Rolling Along

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When Bobby first woke up, he was greeted by the both concerned and relieved faces of Sam and Dean. Dean had allowed a smile to crack his face, while Sam sighed, leaning back in relief that his uncle had woken up.

"Welcome back, Bobby." Dean said, Sam nodding in agreement as the younger Winchester sat up again, his hands clashing together in his lap as Bobby rubbed his head, confusion littering his expression.

"What happened?" Bobby asked, his voice groggy and disgruntled as he tried to sit up, only to stop when Sam put a hand to his chest, easing him back down.

"John shot you Bobby." Sam explained, glancing at Dean with a worried look. "We managed to hold him off until the police got there, but..."

"But what? Spit it out son." Bobby snapped, obviously a bit high strung from the medicine. Sam cleared his throat, looking down at his lap awkwardly. Dean sighed, sitting a bit straighter as he looked at his uncle.

"You're paralyzed from the waist down. I'm sorry, Bobby. I really am." Dean said softly, allowing his uncle a moment for what he said to sink in. Bobby looked away, growling softly under his breath.

"I'll kill your father if I ever see him again." Bobby eventually said, looking over at the boys with a sad, gruff smile.  "But as long as you two are all right, then I guess I can live with no legs."

"We'll help you as much as we can, Bobby, and don't worry. They locked that bastard away for good." Sam replied, ignoring Dean's stare. He knew his brother is still not quite against John yet, but he wasn't about to hide his hatred for the man for his sake.

"What are we going to do now?" Dean eventually asked, letting out a sigh as he rubbed the back of his neck. Sam smirked, wrinkling his nose at his brother.

"Why don't you go see, Castiel? Surely you could find some good company there. I'll stay here with Bobby while you go visit him." Sam said with a teasing smirk, trying to lighten the mood. Obviously from the way Bobby smiled to the way Dean blushed bright red, it worked.

"Shut your face." Dean snapped, turning away from Sam as the younger Winchester laughed. Bobby shook his head, arching one eyebrow at the two of them.

"I didn't know Dean was gay. Whose this Castiel that you two are talking about?" Bobby asked, his voice calm and casual. It was almost strange how different John and Bobby actually was. This discussion with their father would have taken a greatly different turn.

"Castiel is Gabriel's brother. You should have seen Dean's face when he saw him. He was gasping and in complete shock." Sam said with a smirk, winking at Bobby as Dean opened and closed his mouth, trying to come up with defending words to say.

"I am not gay for Cas!" Dean said, looking completely unconvincing as Sam laughed even harder, tears forming in his eyes.

"Cas? Since when did you give him a nickname? You've only met him the other day!" Sam said with a happy smirk, poking his brother in the arm. "What did you guys do when you went into his room? Make out?"

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