The Question

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Okay, whoever played with me yesterday, I just wanted to tell you that you have made my life. You can ask my sister, I was so happy she said I was practically beaming. So, thank you so much for playing with me!(Even though I suck at the game)


The idea of asking Gabriel out on a date first came into Sam's head when he was watching a movie with Dean only for a gay couple to meet in a heated kiss. Sam felt a hammering in his heart that got him beyond excited, his thoughts automatically going to Gabriel and his lips. He knew he was screwed as soon as he realized he was smiling.

He sheepishly glanced at Dean, wondering if he had saw the smile plastered on his younger brother's face, but instead, he found his older brother lost in thought, his eyebrows furrowed together in concentration. Sam tried not to sigh in relief and nudged his brother, tipping his head.

"Dean, are you okay?" Sam asked, his voice soft as Dean looked over at him, blinking as if coming out of a daydream.

"Uh, y-yeah, 'm fine." Dean said, blushing the smallest bit. Sam didn't reply, nor do anything as Dean switched the TV off before heading into the kitchen. Sam sat on the couch for a couple more minutes longer, thinking about what just happened when he heard a crash coming from the kitchen, followed by a shout from their father.

Sam raced in there, coming upon the sight of Dean held his face while John yelled at him, waving around a metal spoon. A pan laid on the floor between them, it's contents strewn across the ground.

"...You're such a bumbling idiot!" John shouted, his tone harsh and unforgiving as his face glowed bright red. "I fucking work hard to make sure you kids are happy and what do you do?! You fucking mess everything up! I wish you would have never been born!"

Sam stepped in them, shoving his father back from Dean so he couldn't get close enough to hit him again. "Enough!" Sam shouted, wrestling the spoon from John's hand. "Leave while we clean this up!"

Up close, Sam could smell the alcohol on John's breath and knew that he was drunk, which only made the younger Winchester angrier. However, John usually heeded his youngest son's words and backed off, mumbling angrily as he shoved past both of them and into the hallway. Neither of them spoke until the heard the slam of his father's bedroom door.

Sam turned to Dean, pulling his brother's hand off his cheek and checking the redness that was beginning to turn purple, forming a heavy bruise. There was a small cut in the middle of it, slowly oozing blood. "It's not bad." Sam said in relief, wiping away the small amount of blood gently.

"It was an accident." Dean mumbled, a dejected look on his face as he stared at the food laying on the ground. Sam sighed, nodding and picking up the pan.

"I know Dean, it wasn't your fault. Sam said, beginning to clean up the food. There was a moment of hesitation before Dean began helping, and Sam swallowed thickly as he realized his brother was going to be in this depressed mode the rest of the day.

When they were finished, Sam gave his brother a warm hug, his eyes soft and concerned. "He didn't mean those things, Dean." Sam said, though they both knew that was not quite true. Their father had always seemed to have hated Dean no matter what he did.

"Yeah, I know." Dean replied, his voice showing how unconvinced he was before leaving the kitchen. Sam watched him go, anger forming in his chest as he thought of how much his father was destroying his brother.


It was nearing the end of Sam and Gabriel's last detention, and Sam was nervous. He had yet to finally ask Gabriel that was pressing on his mind and it was driving him crazy.

"Hey moose. You okay?" Gabriel asked, wiping down the last desk before looking at Sam, worry in his expression. "You've been quiet all day."

Sam bit his lip, his heart beginning to race as he steeled himself. "I wanted to ask you...something." Sam said, his confidence faltering at the end. Gabriel arched one eyebrow, setting down his cleaning stuff and facing Sam completely.

"What is it?" Gabriel asked, leaning his hands on the desk behind him. Sam took a deep breath, focusing on Gabriel's glowing eyes before spitting out the question before his nerves could stop him.

"Wouldyouliketogoonadatewithme?" Sam rushed out, but Gabriel understood as his eyes widened and his face grew red. Sam stood in complete silence, pressing his lips together to control his nervousness.

"Yes. I would like to." Gabriel replied, a small smile playing on his face as he looked at the ground shyly, all cockiness dropped.

Sam felt a grin beginning to split his face, and he couldn't help but let out a happy laugh, running a hand through his hair. "Oh thank God. This would have been so awkward if you had said no." Sam admitted, blushing as he revealed how shy he actually was.

Gabriel grinned, though there was a hint of sympathy on his face. "Why would I ever say no to you?" The trickster asked, his confidence coming back. Sam blushed, looking away and shrugging.

"I don't know. There was always a chance that you were straight." Sam said, almost as a mumble as he spoke. Gabriel laughed, a smirk coming across his face.

"No straight man would dump flower petals on another man's head." Gabriel replied, offering Sam a reassuring smile. Sam smiled back, finally feeling at ease around the boy again.

"So, date tomorrow? Pick you up at ten?" Sam asked, collecting his cleaning supplies to put them up. He could almost hear Gabriel's grin in his voice as the trickster spoke.

"Better make it nine, moose. I don't think I can wait any longer than that."

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