by write_me227. Honestly, it's the best drarry I've ever read and I would recommend it to anyone that likes that ship

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