The Lazer Tag Date That Was Definitely Not a Date

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That afternoon, in their detention, Sam and Gabriel didn't talk much, both seeming to avoid the other. Sam would occasionally - more like oftenly - glance Gabriel's way, only to turn his head quickly when he caught the trickster's gaze. It was awkward, and Sam hated it.

"Is something wrong?" Sam finally gained the courage to ask, not looking at Gabriel as he wiped down another desk. The detention teacher had gotten them to clean another room spotless. Sam just assumed that she prefered as few kids with her as possible.

"Nothing's wrong, my dear moose. I just figured you didn't want to talk since you've been acting so quiet since Biology." Gabriel replied, his voice nonchalant, but Sam found himself not believing that for an instant. Something was on Gabriel's mind.

"You know, I just got the distinct feeling that you're lying to me." Sam said, keeping his own voice as casual as he could. He glanced back, seeing that Gabriel had suddenly tensed. Sam tipped his head, putting down his cloth and walking over to the trickster. "Gabe?"

Gabriel turned, giving him the biggest fake smile Sam has ever seen. "I'm perfectly fine, moose." Gabriel said, but his voice sounded far too flat. Sam sighed, leaning on the desk that Gabriel was cleaning on. He gave the trickster a slightly cheeky smile, trying to cheer him up.

"Do you need a hug?" He asked teasingly, but his smile soon fell as Gabriel looked down at the desk before giving a small nod. Sam tipped his head, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "What's going on Gabe?"

"Just some family problems." Gabriel mumbled, giving him a small forced smile. Sam nodded, knowing about that pretty well. He turned to head back to his side of the room when he felt Gabriel grab his wrist, turning his head back to the boy.

"You didn't give me my hug yet." Gabriel said, and although the boy was grinning like his normal self, Sam could see in his eyes that he needed some comfort. So, Sam returned the grin and pulled the smaller teen into a hug, his heart beginning to be beat faster as he felt Gabriel wrap his arms around him in response.

"If you need to talk to anyone, I'll be here." Sam whispered in Gabriel's ear, his fingers trailing over the trickster's shoulder blades as he released him from the hug. Gabriel nodded, looking relieved despite the worry on his face.

"I'll keep that in mind, my moose." Gabriel said softly, returning to his cleaning. Sam watched him before turning away, pressing his lips into a thin line and continuing his work.


Sam had been walking out of the school behind Gabriel when he grabbed the trickster by the wrist, meeting the confused gaze of the smaller teen evenly. "Would you like to go do something? I don't want to go home just yet." Sam suggested, offering Gabriel an urging smile.

The trickster seemed to mull it over for a minute before finally smiling. "Yeah, that sounds like it could be fun." Gabriel answered before pulling out his phone. "Just let me call my dad and ask real quick."

Gabriel began dialing a number, walking out hearing range as he held the phone up to his ear. Sam watched him, leaning against the wall and waiting patiently for the trickster to get done. When Gabriel came back, he was greeted with a large grin.

The Trickster | Sabriel Highschool AUWhere stories live. Discover now